|Chapter 2| 6 Years later

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Your Pov.

It's been nearly 6 years since I left Berk. Never once have I regretted it. As the years passed my bonds with Ice and Midnight continued to grow with each passing day. Everyday is a new adventure, from discovering a new dragon species to discovering new powers that the two furies had found about themselves. I was truly grateful for them.Without them, i'd still be on Berk with no one to even know of my existence.

My friendship with them has gotten to the point were we act more as siblings all together, as if I was apart of their family. Who am I kidding? They are apart of my family, and I of there's.

As the years have passed I learned new ways of flying with the two. I've made new gear for myself (picture above, feel free to change the colors and such. Or the entire thing) And i'm quite happy at how it works in the sky. The slicing of the wind is no longer quite a problem with this armor. Nice job with that one y/n! I'm quite happy with myself about it.

I always did enjoy the flights with them. We've learned so many new ways of flying together. Speaking of which, i'm currently flying right now.

Ice has always been the more energetic dragon of the two, so I mainly rode him. But I did occasionally ride Midnight from time to time, but thats usually at night.

Ice blends in with the morning sky, while Midnight blends in with the darkness of the night. Whenever I spot something suspicious in the morning, I usually wait until nightfall when most animals sleep to see what is was. Most of the time it was just ships passing through, other times it would be things that weren't so friendly. But we always took care of whatever it was.

All of us, together. As one.

I was testing out a new move on Ice I had just came up with the night before. It seemed fairly simple in my mind, but actually doing it proves that it isn't as easy in real life.

I call it the 'Barrel roll.' Its were you fly up high, past the clouds and dive down. Right before you hit the water you pull up and spin, like a barrel falling down the hill. From my guesstimates, it will increase your speed .11 times faster then just doing the stunt without the 'roll.'

Me and Ice were currently above the clouds, as I was explaining to him the drill. I know, I know, 'But you can't speak dragon!' No. I can't. But We've been together so long, depending on each other and having to know what each movement meant, we learned to understand each other to a point. They can't understand me completely, and I can't understand them completely, but we can to a point.

"Okay, Ice. Here's the plan for this new move." I began, patting his head gently as he looked up at me with his icy blue eyes. "We'll do what we usually do to increase our speed, but right as we pull up you do a barrel roll. You remember that trick, right?" He nods his head gently. "Lets try this then, shall we?" As I got back into position, I moved his reins downwards.

He flew like thunder exploding out of a cloud. The wind blew my long h/c locks wildly as we went down. I never did have the time to cut my hair, I always feared there would be a freak accident. So I left it lose, or sometimes up in a hairdo.

As we neared the water, I got ready to yank the reins up. Right before we hit the water, we pulled up. "Barrel Roll!" I yelled, determination in my voice to fulfill the stunt. I turned the reins and we started to roll like crazy. Right before we hit a rock I pulled the reins up. We flew faster than we ever had before. "Haha!" I shrieked in pure excitement. I looked back at our island, Faram, to see Midnight at the edge watching us with curiosity.

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