kats p.o.v
as we climbed out soaking wet we started walking up the hill. "he knows" harry said "you know who. he knows we broke into gringotts and he knows were hunting horcruxs" harry explained "how is it you know?" hermonie asked "I saw him" harry answered "you let him in?!" hermonie exclaimed "harry you cant keep doing that!" hermonie added "I cant always help it hermonie, or maybe I can I dont know" harry said. "never mind!" I said "what happened!?" ron added "hes angry and hes scared he knows that if we find all the horcruxs that we'll kill him" harry said "and theres one more thing! one of thems at hogworts" harry explained as I snapped all of us dry and in diffrent, comfortable clothes "what you saw it?" I asked putting my hair up in a pony tail "I saw the castle and rowena ravenclaw ot must have something to do with her! we have to go there now!" harry exclaimed "what! we cant do that! we have to plan!" hermonie exclaimed putting on shoes "hermonie when have any of our plans ever actually worked, we plan, we get there and all hell breaks lose" harry exclaimed "hes right but theres just one problem, snapes head master now so we cant just waltz in there" I explained. "um..well we'll go to hogsmete to honeyduke and take the secret passage through the cellar" harry said. "its...theres something wrong with him, you know in the past ive always been able to follow his thoughts..now its.." harry said "maybe its the horcruxs? maybe hes gettong weaker maybe hes dying?!" ron suggested "no its like hes wounded" harry answered. I took a breath as we avaporated and as soon as we landed some sort of alarm went off! we ran and hid as people looked around...it was actually scary...the alarm went off again and the ran away, it was dark and I could barely see but oh well. we ran up the stairs to the room we need to be in we keept running but hit a gate! fudge! "in here potter. oh a valentine as well" the creepy voice from behind a doorway said. harry walked in first and we followed. I walked in and looked around the cozy little place. there was a newspaper sitting on a chair I turned it over and looked at it, I was staring at a picture of me in forth year, this is when I won the tournement that I didnt want to do. I turned the paper back over on the chair. "you are bloody fouls coming here a man said I turned around to see dumboldores brother "your dumboldores brother" I said looking at him "its you ive been seeing in here" harry said looking at a peice of mirror in his hand "who gave that to you, the mirror" harry asked "mudungas fletcher, bout a year ago" he answered "dung had no right giving that to you it belongs-" harry started but was cut of "sirus" A said (I dont know how to spell his full name) "he also told me youd be hagged off if you found out I had it, but think about this, were would you be if I didnt have it" A explained. harry was silenced; as he put down food hermonie, ron and I attacked that plate! hermonie was speaking but I was to busy eating to hear "we need to get into hogwarts, tonight" harry said "dumboldores given us a job to do" harry added "nice job? easy?" A asked "were hunting horcruxs, we think the last ones in hogwarts" harry answered "my brother has given you a suicide mission" A said "do yourself a favour boy, go home, live a little longer" A said "dumboldore trusted me to see this through" harry said tensley "what makes you think you can trust him" A said angrily "all the time you knew him did he ever mention my name, did he ever mention hers" A said pointing to the portrait of a girl "why should he?" harry asked "keep secrets. you tell me" A said slowly "I trusted him" harry said. "thats a boys answer. a boy whos hunting horcruxs under word of a man who wouldnt even tell him where to start, your lying!" A said raising his voice "not just too me that doesnt matter, but to yourself as well and that is what a fool does, but you dont strike me as a fool harry potter. so ill ask you again, there must be a reason" A said sternly " I dont care what happened between you and your brother, I dont care if youve given up, I trusted the man I knew" harry explained. " we need to get into the castle tonight" harry added. A looked at the portrait and nodded "you know what to do" he said. she nodded and started walking away "where is she going?" I asked "you'll see soon enough" he said sadly "is that your sister ariana? she died very young...didnt she?" I asked before he walked away "see mr. potter my brother sacrificed alot of things on his way to power including ariana who was completely devoted"A said. "thank you mr dumboldore" hermonie said as he walked away "he did save our lives twice" hermonie said when ron and harry gave her a look. "shes coming back" I said "whos that with her?" hermonie asked. I shrugged as she came closer and the door opened "neville!" harry said as neville crouched down "how are you doing?" I asked "like hell I reckon" neville said he looked like it too. he was all bashed and scared up. we were walking through the tunnel which was rocky and all "I dont remember this on the marduarers map" harry said "its because its never existed until now" neville explained "several secret passage ways have been sealed off by now, the grounds are crawling with death eaters and dementors" neville added. "hows snape as head master?" I asked "hardly ever see him, its the carols you have to look out for" neville answered "the carols?" harry asked "brother and sister, in charge of discpline, they like discpline them two" neville said pointing to his face "they did that to you, why?" hermonie asked " they tried to make us practice the cruicatus curse....on first years. I refused." neville