kats p.o.v
theres a war going to happen...its unstoppable...Dumbledore is too weak to actually fight but its Nice to have him alive. he gives good advice. id hope there wasn't a war happening but this has to happen if we want to live happily in peace. harry explained all about the horcuxs and how we have to find and destroy them. i have to leave my mum and Nona alone sadly. but hopefully they'll be safe here underground in America. "kat" i heard my mum yell. i zipped my purse up which had everything i need in it. i walked down stairs to my mum "bye mum" i said hugging her tightly "please be careful darling" she said sadly tearing up "i will mum, i promise" i said. "and i want great grand babies so you better stay alive" Nona joked "bye Nona" i giggled hugging her tightly. "bye" i said sadly as i flashed to where ever hermonie was. i would have apperated but the ministry would know where i was going. and i had a feeling that some death eaters where in the ministry...well who knows i could be wrong, even though I'm usually not. "kat?" hermonie asked. i turned around and saw her. i smiled and hugged her as she hugged me "are you ready?" i asked putting my hand out. "ready as i'll ever be" she said taking it. i squeezed her hand and we continued to walk cautiously. i looked at her bag "smart idea" i said knowing she was thinking the same thing i was. "you too" she giggled lightly and we flashed to my room. i sighed deeply. i really, really, really am going to miss this room, "alright i think its in that box" i said putting my hand out to the box under my bed and it came flying to my hand like a magnet "new skill?" hermonie smiled "dont know. but i can do it" i shrugged opening the box. it had that black heart in it with little red bits. "what the?" hermonie asked. i turned it over examining it more "in 1987..what happened to that wizards experient of spreding death in the air?" i asked. "well they...dont know...the man was found dead and the stone...no where..to..be..found" hermonie said slowly "until now" i said standing up passing her the rock "the indents of the red..thats a valentines trade mark. the man didnt commite suicide, he was killed. and the stone was taken...by a valentine" i explained. "and these red marks in the stone..and the shape of it...its been charmed" hermonie said examining it some more "not just any charm. a valentines made up a charm and placed it on this rock. hopefully for the right reasons, and hopefully the gem will do good not evil" i said putting it back in the box and shoving it under my bed. "we need to go" hermonie said looking out the window at Harry's house i nodded and we flashed down to Harry's house where Ron and others were waiting outside. harry flung open the door and we entered. i walked in first and kissed his cheek. he looked older and more mature and i guess we all did thinking about it. hermonie gave him a hug and ron patted him on the back. we walked to the lounge room while everyone else came in. after everyone was in the lounge we started. harry looked over at shacklebolt "i thought you were looking after the prime ministry kingsley?" harry asked. "your more important" shacklebolt said. harry smiled then a tall red headed man walked forward "hello, I'm bill weasley" bill said. he had a scar down his face the poor guy. "he wasn't always this handsome" fred said walking towards George. "dead ugly" George said. "true enough, owe it all to a werewolf by the name of greyback. hope to repay the favour one day." bill said. fluer came up and kissed him on the cheek "your still beautiful to me" fluer said. I'm so happy their engaged and are getting married. fluers like a big sister to me after the tournament. "remember fluer after your married, bill takes his steak on the raw side now" lupin joked "that's my husband the joker. by the way wait till you hear the news were-" tons started but was cut off by mad-eye "alright, alright! we'll have time for a cozy catch later we've got to get the hell out of here and soon! kat ya ready" mad eye said. i nodded and got my American wand out. the Ministry doesnt have the trace on that "what is she ready for?" harry asked looking at me "well we dont know how many death eaters are out there so im just gonna go and-" i started but was cut off by moody "and take as many as she can out. im guessing there will be alot so be on your guard" moddy said "but you can-" harry sarted but was cut off by me "ill be fine" i said as moody chucked me my broom. i walked out of the louge when harry ran after me "wait kat" he said as he grabbed my arm. he gave me a small little kiss and squeezed my hand "be careful" he said sternly "dont worry, i will be" i said turning to the door and walking outside. i didnt have time to look back but i felt peoples eyes on me through the window. and they werent the only eyes. i kicked off and as soon as i was in the air about 15 black