Chapter Ten: Pretending

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One hour later.
After the interview, Fitz went over to his kids.
"You guys did great. I'm so sorry mom couldn't be here. Do you guys wanna go out to eat or visit mom at the hotel?"
"Dad you don't have to pretend that you care. We'll be fine at the hotel with the vultures your campaign manager hired." Karen said while texting on her phone.
"Their names are Abby, Huck, Harrison, and Steven. They're just doing what they're told, which is to look out for you. And I'm not pretending anything, I like spending time with my kids but if you don't like spending time with me then that's your decision. Jerry! Do you have any suggestions of what to do?" Fitz asked trying to keep spirits up.
Jerry put his head down and peeped "I'm gonna stay with Karen."
Fitz nodded and hugged them both.
Once they were gone, Liv dragged Fitz into a chair. She began pointing out good and bad things about interview...mostly the bad things.
"Can't we do this another time?" Fitz said rubbing his temples.
Liv felt bad for him. One mistake, is that unforgivable? She placed her hand on his but he slid it away.
"We can finish this tomorrow morning since your speech isn't till 7:45." Liv said.
Without responding, Fitz got up and walked down the hall and pushed open the doors.
"Ma'am, are you ready to go?" The limo driver asked her.
Liv held up a finger gesturing for him to wait a second. Liv ran up to Karen and Jerry and tapped their shoulders.
"Hi, I don't know if you know me or not but I'm Olivia Pope. I'm also the reason that you got to skip school, eat from the finest restaurant in town, and got to spend time with your father so you better enjoy it while it lasts. Do us both a favor, and go in that limo and act like you love your father for just one night, can you do that?" She said.
Karen put her phone in her pocket and nodded. Jerry followed her out the doors and Liv took a deep breath. Thank you lord. She hoped that they would have a good time but she couldn't have been more wrong

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