kats p.o.v
"hold the fort neville" harry said to neville who nodded. well...lets get this over with. everyone was running around preparing for war to begin. "harry wait! does it matter if we find the horcrux?" ron asked "what?" harry asked "well hermonie and I were thinking-" ron started but was cut of by hermonie "it was rons idea actually completely brilliant" hermonie said quickly "well you destroyed tom riddles diary with the basilis fang? so we know where we might get one" ron explained ""ok. yep sure but take this so you know where to find me kat are you coming with me?" harry asked "im going to see if I can help with the charm. just to make it a little stronger" I explained he nodded and kissed me quickly "be careful" he said I nodded and ran off to find miss. "professor!" I shouted running at her they had already put up the dome "kat?" mcgonal asked "I can make it just that much more stronger" I said, I put out my hand and a pink zappy line came out and hit the domemy magic started spreading and the dome was a tad pink...very faintly. "thank you. yes I feel its just a bit stronger" mcgobal said as she took my hand. "kat one more thing. you and potters love is stronger than the most darkest evil. remember that" mcgonal said smiling at me. I smiled back and ran off to find harry. I turned a coner and bumped into draco! with seamus and neville!! "draco!" I shouted "kat hes on our side" neville said quickly "yer I know that, hes my cousin of course hes on our side" I said hugging draco tightly "wait what?" seamus asked "thats what I was trying to tell you guys. im her cousin" draco said happily when I pulled away "are you ok?! did they hurt you anymore?" I asked. I looked at his pulled up sleves and then imediately looked away "mm...that looks like it hurt" I said sadly "but its worth it. it means im free" draco said happily. I hugges him tightly again "I have to go. good luck with what ever you guys are doing" I said running off again. I saw people running inside "susan" I said as she ran into me "whats happening!?" I asked "their here!!" she shouted a death eater came through a window and I shot them with a fire ball. I saw harry and ran up to him "harry!" I shouted as I squished past people "kat!"he shouted back as I finally got up to him "neville!" I said when he ran up to us "are you alright?!" harry asked "never better! I feel like I can spit fire! have you seen luna!?" he asked "luna?" I said "I have the hots for her! and I might as well tell her! were both probably going to be dead by morning!" neville shouted, I looked at harry and he looked at me. my lips smashed into his sending sparks down me "I love you"i said pulling away "I love you too, come on" hadry said grabbing my hand. we started running up the stairs. we ran through the corridor as the celieng was falling down. we stopped in front of the room of requirement I looked back at all the rumble and stuff on the floor. "come on" harry said as a door apeared. "what are we looking for exactly?" I asked as we entered "a tiara sort of thing" harry answered as we looked for it. "harry I think I found it" I said lifting up a lid. I heard running footsteps "is this it?"I asked. it was a blueish tiara...quite pretty. "theres writing on it" I wispered. I was about to read it when I heard goyles voice "well well" he said I quivkly turned around to goyle, crabb and jack. " look what we have here" jack said "crucio" jake yelled I jumped in front of harry and the spell hit me, of course nothing happened "ugh I keep forgetting. thanks to you dracos now on the good side!" crabbe raged "he had a good heart but was surronded by evil" I explained eyeing them. harry was pulling me back slowly "expelliarmus" hermonie yelled harry and I ran back. spells...spells everywhere! I cant see god damn it! as they ran away ron ran after them "thats my girlfriend you numde!" ron yelled charging. I looked over to where the tiara was but it wasnt there anymore "where'd it go!" I painaced hermonie, harry and I started climbing like crazy! "got it!" I yelled pulling it out. hermonie looked at it when we jumped down. we heard rons voice and a faint light following it. what is that? "run! goyle sent the bloody place on fire!" ron shouted. a snake sort of shape was forming from the fire. "run! ill hold it off!" I yelled to harry as ron and hermonie where running "wha-" harry started but I cut him off "harry! my main elemnt if fire! if ive got anything ive got this!" I yelled quickly. harry hesitated but ran off as well I put up my hand and the fire literally looked like it hit a wall. "alright. stay" I said running to try and find the others. but everywhere I turned! fire! fire! more fire! "kat!" I heard people yelling bug I couldnt see anything "I cant find you! just go! flames dont effect me!!" I shouted "we cant just leave you!" hermonie shouted "you kinda have no choice!" I shouted back "be careful!" harry shouted "ill be fine!" I shouted.. then nothing. I was running through fire until I got to a wall. frik! there was a crash behind me and when I turned around a black cloud was coming at me!! I let out a small scream and just ran even though in my I knew there was a wall right there! I turned my head to see the wall like a cm away! I closed my eyes tightly but it was to late I had already taken that running step. I prepared for impact but it never came. I opened my eyes to see myself falling through the wall I hit the ground...but it was the fall out side of the room of requirements "kat! over here!"ron shouted I ran over to them and looked at harrys face...ya know the one he makes when hes seeing something he probably doesnt want to. "harry...." I wispered kneeling down next to him "its the snake. thats the last horcrux" harry explained..frik! "get inside him harry, if we can find him we can find the snake, we can end this" ron said. harry took a couple of breaths. hes head started turning side to side. I could see it was hard, hes breathing started to quicken a little. finally he opened his eyes. we got him.

My Prince Charming ( a Harry Potter love story)
FanfictionKatrina Valentine is a normal girl until she finds out shes a witch and meets the famous Harry Potter. Will they become friends, or will they become more? (1-7 and maybe afterwards) (Being slowly edited. ) (This was my first book ever. ) (No longer...