kats p.o.v
it was night and ron was back. I was sitting outside with hermonie "you cant stay long at him forever" I said looking at her "he left me, broke my heart, kat I think I have all the right to stay mad at him" hermonie said looking forward "hearts can be mended with some duck tape and some effection" I said smiling "duck tape?" hermonie giggled "duh, everything can be fixed with duck tape" I said with my 'duh' face. hermonie laughed and gave me a hug "I love you. you know exactly what to say" hermonie giggled "well, what can I say, im amazing like that" I said with a self centered attitude. suddenly we heard a big roar of fire and then it suddenly went down "whats going on in there?" hermonie said walking in "it wasnt me" I said quickly then realised she wasnt talking to me "sorry, force of habit hermonie tried not to laugh so she turned to ron and her smile dissappeared. "we need to talk" hermonie said walking a little forward "yer alright" ron answered sbe gave him the look of 'why are you speaking' and walked forward "I want to go see the lovegoods." hermonie annonced "what?" harry asked "see this its a letter, and looked how its signed, its that mark again. it keeps popping up. im beetle labard(???)" hermonie said "in the grave yard" I added walking forward "it was outside the wand shop as well" harry added. "what does it mean?" ron asked "look, you guys have no idea where the next horcrux is and neither do I, but this means something, I know it. im even getting that vibe from kat" hermonie said "what how? I thought I was the only one who could get that?" I asked "I lived with you for years" hermonie answered I nodded and shrugged "yer hermonies right. we ought to see love good" ron said moving arkwardly next to hermonie. "lets vote on it. those in favour" ron said lifting his hand hermonie gave off a go away vibe and walked away.
the next day we went to the lovegoods house. as walked up a hill harry asked hermonie if she was still mad a t ron "im always mad at him" hermonie replied. "luna" ron said "luna" hermonie repeated. we walked up to the door hermonie was at the front ron was in the middle and harry and I were at the back. "hello, who are you?, what is it?" he asked very frantically and low. "hello mr lovegood" harry said "im harry potter we met a few months ago...could we come in?" harry said moving forward. when we walked in and sat down there was a very arkward silences...and im not good at silences "wheres luna?" I asked to kinda break the ice "luna. she'll be along." he said...no...theres something else... the way he said that didnt seem right. we all arkward sipped our drinks and....ew..woo it tasted terrible. lucky I was kinda at the back so I spat it back in the cup. ewww my mouth. "so how can I help you mr potter?" mr lovegood asked "actually its about something you wre wearing at the wedding...a symbol" harry said. mr lovegood pulled out a neckless and showed it too us "you mean this?" he said. "yes, that exactly and what we wondered was what it meant" harry asked "well its the sign of the deathly hallows of course" he said. "the what" we said. "the deathly hallows, I assume your all familiar with the tall of the three brothers" mr lovegood said "yer" I said but just as I said that harry said no. "I have it in here actually" I said reaching down my bag. when I got it I pulled it out a chucked it too hermonie "your the best at telling stories" I said when she gave me a confused face she smiled and started to read "at twilght" hermonie said "midnight actually, mum always said midnight" ron corrected. I could have face palmed right then and there. hermonie gave him a kinda death glare "twilights fine. better actually" ron said. she continued reading and I watched mr lovegood get up and waln to the window...like hes expecting someone almost... when hermonie finished the book I was going to clap but then I thought...better not. "well there you have it. the deathly hallows" mr lovegood said. oohhhhhh I get it. "sorry sir I still dont understand" harry said confused. "ayyye...." mr lovegood mummbled looking for a piece of paper. he grebbed a pen and looked at harry who was behind him "the elder wand, the most powerful wand ever made" he said drawing a line for the wand. "the ressurection stone" he said drawing a small circle around it. "and the cloack of invisablity, togther they make the deathly hallows." mr lovegood said "together they make one master of death" he explained. "that mark was on a grave, mr lovegood does the pevial family have anything to do with the deathly hallows?" I asked "errr. the brothers were thought to be the original owners of the deathly hallows and the inspiration fkr the story" he said...well I think