|Prologue| The Beginning

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I remember that night like it was yesterday. The night Hiccup shot down the NightFury. Nearly 6 years ago.  I remember his happy face so well when he told me about it. We never told lies to each other, so naturally, I believed him. People thought we were crazy for believing that. Eventually they got proven wrong. But that's for another time, lets start from the night it happened.  The night Hiccup would most likely remember forever.


Your Pov.

"Dragons!"      Ah. The nice loud warning sign of danger. Dragons this, dragons that. I swear, dragons everywhere. My job for dragon attacks is fairly simple, try not to die. Seems its that way for everyone.

I ran around frantically trying my hardest to put out the fires. I wasn't the best at it, but hey. I'm trying. I'm pretty weak, I guess you could say i'm the 'runt of the litter' or whatever. But since my status in the village is one of the lowest, no one seems to notice or care anyways. They do notice, however, that their house isn't on fire. All in a day's work shall i say! I feel sorry for my best friend Hiccup, though. Poor kid. People call him the fish bone born from the trout. Stoick is the trout, obviously. "Watch out!" Ooph!

I turned around quickly to see who just shoved me to the ground. "Hiccup? What the heck..!" "You really need to watch your surroundings out here, y/n. There are dragons everywhere. Say, wanna help me kill one? A monstrous nightmare could both do us some good," He started to rub his chin, thinking. "Oh no, we are far too weak to try something as crazy as that." I retorted. I got up and dusted myself off before helping Hiccup up as well. "You're right, you're right. That's why we need to take them down in the sky." A small smile grew on his lips. "That reminds me, come with me!" He grabbed my hand and began pulling me off to the forge. "Ta-da!" He removed the sheet off of a black thing. "Uh, what is that?" "It's a cannon! I'm too weak to throw these things myself," He picked up a bolas to show me what he meant. Next thing you knew, a viking took it and threw it at a nadder.

"Clever idea, Hiccup! But what are you going to shoot it at?" I asked. Couldn't a nightmare just burn the ropes off? "A Night fury." "What?!" Just as that word escaped my mouth, the loud shriek of the said animal boomed throughout the village. "Night fury!" Someone screamed. "Here's my chance!" I quickly grabbed his shoulder, "Are you crazy? You could get hurt! Or even die, Hiccup!" He looked me straight in the eyes, "Believe in me." Was all he said before wheeling his contraction out of the forge and to thor knows where.

I picked up my bucket and filled it with water and began throwing it at anything that was burning. For the next half hour all I could think about was Hiccup. He's my only friend I have, why wouldn't I be worried?

The dragons slowly left our village, the damage they had done was great. The night fury even took out our watch tower, like, come on! At least it left after 3 shots. Perhapse.. "GAAH!"Oh dear Hiccup, what have you done now. Running towards the sound of the scream I see Stoick, our Cheif, fighting a nightmare with Hiccup slinking off to the side. Once the dragon left, Stoick quickly found Hiccup again. "What in gods name do you think you were doin'?!" "Listen, I- I know its seems bad but I.. I caught a night fury."

Everyone began to laugh, but Stoick clearly didnt find it funny. He picks Hiccup up by the back of his shirt. 'Oh no..'  "But dad! This isnt like the last few times, I actually caught one!" He drops him. "Just stop, every time you walk outside, disaster falls! Winter is coming and I have an entire village to feed!" Hiccup looked around before muttering, "Between you and me the village could use a little less feeding.."  Before he could yell at his son anymore, I quickly stepped to Hiccups aid. "Sir, um,  I believe he did actually c-catch a night fury.. He, uh, isn't usually one to lie. Especially to the entire village...ehehh." He glared down at me and I felt the entire village stare . It was suffocating. How could anyone get used to this? "I get yer his friend, but now's not the time for such games. Gobber, take Hiccup back to the house." He turned around and walked off. I decided to walk with them, I have a feeling he shouldn't be alone right now. Tuffnut, Snotlout, and whatever the rest are called all glared and made fun of him. I gave them all a look, everyone except Astrid backed off. I guess you can say I have a pretty scary glare.

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