Chapter 18- Such a Chaos!

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Louis' P.O.V

Problems faced by celebrities-

-Getting stalked

-Being involved in horrible scandals

-Being mobbed

-Rumours and blah blah blah!

I need to mention all of this for everyone to know that it ain't easy being a celebrity. Well we were constantly in one of these problems I've mentioned just now. Now, we were mobbed by a bunch of hormonal teenage girls.... not that I'm blaming them... We still owe to them for everything.

On the way to theatre, Liam's SUV was followed till we reached there... I still have no idea how they find us all the time.

One Direction  was once again mobbed my their fans!. I could already imagine the next day's headline. Life's just getting better and better! We were followed by screaming fans till we reached the cinemas and on top of that there were a bunch of screaming girls there.

But even with that chaos we walked inside and unfortunately some girl ripped Liam's shirt off. His face after that was priceless! There was a flash of multiple number of cameras as that happened. .... and that was for the front page tomorrow. Niall almost stumbled into the group of girls, gladly I caught hold of him at the right time.

The crowd was suffocating even though we were familiar  with this. We got inside the theatre only to  find a crowd three times bigger than this. I gave a weak smile while Harry mumbled a few curse words.

After a few minutes, we got inside the screening room and the crowd at that room was higher than the god damn population of China and India combined! We hid our faces with our sweaters and took our seats, but the horrible thing was that there was more light coming from the fans' mobile screens than the movie screen!

"I don't  think I can watch the movie with a ripped shirt...and all of this noise..." Liam complained as the people started filming us, eventhough the movie had started...

"Oh come on!!!" Harry silently whined looking at the crowd, which never stopped filming.

"As long as there's the internet... I guess we can watch this movie a month later online" Niall half- joked. "Let's get outta  here..." I mumbled and got up. We should've called Paul... 'cause the management won't be very happy.

We somehow got outside the theatre and scooted off. Everyone was very sulky during the car ride. I tried to lighten up everyone's mood. Liam was driving.

"Would you mind buying something? I'm feeling hungry!!!" That was Niall.

"Yeah yeah.... we'll stop somewhere.... we'll buy some take-outs... will your stomach stop grumbling then?" I asked sarcastically... that'll shut him up for a while.

"Yeah... I guess.." Niall said and mumbled which I thought were curses... what was wrong with this lad!?

We stopped by a Chinese restaurant and I volunteered to go in and order. All of the guys went for noodles so I thought of buying some even for Zayn and Priyanka.... I wonder what they'll be doing now.

I ordered all the food and walked to the cash counter to pay for the meal. The cashier was a lady... she wasn't too old and I could say she could recognise me. Her mouth formed an O-shape in excitement and her green eyes widened as she saw me.

"Are you Louis Tomlinson.... from One Direction!!!?" She squeaked. "Yeah... and you must be.... Jane" I said looking over to her name tag.

"Yes! My sister is a huge fan of yours... would you please sign this?" She politely asked handing me a sharpie from a pen- holder. She took a paper which was on the desk and I nodded grinning. 

'What's her name?' I quietly asked her. "Emily..."She replied with her voice full of excitement. I signed and gave her the paper and she gave me a wide grin. "Thankyou so much!" She said and I handed my credit card.

I took the take- outs and got into the car and sent it to the back. "No one touches it till we reach back home... especially you, Nialler.." I said. Luckily, he didn't reply anything. The smell of fresh Chinese food filled in the confined space of the vehicle.

"It smells great in here!" Niall remarked. "I guess we can start eating now, eh? He said.

"Nope.... you shouldn't" Harry warned.

"Please just a bit..?" Niall sulked. "No...." I said quite sternly. Such a baby! We finally reached home and everyone got down of the vehicle and I ran to the doorstep and rang the door bell. And when it opened I saw a sight I never dreamt of seeing...

Priyanka's P.O.V

Zayn grunted as the door bell rang continuously. I got up and smiled at Zayn and went straight to the door opening it. It was Louis... I wondered why he was early, and the guys were there too.

But I realised my blunder as Lou's eyes travelled up to my neck, right then I knew he'd caught me.

He pointed a finger towards it. "I-Is that a hickey?" he asked in disbelief. I ran my fingers through the skin which was throbbing with pain. I had to come up with a lie. Zayn too joined in and stood behind me. Great! I had to come up with a geniuine lie.

"No... you see I was continuously scratching there...' I stuttered. Shoot.... he wasn't gonna buy that!

"Yeah, right.." Lou grinned that I- know- what - you- were- doing smile and stepped in, following the guys. Niall didn't bother to look at me. Guilt struck me like thunder, and I looked down too. 

All of the guys went inside to the open kitchen while I locked the door. "We've got take-outs!" Liam shouted. "Let's dig in or Niall will finish it!" Harry joked while Niall gave him a death glare. I smiled back and paced to the bedroom to grab a scarf and wrap it around my neck.

Once I came back all of the guys had began eating and Harry was telling about why they'd come early to Zayn. I grabbed my share and sat along with the guys in the dining area. Zayn kept staring at me during the meal and I could feel it, and sometimes he would smirk, reminding me what had happened before the guys arrived.

After eating we said our good nights and walked to the washroom in the bedroom. When I came back I saw Zayn sitting lazily on the bed with his legs carelessly dangling. He smile as he saw me, while I smiled back.

"I wanted to ask you something, Priyanka..." He looked down and said. "What is it?" I asked back.

"Well.. would you go out with me?' He asked with shyness adorning his eyes. I didn't expect to be confronted with that question from Zayn... dating Zayn was never even in my wildest dreams although I secretly fancied him... and I thought about the thing that happened earlier would ever happen to me with anyone, and the last person would be Zayn, as I was afraid of him.

But now a part of me wanted to know about his softer, sweeter and humbler side... maybe him being an arrogant guy was just a misunderstanding... so I thought of giving him a chance, like he requested earlier.

"Yes..." I breathed out, smiling, after all of that debate in my head. "Great!  We'll go tomorrow evening... is that okay?" He asked, all of the excitement in him pouring out. "Fine by me.." I replied.

"Great..." He said rubbing his palms together.

"Great" I said repeating his actions.....

A/N:- Heyaa! lemme start off by saying a huge sorry cause i hadn't updated for ages! And lemme also give you a huse, massive thankyou as Tough Love has hit 2000+ reads! Massive thankyouxxx and there'll be an entry of a new character in about 2 chapters so brace yourselves for that!!! X) toodles :P :D #Zriyanka #Payn buahahaha :D :'D baiiii

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