Chapter 15: Jealousy

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"How did you know?" Sally asked sitting in a nearby chair with her hands over her mouth.
"The point is we do know so you either cancel this broadcast or I'll release this info everywhere." Liv said crossing her arms.
"I understand but there is one other person that knows the reason why Governor Grant threatened me." She said with a worried look on her face.
"Who?" Liv said asked with wide eyes.
"Billy Chambers." She said.
Without another word to Sally, Liv turned to Abby and said "stay here, keep an eye on her."
Abby nodded and Fitz followed Liv out of the building.
"Governor do you have anything on Chambers?" Liv asked fishing her keys out of her purse.
"No but I can bribe him." Fitz said getting in the passenger seat.
"With what?" Liv asked.
"Chief of staff." He said.
"Oh so you're definitely winning now?" Liv asked with an eye brow raised while buckling her seat belt.
"I trust you." He said smiling causing Liv to blush.
She turned away from him and started the car. Liv pulled out her phone and texted Harrison.

Liv: Chamber's address?

Harrison: pls?

Liv: 🙄

Harrison: you're no fun...

Liv: I'm not known for my humor, address....pls?

Harrison: 27957 William st

Liv: was that so hard?

Harrison: yes it was, why do you need his address?

Liv: I'll tell you when I get to the office in about an hour

Harrison: ok

She set her phone in the cup holder and began to drive. It wasn't long into the drive when she noticed Fitz was staring at her.
"What?" She asked glancing at him then back on the road.
"Nothin just, you're beautiful." He said smiling.
Liv's cheeks were now strawberries. She couldn't wipe the smile off her face but it was slapped off when she pulled into Chamber's driveway and there were cameras set up with lots of people. Liv got out of the car and Fitz followed. Liv spotted Billy talking to a camera man and stormed over to him.
"Stop this, now." She said.
"Oh of course, Livvie coming in to save the day. That's pathetic and typical, but also beneath you. You used to be an independent, hard working, successful woman and now you're everyone's bitch. Sad isn't it?" He said grinning.
"You know what's sad? A petty excuse of a man ruining two lives to get attention on television. You're cocky and stupid if you think this will help you. It will just blow up in your face. And I'm not anyone's bitch, I'm just the only one who's smart enough to know how to clean up the messes that bastards like you make." She said.
"Sounds more like a privileged bitch to me." He said.
Liv couldn't help but roll her eyes.
"Shut this down." She said.
"Why would I do that?" He asked with a smug look on his face.
Fitz interjected with "three words, chief of staff."
Chambers hesitated.
"Fine." He said.
"But if I'm not chief of staff, I'll tell everyone." He said walking away.
Liv nodded and yelled "pack up everyone and go home!"
Fitz and Liv walked to the car but Chambers yelled one last thing.
"Just know that this wouldn't have blown up in my face, you're just saving yourselves!"
Liv slammed the door and backed out of the driveway.
"Do you wanna get some coffee, I'm assuming yours is cold." Fitz said.
"I have to get back to the office, rein check?" She said.
"Um, it's 11 in the morning but ok..." Fitz said looking out the window.
"Do you like big B coffee?" She asked.
Fitz perked up and nodded. They drove down the road to the coffee place.
"I should probably go in, just so no ones suspicious." She said.
"Good idea, I'll just get a mint mocha medium."he said.
"Ok." She said and left the car.
There wasn't a line so she walked up to the cashier.
"I'll take my usual, a mint mocha medium, and two glazed doughnuts please." Liv said getting out her wallet.
"Anyone with you?" The man asked looking around.
"Nope just really hungry today." Liv said.
"Well as long as you pay." He said.
Liv chuckled and gave him a 20.
"Here you go." She said.
He gave her back a 4.
"You should come over some time for dinner, I cook great lasagna." He said with a sweet smile.
"Sounds like a plan, do you want my number?" She asked.
"Yeah sure." He said.
She took out a pen and post it. She wrote down a series of numbers and handed it to him.
"Talk to you later Matt." She said smiling.
"I hope we do more than talk." He said winking jokingly.
They both laughed.
"Livvie, your orders done." Jessie said from the back.
"Thanks Jess, I'll probably see you tomorrow." Liv said smiling.
She grabbed her things and walked back to the car. Once she was settled in the car she turned to Fitz.
"I know we said coffee but I'm starving so I got us some doughnuts-" "what the hell was that?" He asked.
"What?" Liv asked sipping her coffee.
"You and that guy were laughing and talking. You also gave him your number. Why?" He asked.
"Because I've known him for a while and I made down conversation. He also invited me to dinner so I was being nice and gave him my number. Besides, you aren't allowed to be jealous." She said setting down her coffee.
"Why?" He yelled.
"Because you have kids and you're married, how do you think I feel?" Liv yelled.
They both went dead silent.
"Maybe getting married was a mistake." He said.

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