|Chapter 1| Day and Night

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One day as I was walking through the forest, I heard a noise. It was just any noise, it was a growl. I remember hearing that before.. could it be? 

Quickly looking behind me I see a white dragon, similar to toothless but white and with icy blue eyes.  I stood frozen, the same reaction I had when meeting Toothless. It came up to me and sniffed my h/c locks of hair. Just then, another one bounced out of the forest. The two seemed to communicated. I was astonished at how they didn't hurt me yet. I suppose Hiccup was right with one thing, they don't want to hurt us. I took out the knife from my f/c  sheath. The two dragon's started to growl. Quickly, I tossed it aside. I remember Hiccup telling me how he trained Toothless, since they both look of the same as him, I figured this would work too. I shut my eyes and slowly outstretched my hand. 

My heart was racing at an amazing speed. All I could think about was if they would bite off my hand and kill me. I felt something scaly brush up against my hand.  I slowly opened my eyes to see that both dragons had put a fraction of their nose on my hand. I started to rub their heads slowly, both making a sound that resembles a purr under my touch. The two clearly heard something I didnt, right before they ran away the licked my hand.

"What're ya doin' out here, lass?" One of the village folk asked me. I turned around to identify who is was. I realized it was one of my mothers old friend, Harlet Eversteen. "Hello  Ms. Eversteen. I was just taking a walk. Sorry to cause you an inconvenience." I had no idea why I was apologizing, it just came out. "Well deary, that's quite alright. Be careful now ye hear." With that she waved and walked off. 

I quickly ran in the direction I saw the two dragons leave in. After what seemed like forever, I found a small cave next to a small stream with fish flowing in it. Since it was nearly sundown, I decided to catch some fish. After I had caught over seven fish, I made a small fire and started roasting one. 

I looked up at the cave and noticed two pairs of eyes watching me. One blue and the other a dark purple. I knew instantly it was the two dragons I had met earlier. As I started eating my fish the white one slowly came out. Then the black one came out as well. I noted that the black one was slimmer, most likely a female. They both sat across from me, only the small stream in between us.

 I offered one of the fish I had caught to the female. Right as she was about to take it the male grabbed it. They started what looked like fighting. I giggled to myself, as I realized they were most likely siblings. I remember fighting like that with my brother.

 Eventually the male ate the fish. He made a laughing like noise as the female growled. I offered another one to the female. She ate it quickly, and licked her scaly lips. The rest of the night was spent eating fish I had caught. 

The next morning I went back to that cave. "Hello," I said as I watched the two come out of the cave. I went up to the white one, the male. He was clearly slightly scared at the close proximity, but quickly relaxed as I started to pet his head. "Hmm, your eyes remind me of ice. May I call you that? Ice?" The dragon nodded his head slightly, I giggled. "Then I shall call you Ice!" I smiled at him, he tried to smile back. I laughed and smiled even more. I went over to his sister. I put my hand directly on her nose. My e/c eyes stared into her beautiful dark purple ones. "Midnight.." I whispered softly. "Your scales are as dark as the sky at midnight. Do you like that name?" She slightly licked my hand. "I'll take that as a yes." I smiled softly. 

Over the next few weeks i've been spending more time with the both of them. I even made saddles for them, both exactly the same. It was hard learning how to ride them, but I eventually got the hang of it. I realized that with two dragons, I'd need to find time to ride both of them.

 I always wondered what Ice was. I even referred to the 'Book of Dragons' to see. But I never saw a white Night fury. I assumed he was an albino at first, but realized if he was then he'd have red eyes. 

"Say, Ice. What type of fury are you?" I asked him one day. He tilted his head to the side, I guess he was unsure himself. "A light fury?" I asked, staring into his icy blue eyes. He lightly shook his head. "Maybe an, Ice fury?" I got the idea from his white and blue colors. Once again, he shook his head. I looked at the sleeping Midnight. A Night fury is black, so.."A Day fury?" His eyes popped open and shinned. "I assume so, haha." I smiled as I rubbed his head.

As the month passed I spent every day with the two siblings. I realized eventually that they would be found and put into Hiccups care. Since he was the only one who has trained a Night fury. A wild idea popped into my head, but I kept telling myself no. 

One day as I was spending time with Ice and Midnight, I heard voices. "What's wrong, bud?" It was Hiccup. I quickly got up and woke the two dragons up. The heard the voices too, maybe even Toothless' voice. They quickly ran into their cave, bringing me along with them. Apparently, it was a pretty large cave.

After a while the voices disappeared.  We stayed like that all night long to make sure. "What do you guy's think about moving?" I asked them as we came back out of the cave. "I can't risk you guys being taken away from me." I frowned at the thought. They looked at each other, then nodded their heads. I smiled softly, this was going to be my last day on Berk, my home island. "I'll go pack, you two stay hidden." I ordered as I left, I looked behind me and say that they both went back into the cave. At my house I started packing basic necessity's such as water containers as well as food containers. I put some of my clothes in a bag. I also packed a knife and the biggest blanket I had. 

I smiled sadly as I exited my home.  All the memories I had created here came up into my mind. Both good, and bad. I remembered all the times I had spent with Hiccup. How much fun we had as kids. I punched the wall of my home when I realized, he never truly cared about me like I did him. Or he wouldn't have forgotten about me, ignored me just like everyone else.  

I put everything we would need on Ice, since he was stronger. And rode Midnight off the island. Ice following us of course. We flew through the sky for what seemed like hours until we found  a little island. Not that little, but not as big as Berk either. I looked behind us to see if Berk was still in sight, it wasn't. I named the Island 'Faram' since I had never seen it on the map before. A brand new Island, and it was ours. 

We all landed and I unpacked everything. For the first few nights we slept without a roof. A day or two later we found a nice big cave. Not too big, though. Just big enough to hold all of us and some extra things with a bit of room to spare. "This will be our new home." I told the two siblings as they ate fish next to the fire I had created. 

As time passed on our bonds grew stronger. We trusted each other with our lives. Our cave now had a bed for each of us, and a new set of clothes for me. 

One night after a long flight with the siblings, I was staring at the stars. I wondered if anyone was missing me. I frowned as I knew no one except maybe Harlet noticed I left. I looked at the two sleeping dragons, then looked back up at the starry night sky. 'Don't worry about me, mom. I'm fine..' I whispered in my head. I thought I saw a star twinkle even brighter than it did before.

I went back into the cave and curled into my bed beside my only companions. I had nothing to worry about with them by my side. 

That night I dreamed of Berk collapsing. To be quite honest, I really thought it did. For a small amount of time, that is. The dream felt real enough to believe it, so I did. It wasn't until one day many years later that I knew it didnt collapse after all. 

~To Be Continued~ 

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