he did he was mumbling alot I couldnt understand. he seemed tense for somr reason. somethings not right "but the teas gone cold...I'll be right back" he said walking to the back. "are you alright?" harry asked me "yer I guess so" I answered "I knkw that face whats wrong" harry asked "I feel like theres something else going on here.. I dont know...I guess I could be wrong" I said as harry held my hands "lets get out of here im not drinking anymore of that stuff hot or cold" ron said we walked down to the kitchen where mr lovegood was "thank you sir" hermonie said which seems to startle him "you forgot the water. for the tea" ron said "did I?" he said. ok somethings up. "how silly of me" he said walking to the kettle "its no matter we really should be going" hermonie said."no you cant!" he shouted and ran to the door "sir?" I asked softly "your my only hope, they were angry you see, about what ive been writing, so they took her, my lun, my luna" he said walking towards harry. oh luna...no. "but its really you they want" he said moving ahrrys hajr to reveal the scar "who took her sir?" harry asked "voldermort" mr lovegood said in a deep voice. suddenly everything was happening! the kettle went off as thing were being shot everywhere we were on the floor moving on our hands trying to reach each other. when we finally did we avaporated out. "that just happened" I said when landed trying to get the plate out of my hair... "bloody hell, is there no one we can trust" ron asked. "they took luna because he supported me, hes just desperate" harry answered. "ill do the enchantments ron said as we walked like two steps three men where in front of me. fek..snachers. we started running but I couldnt use my speed cause id leave them behind and that would be terrible. their were spells being shot as us I was dodgeing all these damn chains that were being shot at me but I wasnt friggen easy I almost tripped I ran into circle area but I we were surronded. I was gonna flame up but hermonie was signaling no...oh yer. it wouldnt be good if they found out I was th most powerful witch in the world...one of the grabbed my arm and it hurt like hell."get off her!" ron yelled as someone grabbed hermonie ron got kicked in the stomach. "your boyfriend will get alot worse than that if he doesnt learn to behave himself" the head snatcher said. "what happened to you ugly?" he said to harry. one of the snachers looked up "no not you" he said. "whats your name?" he asked harry "dudley" harry said. hermonie must of done it to protect his identy 'sorry kat, I couldnt get to you in time.' hermonie said I looked to her and nodded. "you beautiful, ive seen you somewhere before" he said walking over to me. I gave him a confused face "what do they call you?" he asked me. "sarah hastings" I said in an australian accent its the only one i can do trying to wriggle free "australian. interesting" he said starting to walk away. but he stopped in his tracks and then walked over to me "red hair..." he said getting closer. I saw harry tense up a little bit more. he moved my neck to the side and moved my hair...revealing my damn scar. I forgot about that! the man laughed "you almost had me fooled katrina" he said smiling. "meet the most powerful witch in the world" he shouted happily I smirked and looked at hermonie "can I do it now...I mean theres no point." I said. she nodded. I pushed my hands and wind blew all of them away from me "go! run!" hermonie shouts "but-" I start but she cuts me off "find us later! run!" hermonie yelled. I looked at them all sadly before zooming off. but not far I can still follow them. "you two! find the girl!" the head yelled "but we have potter why do we need the girl?" one asked "because the dark one wants the girl!" the head shouted "why does he want kat!?" hermonie yelled "why else darl. to control her of course. her powers are beyond this world. imagine what he could do with that" the head said. so...he wants my powers...well to bad no nose. you cant have them! I wish I was transparent, invisable and undetected. I followed them silently..to malfoy manner...shat. we got inside and dracos dad was being all creepy and wispering stuff to him "come on now dont shy now come forward" bellatrix said to draco "what happened to his face" draco said. he looked as pale as ever. "yes what did happen to his face" bella asked the snatchers "I dont know thats the way we found him" the head snatcher said "and wheres the girl?" bellatrix asked "shes right there" one snatcher said pointing to hermonie "no you idiots! the red head! the most pwerful witch in the world! the one the drak lord needs!" bellatrix yelled "calm down bella" narcissa said. "but sissy-" bellatrix started but was