Chapter 10- Cleaning Day

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 I washed the bowls in which everyone ate cereal. After that Louis called all of us to the living room. Niall, Harry, Liam, Zayn and I stood in front of Louis like students who stood for their morning assembly. Louis paced while he talked. "Okay team... as you all know today's....." "Cleaning day...." Everyone, except me, said sadly, while I said full of enthusiasm. "Why are you sad about it?"I whispered to Niall, who was in front of me. "You'll see," he blankly answered, whispering. 

"Okay I am going to assign you your jobs, Harry, kitchen... Liam, living room.... Niall, you do the toilets-..." All of us interrupted Lou's authoritative speech by laughing at the last point. "Whaaa!!! No way Jose... I did that last week  too!!" Niall said crossing his arms. "NO QUESTIONS! Moving on... Zayn,  you can do the dining hall and Priyanka... bedrooms..." Louis said closing his writing pad which he was holding. 

"What will you do SassMan Express!?" Niall asked, still crossing his arms. "Well, nice thing you asked Mr.Nandos... I'll be "sassily" supervising you people.... LET THE WORK BEGINNNN!!" He said strutting like a model. 

"Like always, he gets away with it!" Niall said while walking with me towards the bedroom in which I slept. I decided to clean that bedroom and Niall decided to clean the bathroom. "Does he do this always?" I asked getting into the bedroom. "Of course yeah... all of us moved in last week and he did the same drama again and instead of supervising us he was playing video games..." Niall complained. "Seriously??" I asked, not believing what he said. "Like I said earlier... you'll see." Niall said smiling while I dragged the vacuum cleaner and switched it on. I just nodded in disbelief. 

After almost half an hour or so according to my human watch I heard a crazy scream, "KILL 'EM ALL SUPERMANNNNN!!..." The voice screamed. Niall, who was in the bathroom, leaned from the bathroom giving me a sly smile. "You're the one who did not believe me... go check it out." Niall said motioning to the door. I layed the vacuum cleaner down and walked out of the room and paced towards the living room where I saw Louis jumping on the sofa watching a Superman movie. Niall was so right. He was facing the T.V, so he couldn't see me.

I walked up behind him and poked him on his back. "Heyyyy...." he dragged his voice, embarassed. "What else would you like oh King Louis, some hot chocolate??" I sarcastically said, acting dramtically. "Yeah.. I would, with marshmallows!" Louis said happily. Harry and Liam were laughing at his foolishness. "Ughhh...." I said while I turned and walked back to the bedroom. "What about my hot chocolate with marshmallows??"   "Not gonna get it!!!! You'll  be on a sugar rush then.." I replied, walking towards the bedroom.

"Told you so!!!!" Niall teased. I put my tongue out playfully. "You look so cute when you do that..." Niall said planting a soft kiss on my lips.

"Maybe you just have an infatuation towards Niall!" Zayn's words raced back into my mind which he'd said earlier this morning. Was I just having a crush on Niall? I began to question myself. I shrugged without getting an answer. "Is anything wrong?' Niall asked looking at me with his baby blue eyes. "Nope... doin' fine" I said beaming a fake- smile. "Great!!!" Niall said going back to the bathroom. I sighed after he was out of sight. Why would I think like this!  I cursed myself for it.

I hadn't fully forgotten about what Zayn had said, it was still there, all the time! I kept interrogating myself whether I fancied or really liked him. My mind couldn't reach to a conclusion.  After a while, Niall finished his work in the bathroom while I was still cleaning the floor with the vacuum cleaner. 

"I've finished this one, now two to go! Louis' seriously gonna get it!!" Niall said, cursing Louis. "Well good luck the toilet's calling you for help" I said giggling. "Cleano Horan to the rescue!!!!" he said in "super- hero" voice. I rolled my eyes at his cuteness and continued my work.

Finally the room was semi clean. I had to mop the floor though. But I didn't know where the supplies were. So I decided to ask the "supervisor" Louis about it. I walked towards Louis and this time he was watching some romantic soap- opera. "Kiss her Jack, be a man!!!!" Louis commented, concentrating on the TV. "Louis, where are the cleaning supplies?" I asked him.  "Store room..." He said, still looking at the TV. 

I walked towards the store room which at the corner of the dining area. I entered the room. It was a tiny room... it was your usual store room, I looked around as I wasn't familiar with the room. I suddenly saw a mop with a red stick. I walked towards the corner where it was kept. 

I gasped as I suddenly felt someone breathing near the crook of my neck. "GOD, Zayn!!! What are you doing in here?" I said grabbing my chest for breath. I suddenly froze as I looked at his face. We stood very close to each other just like last night. I looked at the same, beautiful, dark- hazel coloured eyes and was put into the same trance like yesterday. He too, looked into my eyes and stood without speaking anything. I woke up my brain as I thought of what happened yesterday. "I-I c-came for the glass cleaner." Zayn said stuttering. "Oh, okay" I said turning back and saw the glass cleaner which was kept on the rack. 

I quickly took it and gave it to him to avoid any further awkwardness. "Thanks..." he whispered looking down and walked out of the room. I sighed as he left the room... was I staring at him? I guess I really did! What was happening to me? I took the mop in my hand and walked out of the room where I saw Zayn cleaning the dining table with the glass cleaner. He looked at me as I passed by. He had no readable expressions. I walked out of there to the bedroom and started mopping right away.

After two-to two and-a half hours, I finished cleaning and mopping the two bedrooms. Gosh, I was exhausted! Now I completely understood what Niall meant. When I'd reached the living room, Niall, Harry and Zayn had finished their jobs while Liam was still dusting the photo frames in the living room. Poor Liam! He needs to take a break. I sat on the sofa beside Niall. "I'm feeling so tired!" Harry complained. "And it's all because of you Lou" I added. "'s all because of you!" Liam joined, throwing the dust cloth at the side table, dramtically.

"What about teach him a lesson?" Niall said,winking . "I don't hink that's necessary.." Louis said giving a half- smile. "Oh yes Lou it's necessary!" Harry said nodding. "Clean the living room, Louis!" Harry said. "Yeah!' All of us agreed. "okay....." He crankily got up and took the dust cloth from the side table while Liam sat on the sofa with us. We were laughing hysterically at how Louis had to learn his lesson now... the hard way.

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