explained. we finally got to the end of the hallway "oi you lot ive got a suprise" I heard neville say I heard seamus' voice but I couldnt quite hear it. and then there was some more voices and clapping as harry got out and then ron then as ron stepped down I saw everyone! all my friends! susan attacked me in a hug as I stepped down and the attacked hermonie and as soon as I turned around I was attacked by liz. hermonie looked at me and then I was attacked by susan again...and then dean and cho looked at me hesitantly but I smiled and hugged her too she smiled and seemed to relax "ok so harry, whats the plan?" neville asked as everyone looked at him...yer we don't have a plan... "theres something we need to find, here in the castle ad it may help us defeat you know who" harry said "alright...what is it?" neville asked "we dont know" harry answered "where is it?" neville asked "we dont know that either, I know its not much to go on" harry answered "thats nothing to go on" seamus said "its got something to do with ravenclaw, it'll be small easily concealed, does anyone know anything like that?" harry asked "well theres rowena ravenclaws last diatam?" luna suggested. everyone was silent "hasnt any body heard of it?" luna asked "its quite famous" luna added "yes but luna...its lost. for centuries now" cho answered "no one alive has seen it" cho added "can someone bloody tell me what it is?" ron asked "its a sort of crown, you know like a tiara" cho explained. there was like a stormy sound..ginny walked into view and there was no big stomach "kat! hermonie!" she said happily "ginny!" I said happily she ran up and attacked me with a hig that I almost fell over "ah ok" I giggled hugging her back. she then attacked hermonie "snape knows, he knows that harry was spotted in hogsmete" ginny said looking at all of us. they chucked us some robes "wait!" liz shouted we all stopped and looked at her "they'll notice kat! her hair is pretty see able" lix explained everyone looked at me "frik" I said "I have an idea" hermonie stated getting ash and rubbing it in my hair! I closed my eyes and cringed as ginny, susan and liz helped smeer ash in my hair. "ok done" they said moving away someone gasped I opened my eyes aficked the hair that was put in front at the back without looking at it "I dont even want to look at it. lets just go." I said taking a deep breath. we were marching in lines...this is awful! we got down to the hall and it was like a night mare! "in sure many of you are wondering why I summoned you at this hour, its come to my attention that harry potter was sighted earlier this evening" snape said as wispers were set "if any student or staff trys to aid potter.." snape said continueing to talk but wow!!! hes voice is so boring!!! seriously I kinda want to shout 'shut up greasy no one likes you' but I cant unfortunately "futher more anybody who knows of his were abouts and fails to come forward will be treated as eqaully guilty" snape said when I zoned back in. he started walking down "if anyone knows about his where abouts I invite them to step forward...now." snape seered harry started walking out. I snapped the ash out of my hair as everyone gasped to see harry "it seems despite your excessive sucerity, you have a little problem headmaster" harry said as the doors opened a little gang came in I walked up to harry. "how dare you stand where he stood, tell them how it happened, how you looked him in the eye, a man that trusted you. and killed him" harry shouted. snape took out his wand and mcgonal pushed harry and I out the way and pointed her wand at snape the school spread like nutella. harry pulled me behind him and we watched as they had like a fight off. I saw the two henchmen bring out there wands I put my hands out and they went flying into the wall. the fight was intense but as snape flew oht the window we all cheered. I smiled at harry and he shook my hand but that didnt last long. as ginny hugged me my neck started to hurt "harryyy"the wisper in my head said. god damn my neck! the sky above us went dark and a sudden girls scream sent shivers down my spine. I walked over and looked at the poor little girl, then another girl screamed I helped the girl up and hugged her tightly "I know that many off you want to fight, some of you may even think that to fight is wise" voldermort echoed. the girl wimpered and I hugged her tighter "give me..harry potter do this and none shall be harmed." voldermort said "give me harry potter" voldermort echoed "and hogwarts shall be un touched, give me harry potter and you will be rewarded" voldermort said I wiped the girls tears and kissed her head. "you have one hour" voldermort added... I let go of the litlle girl because she had calmed down "what are you waiting for! someone grab him" a girl I didnt know in slytherin said. I walked in front of harry and then others did as well "students out of bed! students in the corridor!" filch yelled "their supposed to be you blithering idiot!" mcgonal said "oh sorry mame" flich answered "actually you arrival is good timing" mcgonal said "please escort miss garlent and the rest of slytherin house to the dungeons" mcgonal added. everyone clapped and cheered. pansy told me that her and the rest of our friends in slytherin were taken out of school. harry walked up to mcgonal and started talking. I guess this is the startish..

My Prince Charming ( a Harry Potter love story)
FanfictionKatrina Valentine is a normal girl until she finds out shes a witch and meets the famous Harry Potter. Will they become friends, or will they become more? (1-7 and maybe afterwards) (Being slowly edited. ) (This was my first book ever. ) (No longer...