cut off by narcissa "where ever they are shes not far away". bellatrix suddenly gasped "where did you get that!" she yelled at one of the snatchers holding the sword of griffindor "I found it in the girls bag but its mine now" he said I dont whats up but she just clicked and went mainiac taking out some snatchers "get out! get out!" she shouted "take the boys to the cellar I want to have a little convosation with this one. girl to girl!" she yelled. she better not hurt hermonie! when the boys where taken out I could see bellatrix getting her torture on. No! I put my hand out and blew bellatrix across the room "who did that was it you!" bella trix shouted at hermonie "avana kadabra!" bellatrix shouted but I stood in front of her so it hit me. "What! only one person can do that. katty dear. come out and play." bella trix said evily "see what did I tell you?" narcissa said. I made my self normal again "well its your chose" I said shrugging. "you shouldnt have come, the dark lord wants you. and Im going to have the pleasure of giving you in. she shot a spell at me but missed cause I zoomed oug the way "you'll have to catch me first." I said smiling. she hit me with a spell but it did nothing "im getting bored of this so I'll make you a deal" I said yawning "what kinda deal are we talking" bellatrix asked "oh its a good one. benifits both you and I" I said stretching "I should be the one too take her in." luicious shouted. oh boy here we go. "shhhh" narcissa shhed him "shes making a deal" narcissa added. "ok heres my deal. you have to let harry, ron, luna and hermonie go and I have to see them avaporate right here. and then I'll go with whoevers taking me to no nose and I wont put up a fight." I said "no kat!" hermonie yelled but narcissa put her hand over hermonies mouth "mmmm...but how is that a win win? potter gets away" lusious complained "true but think about it if potter gets away you can try and catch him again if I get away...well..: I explained walking side to side "but what if we can get you both?" narcissa asked. I laughed and shook my head "you realise I could snap my fingers and you can fall into a deep sleep and both of us get out of here...actually-" I started. I knew they coulnt resist..."ok deal!" bellatrix shouted. I smiled and nodded "good." I said "get the boys and the other girl" bellatrix said. when harry and ron came out they looked at us confused. hermonie was crying she knew what going to happen. "let her go" I said sternly to lucious "kat..please.: hermonie said shaking her head "I'll be fine. im always ok" I said "please go. dont make my deal for nothing "whats happening?" luna asked "whats going on?" ron asked looking back and forth "kat what are-" harry said but it was cut off by him avaporating. "alright take me to bawledy...oh and draco. make the rjght choices." I said. I gave him a sad smiled and bellatrix laughed. she walked up and grabbed my hand and we avaporated.
harrys p.o.v
we had avaporated to a beach. but I dont know what just happened "hermonie! wheres kat. whats happening?" I frantically asked the puddle of tears "she made a deal with bellatrix. that if she lets us all go then she'll go with her to voldermort without putting up a fight" hermonie cried. tears started pouring down cheek like water falls. why does she always have to do this! "couldnt she off set fire to them or something?!" ron cried "no she did it so that theres not as many looking for us. so now their only lookong for harry...now theres only one we neex to worry about. thats what she thought" hermonie cried. kat...where are you.
kats p.o v
it was a very dark room "where the lights at?" I yelled. suddenly the lights were switched on but they were all dim. "welcome katrina" voldermort said with bellatrix and lucious behind him "well done bellatrix now we just have to kill the boy and all shall be right with the world" voldermort said creepily "mhmm anyway so why thr heck am I involved in this?" I asked "becuase I need you on my side. noa put this ring on it will make you be put under my command." voldermort said. "fun. and why would I put it on?" I asked "because if you dont I'll kill this girl I think you know her?" I asked. I looked to the side of me to see a girl from year 8 last year standing there "fine give me the ring." I said gloomily. do I have to put it on....I took a deepbreath and put the ring on my finger. and then sudden darkness...

My Prince Charming ( a Harry Potter love story)
FanfictionKatrina Valentine is a normal girl until she finds out shes a witch and meets the famous Harry Potter. Will they become friends, or will they become more? (1-7 and maybe afterwards) (Being slowly edited. ) (This was my first book ever. ) (No longer...