Chapter 6

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"Wake up, Sam! I need to get to school!" Cat yelled while putting her clothes on and brushing her teeth. Sam grunted and stirred in her sleep, but didn't wake up. "Saaaam! Please, I can't be late today! It's the day of the play and I need all the rehearsal time I can get!" Cat whined. Sam woke up and rubbed her eyes, yawning and getting up to put her jeans on over her boxers. "Then quit belly aching and let's go." She deadpanned.

Cat squealed with joy and ran out of the bedroom to eat some breakfast and make some cereal for Sam. "C'mon, kid. We don't have time for that," Sam said when she walked out of the bedroom and grabbed Cat's hand, pulling her out of the house. They arrived at the school and as usual, Robbie and Tori were waiting for her.

Robbie looked at Sam, he was intimidated and jealous of her, but he said hi to her and Cat. Tori waved and Cat waved to the both of them, giving Sam a goodbye peck on the lips. "Thanks for getting me here on time, I love you." Cat said, her arms wrapping around Sam's neck. "Love you too, kid. Now get to class, you got learnin' to do." Sam said and smiled.

"You promise you'll be at my play tonight?" Cat asked. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, doll." Sam reassured her, gently pushing her toward the school. "Get a move on, kid!" Cat did as she was told and smiled sighing like the love-stricken school girl that she was.

Cat spent the whole day rehearsing with Tori, Andre, Jade, Robbie, and Beck. They all heard the lunch bell ring, so they went out to the cafeteria. "Everybody give three cheers for Tori since she had enough strength to get out of her bed and do this play, even if she's still weak from being sick!" Andre said. Everyone cheered and Tori smiled, thanking everyone for their support and kindness.

Jade read over the script and told everyone what mannerisms and body language they had to work on for their characters. Cat was lost in thought about Sam, she couldn't stop thinking about her lately. One dream she had was about Sam and her playing in Romeo and Juliet. The way Sam executed her lines in the dream had Cat head over heels.

"CAT!" Jade snapped and Cat bolted awake from her romantic day dream. "Wha-huh?! Yes?!" She stumbled over her words and Jade sighed, shaking her head slowly. "I need everybody to listen so this play can be perfect." She said sternly. Everyone stayed quiet and listened to Jade's improvements until the bell rang. They spent the rest of the day rehearsing, up until it was time for the show.

Sam had rode out to downtown LA to see the sights just because she wanted to clear her mind from mourning the death of her first real best friend. She started to remember all the fun times they had; violating school property, beating up each other's old parole officers, setting cars on fire. The fun was endless with Dana and Sam knew that if they would have kept in touch, she wouldn't have killed herself.

Sam was so lost in thought that she wasn't focused on where she was going and bumped into a large man carrying a back pack. "Yo move it! Can't you see I-...wait a sec..." Sam saw him turn around and was instantly at a loss for words. "Sam? Is that you?" He asked.

Sam regained her composure, staring at him with a shocked expression. "Well I'll be, if it isn't Frednub. Get over here, ya big ol' loser." She said and he pulled her into a hug. Sam pulled away and stared at him. "What're you doing here? I thought you moved to Florida for that college in Miami." Sam said. "Oh I am still going there, but I'm here for a tech convention. They have a whole bunch of cool gadgets like bio nuclear-" Freddie started and Sam put a hand over his mouth. "Ah, you forgot that I don't care about that techie junk." Sam said and sneered.

"You haven't changed at all, Sam." Freddie smiled and stared at her. Sam smiled at him, looking at his arms. "Woah, dude; you got super jacked. What's the deal?" Sam asked and punched him hard. "Ow...well I'm training to go in the Army as one of their military engineers. I'm going to help build blueprints and I figured I might as well work on my muscles since there's a lot of heavy lifting involved." He said.

"Uh huh..." Sam said and nodded. "Well good luck on that, I have to get going. I need to meet someone." Sam patted Freddie on the back and he held onto her wrist. "Wait, don't you want to catch up on old times, maybe grab some dinner?" He asked and Sam's eyes widened slightly.

She figured it wouldn't take that long since its already three and the play starts at six. "Hm...maybe grabbing a bite to eat would be okay." Sam decided and walked with him to the nearest restaurant.

#Second Chance: Sam and Cat (puckentine) (sequel to secret admirer)Where stories live. Discover now