|Chapter 4| The Wedding

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Your Pov.

The next day the village was bursting with excitement, who wouldn't? The chief of Berk was getting married. Quite an event. 

I didn't exactly know what to do, so I basically just sat and watched as everyone ran around crazy. Decorations were put up, but not too many. 

One of the village women pulled me off to get a dress(pic above). I am suppose to be the ring barrier after all. 

As the morning slowly turned into afternoon the commotion started to die down. 'I haven't seen Hiccup all day, perhaps he is with his guy friends.' I think to myself. 

After feeding Midnight and Ice their lunch, which was fish, I decided to leave them to have a nice walk through the woods.

It was very peaceful. The sun shined through the many trees and left a warm glow on the grass I was walking on. I sat on a log and listened to the sounds of birds and other animals as they continued on with their lives within the forest.

'So serene..' 

After sitting on that log for what seemed like hours, I got up. Looking to the sky I realized that the wedding would start within two hours. 

As I was walking back I heard the sound of voices not far from me. I, being the curious person I am, decided to go and investigate.

To say the least, I was shocked at what I saw.

Astrid making out with another guy other than Hiccup. 

I quickly hid behind a tree and listened as they began to talk.

"Don't worry, Astrid. Once you successfully marry and kill him it'll all be over and we can live together again."

I suppressed a gasp as I heard they were going to kill Hiccup.

I quickly ran out of the woods and to Hiccups house. I frantically knocked on the door.

"Y/n? Whats up? The wedding isnt for another two hours.." He said as he opened the door slightly. "You need to cancel the wedding!" I whisper yelled. He took a step back, "Why?" "Astrid is going to kill you!" Panic swept across my face as I realized he wasn't buying it. 

I grabbed his wrist and dragged him forcefully to the woods, the location where I last saw the two. They were still there. As Hiccup looked over I could tell he was confused as to why Astrid was with another guy. 

I pulled him behind a tree and we listened more to their conversation in complete silence. 

"Just pour this in his drink at the reception. It's the poison from a rat-tooth snake. The deadliest of them all" The unknown man said. "I will, thank you. I can't wait to leave this wretched place. Hiccup has always been a nuisance, and when he is gone we can finally live our lives peacefully." Astrid's voice was filled with love. 'I'm going to kill her'

I looked back and noticed that our dragons were watching, as if they knew something was up. I then turned to Hiccup. He had tears streaming down his face as his eyes held rage. He stepped out from behind the tree. 

"How could you!?" He shouted at Astrid. The two were taken back by surprise, then Astrid quickly separated from the man. "Hiccup, it's not what it looks like!" She shouted. I looked closely at the man and saw a ghost of a smirk on his face. It is what it looks like.

Astrid slowly stepped forward towards Hiccup, and he only stepped back. "Stay away you bitch! Why the hell would you do this to me? Why the fuck would you plan on killing me?!" To say the least, Hiccup was mad. I noticed Toothless walking over to Hiccup, he too was clearly mad. 

"Hiccup I..." Astrid started. I noticed how the man had a weird contraption in his hand. It was pointed at Hiccup. I came out from hiding as well as Midnight and Ice. The two knew they were outnumbered. Anger twisted its way onto Astrid's face.  

Hiccup whistled and running was heard from behind us. Didn't take a genius to tell the entire village heard it and was now coming to the rescue. Astrid and the man tried to escape but I quickly threw a rope at them, tying them up. 

"Hiccup!" "Whats going on?!" "Why is Astrid tied up?" These were the questions shouted at Hiccup as the villagers tried to comprehend the situation. Hiccup got onto a rock. 

"These two were planning on killing me!" He shouted. Gasps were heard all around. "If it wasn't for y/n, I would've died by being poisoned. Astrid betrayed me and all of you. I don't know who this man is but he is at fault as well."

Hiccup looked at the two as they both looked at the ground.

"You two are banished from Berk forever. If you ever even step foot on Berk, for the slightest moment, I will give you a worst punishment." Even more gasps were heard and shouts of protest from family members who hasn't the slightest idea of what was going on.

Hiccup's eyes landed on Astrid. "I can't believe I ever even loved you.." He turned and began to walk away. "You have until the sun sets. If you are still on here then that punishment will come forth." After giving a final growl, Toothless left as well.

A small group of vikings watched as the two made their way to Astrid's house to make sure she didnt stay. 

And I, well, I stood in the same place. I always did have a bad feeling about Astrid but, I never knew she'd do something like this. If I didnt hate her then, well, I definitely hate her now. 

As the sun began to set we watched as the two got onto Stormfly and left. 

The decorations were took down and the feeling of despair and loss hung in the air so thick I could cut it with a knife. Through all the sad faces and people crying I could only think of one person, Hiccup. 

I could only wonder how he felt. I wanted to be there for him, that's what best friends do, right?

A day has passed and I haven't seen Hiccup yet. Midnight and Ice both sensed my worry and tried to cheer me up, but to no avail. I just wanted to help Hiccup. So that's what I will do. 

I walked up the stairs to Hiccup's house, Midnight and Ice close behind me. Right as I was about to knock on the door, Valka stepped out. 

The look of surprise was etched on her face, mine as well. I noticed my hand was still in the awkward position of knocking, so I slowly let it down. "Ah, y/n, I was just going to come see you. It's about Hiccup."

She stepped outside and closed the door. "I know you know of what had happened yesterday, considering you were there, but..I'm so worried about Hiccup. He hasn't come out of his room since he shut it yesterday..He won't even let Toothless in..!" I slowly patted her shoulder, and she smiled slightly. 

"I'll do anything I can to help." I said, smiling as well. "His door is locked, but I believe his window is opened. Its above the ground so that's probably why..I know this is  a hard task but perhaps you could somehow get through the window?" 

"If that's what it takes to talk to Hiccup, then I'll do it." She said a slight 'Thank you' as I began to walk over towards the side of the house were his window was. Looking up I realized it was indeed opened.

An idea popped into my head as to how I would get up there. 

Midnight would stand on Ice's back on her hind legs, giving me the opportunity to climb up. I explained my plan to the two siblings and they did as I asked. I promised to reward them with the best fish around tomorrow.

I began climbing up the two and reached the window.

I climbed over the windowsill and fell onto a bed.


~To be Continued~

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