Chapter Three: Take My Advice

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Days went by and Fitz's team was making tremendous progress but they were still getting lots of hate from people on Twitter which would bring votes down rather than up.
"Fitz, can I make a suggestion?" Liv asked.
Fitz put down his clipboard and pen, with his brows raised he asked "What is it Liv?"
"Maybe you should do more family with your kids and wife to show people that your more than just a candidate, you also have a family." Liv suggested.
Fitz nodded slowly and he digested the information as if a huge pill was being shoved down his throat. Everyone knew that he wasn't close with his wife and kids but if Liv thought it was his best option then that's what they had to.
"Well if you think that it's in our best interest, then we'll do it. I just need to gather up my kids and talk to Mellie about it." Fitz said.
Liv nodded and started to walk away but Fitz stopped her by asking "Are you sure you're okay with?"
Liv turned and stared at him. In her head she was thinking i don't want you to, please I don't wanna pretend anymore.
But all that came out was "Yes, why wouldn't I be okay with it?"
"We both know why." Fitz said.
She was shocked and she didn't want to admit anything so she lied and said "I don't know what you're talking about." And with that, she walked away. And she could tell that Fitz had a sad look on his face and she felt terrible but she had to ignore this and move forward with this campaign.

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