Chapter 8- Are you drunk? (Part- 2)

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Zayn's P.O.V

Priyanka was such a beautiful girl. She looked so good with that dress she wore. I couldn't help but stare at her. She never liked whatever I did. I guess she finds me one- grape-less-of a fruit salad... she tried to avoid any kind of conversation with me. She would talk to everyone else but me. I knew this was because of the way I behaved with her.... but I REALLY do like her. I just couldn't show it.

Niall swiftly asked her to dance with him and she did. I lost that chance because...I was a dumbass. I felt really jealous. And all this while I thought girls get jealous. 4/5 of us were left behind. I sat and stared at them dancing.

All of us had a few shots of alcohol and we sat on the chairs... Liam just tasted a bit because of his kidney. After a while when I looked around, Harry and Liam were gone. I confusedly looked at Louis who was indeed feeling bored. "They've gone with some girls" Lou said pointing at them dancing. I smiled and looked at Priyanka who was dancing with Niall.

I stared at them for a while and I just got more jealous looking at them. I drank another shot. The alcohol burned through my throat but I enjoyed the feeling. I took another one without any delay. I drank so much  that lost count of it... I felt lighter and more confident. "Whoaa... bro slow down...." Louis said holding my wrist. I crankily pulled my hand from him.

I felt so confident that I forgot what I was doing and I slowly walked towards the dance floor. I walked over to Niall and Priyanka. They suddenly saw me and stood still. My brain felt light and heavy at the same time. "Harry's searching for you" I said softly. I know I lied... I had to. This was the only way I could get closer to her.

"What?" Niall asked placing his hand on his ear due to the loud music. "I said... Harry's searching for you" I said, this time a bit more loudly. "Why" he asked sadly. "I don't know... Go!" I said pushing him away.

Priyanka's P.O.V

I and Niall danced so much that we were on the verge of passing out. Suddenly, as if trying to ruin the moment, Zayn came and said that Harry was searching for him. After talking for some more time Zayn pushed him away , so that he would go. Just as Niall was out of sight, I saw Zayn smiling cheekily at me. That was awkward.....

With one swift movement he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him. I had to fight to keep balance. Our bodies touched and I really felt tensed. "What do you think you're doing?" I whispered as I didn't have the strength to say a bit more louder. "You'll see" he whispered against my ear. I shuddered at those words and I slowly looked at his face. Those  brown eyes stared at mine for sometime. I really felt like I had been put into a trance. 

He slowly moved to the beats of the song and he was grinding on my body. I felt very uncomfortable dancing with him. "Are you drunk?" I asked him leaning towards his ear, freaking out. "Just a little" he said while he wrapped his arms around my waist so that I wouldn't move away from him.

I was really feeling nervous and tensed. I felt I would cry at the very next moment. I, once again looked at his eyes, which looked darker than it was before. I could feel my eyes fill with tears as I just wanted to go away from him. He looked at my face and leaned to kiss me. I really didn't want to. 

As he leaned closer I just turned my head away from him. "Shit.." he mumbled under his breath. I began to cry and I knew it would make me look like a fool. He took his hands from my body and stood there, speechless. I cried and the tears blurred my vision. He moved a few steps back and watched me cry my guts out.

"Hey!!! Harry wasn't searching for me!" Niall came rushing and said Zayn playfully hitting him. I looked at Zayn, and I knew it from his face that he had lied to Niall about this thing. Niall suddenly turned to my face and stood there shocked. "W-What happened?" Niall asked covering me with his arms. He could have come a few seconds ago... that would have made things quite better.

"I want to go home..." I said, with tears still rolling down. "Okay... we'll go. But what happened?" Niall asked concerned as to why was I crying. "I want to go home Niall!" I said a bit more sternly. He wrapped his arms more tightly and we made our way back to where we saw Harry dancing with some girl. Zayn too followed us. "Let's go home" Niall said softly to Harry. Harry looked at me and raised his eyebrow, "Is there anything wrong?" he asked.

"I just want to get out of this place" I said burying my head with my hands. Harry and three of us found Liam and Louis who was also dancing.

We got out of the club and rushed to the car, trying to be as quick as possible. Niall once again opened the door of the car and got in. Liam and Zayn sat at the back and Harry and Louis in the front. 

Niall's P.O.V

What happened to Priyanka? Was something wrong? Did somebody misbehave with her? She would never tell me. She sat there silently looking out of the window throughout the whole ride. I looked at her and I could say that something was definitely going on. I looked at the back where Liam and Zayn was sitting. Zayn's jaws were tensed, which meant that he was angry. He was, too, looking out of the window. 

We stopped in front of Harry and Louis' house and got down of the car. I held her hand tightly to make her feel secure. Harry quickly opened the door and all of us got in. I held her hand and stood in the living room while the rest of the lads sat on the sofas. Priyanka slowly took her hand from mine and walked fast towards the bedroom. I walked behind her as I wanted to know what had happened earlier.

Priyanka's P.O.V

I ran towards the bedroom, crying. I just felt so bad. I went to the bathroom in the bedroom and closed the door of the bathroom. I walked towards the wash basin and looked at my face in the mirror. I looked horrible... my eyes were red and the mascara mixed with my tears made trails on my face. I cried so much that I started choking. The events which took place at the club just pierced my heart.

I heard someone knocking on the bathroom door. "Who is it?" I yelled, my voice was shivering. "It's me, Niall"He yelled. "Okay.." I mumbled. He slowly opened the door and peeped in and saw me. He came in and quickly gave me a hug. I felt so much better. "What happened,? Why were you crying?' Niall asked as his hands trailed through my hair. 

"Nothing..." I muttered under my breath. I really wanted to share this with someone and I knew that the right person was Niall. But I didn't want to say about it to him as it would ruin his and Zayn's friendship. I was a new person around here and I didn't want to destroy a strong friendship.

"See... you've got to tell me the reason why you're crying, okay? I must know this" he said giving a serious look. I let out a sigh... maybe I should tell what's going on in my mind.

I told him everything about me and Zayn from the beginning. And with each incident I saw his face getting redder. "WHAT'S WRONG WITH HIM??! I must go and talk to him" he shouted. "No! You shouldn't... I don't want to ruin a friendship...." I said holding his hands. "But I don't want to see you cry..." Niall said looking at me.  I felt so much better... he cared about me and that was more than enough for me. I hugged him tighty. 

"Niall... you're the only one who understands me" I whispered near his ear as I started crying again. He placed a kiss on my cheek and rubbed my forehead. He slowly opened the tap and took some water onto his hands and wiped my face till the mascara stain went. "Now let's get you to sleep" he muttered, smiling.

He walked me over to my bed which was on the floor. I slowly lied down while Niall sat beside me. He rubbed my forehead which really soothed me from all my sadness. He bent down and kissed me on my cheek. I gave a smile while I closed my eyes, drifting off to sleep while I could still feel him rub my forehead....

Niall's P.O.V

I saw her peacefully sleeping on my side. She was an angel, she also sleeps like one....Once I was sure that she'd slept, I slowly got up without waking her up and I walked over to the lads. I decided not to talk anything about this to Zayn or anyone as she'd said me not to, and I didn't want to break my promise because I like her.

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