|Chapter 6| Attack

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Your Pov. (As Always Lol)

The next morning I awoke groggily to the sound of birds chirping. I turned over and covered by eyes with the pillow I had used last night. I closed my eyes again.

It was to no avail, I simply could not go back to sleep.

Though, whats to complain about? I slept last night, geez y/n, be more grateful.

I slowly sat up and swung my feet off the edge of the bed and got up. I looked to the left and saw Midnight still, in what appears to be, a deep sleep.

I smirked slightly as a plan formed in my head. I picked up the pillow I had slept on last night and threw it at Midnight. I snickered lightly as she jumped up, completely alarmed. She looked over at me laughing. She narrowed her eyes and swung her tail at me, hitting the back of my knees causing me to fall on my butt.

I groaned in pain while she laughed. I got up and glared at her while rubbing my tail bone. "Good morning." I murmured before I headed outside, Midnight following.

As I went outside I noticed it was quite cloudy, blocking the brilliant rays of sunlight. 'Perhaps a storm is coming..'

"Y/n!" I identified the voice as Fishlegs and turned around. "What is it?" I asked. "Hiccup asked me to come get you for breakfast, you slept in quite late. It's already 10." He said as he began his way back to the Small Hall. "Thanks" I followed him as Midnight followed me.

As we entered through the doors the fresh smell cooked fish entered my nostrils. Though I had eaten it for many years, it somehow brought a smile to my face. It just smelt so good. 'Perhaps its a spice i've never smelt before?'

"Over sleep much?" Hiccup laughed as I sat beside him, Midnight going to eat with the other dragons. "Shut up" I punched him in the arm lightly, "I wasn't aware there was a certain time you had to wake up at."

As I took a bite out of the fish, my mouth nearly exploded with flavor. The fish I had made back when living in that cave on Faram has always been so plain, but this, this tasted so different. The spices added to it gave it a better flavor, bringing out the true potential of the fish's meat. I smiled as I took another bite out of it.

"Do you like it?" Hiccup asked as he finished his meal. "Yeah" I stated, my mouth still filled with the fish. "It's delicious?" I swallowed, "Who made it?"

"I did, basically just mixed in some random spices and herbs. I'm surprised it actually tasted nice.." Hiccup smiled and went over to pet Toothless.

As I finished I wiped the extra juices of the fish off on the sleeve of my shirt and waited for everyone else to finish eating. Fishlegs ate slowly, clearly savoring the taste, while everyone else gobbled down the fish like a wild animal. I also noted how everyone had more fish than me. 'That's what ya get for waking up late..'

As everyone finally finished their breakfast, they got up and started preparing for the flight back to Berk. Hiccup said we shout scout the perimeters of the Island before we do so, and that's what we're doing now. All of us in pairs and checking the island. I was paired up with twins, I suppose Hiccup thought I could keep them in line.

I tried desperately to do so, but to be honest, I don't think anyone could make these two idiots behave. I was flying slightly ahead of them, while they fooled around with each other, pulling their hair and what-not. As we got towards the outer reaches of the island, I noticed something behind the neighboring one.

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