smoke lines were following me. a few spells hit me but nothing happened. i had been practicing over the holidays...practicing alot. a field of light burst from me and 10 of the death eaters had been hit. it was a sleeping spell. they are under a deep sleep and wont wake up till i tell them to. then..there were 5. i swirled around them and pointed my wand at one "mistalo!" i yelled and the person started getting serious itching problems. im quite proud of my spells "reducto!" i yelled at another one. i was swirling on my broom like in football how they spin a ball when they throw it. random spells were shooting out of me towards the death eaters. the others had probably started by now and i was about halfway to the burrow. there was a strange ringing noise in my head...it was actually more like a buzz...something..no someones coming. i lifted my wand slowly and saw it...no nose- i mean voldermort was here we pointed our wands at each at the same time. it was just like in 5th year when we had that little wand war. my now pink light was over taking his slowly. until finally it was about an inch away he back out and flew away back from where ever he was coming from. i turned around to see a full on war going on. i had taken alot out but there where still a lot left. ron and tonks were being surrounded. i flew up to where they were and shot the one about to hit tonks and then hit the one and to hit ron. ron shot the one about to hit me..even though it wouldnt of mattered. and then tonks hit the one about to hit ron. "thanks kat" they panted zooming off. then i saw hermonie. everyone was having a bit of trouble actually. "light realesed light hidden, evil out, evil dismission." i chanted over and over again. the spell makes no sense but its a good force feild a big wall of light came from my hands and as the death eaters were trapped behind it it was a chance for everyone to escape "kat!" someone yelled "go! ill catch up!" i shouted back. i heard the zooming of brooms and counted to 15. i let the wall go and zoomed on but someone grabbed my hair and pulled my off my broom i would habe used the air to not be falling but i dont really want a death eater with me. we were falling fast...really fast. when i saw the river getting closer and closer and closer until we finally broke through the surface and were consumed by cold freezing water. i was trying to swim up but whoever it was had a strong grip around me and was pushing my shoulders down. water! how could i forget. i used the water to push him away and pushed myself up ontop of the waters surface. i ran to the side where the edge of the river was. wheres my broom? oh well. i clicked my self dry and flashed to the burrow. i landed on my knees cause its hard work almost drowning and then saving your self when someones trying to kill you. i saw light in the house so i stood up and walked in to find everyone surronding a couch "now we just have to find kat" molly said "im right here" i said walking towards them. harry wrapped his arm around me as i looked at goerge on the couch. "mad eyes dead" bill said sadly,..never imagned that..never. "mundungus took one look at voldermort and apperated" bill added. i never trusted that guy "mad eye knew that voldermort would think that harry would be with the most skilled auro. he knew he'd be in the most danger" bill said i rested my head on harrys shoulder sadly "it doesnt explain how they knew we were moving harry tonight" aruthur said. hes got a point. the room went quiet. i lifted my head as eyes shift around "wha? one of us? thats mad! id wager my life it wasnt any of you lot. and if it was me id know wouldnt i? talk in ma sleep ill admit but thats it and only fangs around and its mostly gibberish, but id cut my tounge out before'd id betray harry. and in my dream-" hagrid says but stops when he sees were all smiling at him "what?" he asks. "i trust you with my life hagrid, i trust everyone in this room, understood" harry said as we all nodded. as i walked into my room that i shared with ginny and hermonie someone closed the door behind them. i turned around to see harry "are you ok?" i asked him as he turned around and took my hands "i want you too know something" harry said looking into my eyes with his amazing green ones. "yer" i said examining his face. "i love you, i really love you. i dont care what happens i will always love you" harry said seriously wrapping his arms around me "i'll always love you too harry" i said hugging him tightly "always" i wispered. harry pulled apart and kissed me longingly. he sucked my bottom lip as i opened sparks flew all over my body as his tounge explored my mouth. he pushed me up against the wall lightly and his hands slipped down to my hips. harry hardened the kiss and one hand slipped down to my thigh. i lifted my leg and wrapped it around his waist i then jumped and wrapped the other leg around harry bringing him closer to me. harry pulled away and went to my neck kissing softly. i moaned lightly as he went up and down my neck. he put me down and kissed me sweetly "i love you," he wispered in my ear and kissing my cheek "i love you too" i said kissing his cheek "night love" he said walking out. "night harry" i said as he closed the door. i slid down the door happily. i saw my photo album of the last years and decided to look through it. i opened the book and on the first page was harry and i and he was hugging me from behind. aww we were so cute in first year. i looked through all the cute pictures of the years. well if i die at least i have the memories. i suddenly heard yelling from next door. i put the book down and ran next door. "what happened?" i said as i closed the door with hermonie, ginny, tonks, fluer and molly in it "ginnys pregnant! with a malfoy!" tonks yelled. "shhhhh! this is a delicate matter!" i wisper shouted. molly was quite silent. "mum" ginny cried. "w-w-wheres the tummy?" her mum said tearing up "kat" ginny wispered. i nodded and removed the spell. molly gasped and broke down in tears "mum" ginny said breaking down in tears i walked over and bent down to where molly was crouching "this is all a big shock, i know. but there is a helpless baby on the way that needs love and a family. we all know who the father is. but i dont blame malfoy. he never had love and effection growing up so he was brought up craving his fathers effection and ateention. and if that means acting cold and mean to others, he'd probably do it." i said patting her back "your right...this child needs a family and were going to be there for ginny and the baby." molly said walking to ginny "im just a bit sad you didnt wait" molly said wiping her tears. ginny bawled her eyes out in her mums shoulder. "its a boy" ginny cried happily. molly smiled and hugged her daughter tightly. "oh! we have to tell the others!" molly said happily "wait!...how do you think they'll react?" i asked remembering dracos the father. everyone thought for a minute. "its coming soon though....i can feel it..." ginny said holding her bellie that was rather big "well i know! we could each tell one of the guys sepratley so its easier to tell." fluer said "thats a god idea" i said nodding "ok. im ok with it...i'll tell lupin, kat tell harry, molly tell fred, gorge and arthur, fluer tell bill and hermonie tell ron and hagrid." tonks said. "and ginny...just stay here for now" i said kissing her head. shes now about my height. we walked out and i saw harrywalking in the corridor with ron. hermonie and i looked at each other and ran towards them but before we did we heard them talking about us. "dont worry mate she'll be fine" ron said "i know but i just love her so much i dont want her getting hurt" harry sighed " i know what you mean..." ron said "huh?" harry said looking at ron "er i-i-i didnt say anything" ron said quickly. i looked at hermonie who was staring at ron. i elbowed her and she nodded we ran out from our hiding space. "hey" i said grabbing harrys hand. "lets go" hermonie said grabbing rons hand and dragging him away "whats up?" harry asked kissing my cheek. "well...this might come as a bit of a shock to you...actually this will be a very big shock" i said looking at the ground "ok...what is it?" harry asked nervously "well...ummmm ginny is pregnant..and its malfoys son" i said qucikly. i looked up at harrys shocked face "what!" he shouted " i know what your thinking! but she cant help who she falls in love with! and she is almost about to give birth so please dont be hard on her and plus malfoy grew up with no love and effection and we dont want this baby growing up the same!" i said quickly. harrys shocked expression changed to an understanding one. "your right.." he said bringing me close to him. "so you wont treat the baby diffrent because of the father will you?" i asked. he shook his head "dont worry love" he said kissing me quickly. "fwww thank god thats out of the way" i said in relief. harry chuckled and kissed my cheek "oh one more thing....but promise you wont get mad" i said "or tell anyone" i added. he thought for a while then nodded "promise" he said. "well...err malfoys..kinda my cousin. but the only reason i didnt tell you sooner is that i was trying to properly realise it myself" i said lookinginto his eyes "ok..it does explain alot though" harry smiled. i kissed his cheek "i better go check on ginny" i said giving him a hug. i really didnt want to let go or leave. i pulled away and gave him a quick kiss before running upstairs.

My Prince Charming ( a Harry Potter love story)
FanfictionKatrina Valentine is a normal girl until she finds out shes a witch and meets the famous Harry Potter. Will they become friends, or will they become more? (1-7 and maybe afterwards) (Being slowly edited. ) (This was my first book ever. ) (No longer...