The diary of a teenage girl

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The first day I met you, you were good, incredible, loving, soft, caring. You were the number I always wanted the boyfriend I needed. You had the love I wanted. The kisses I used to dream of. The hugs I always wanted. But most of all YOU the guy I was waiting for, always wanted. Because days are not good and wonderful sometimes. Which closes your eyes not to see the bad things that are busy messing up your life? You've been locked up in a small tin or something, I know this might sound crazy but I will try and find you wherever you areAnd why on earth will I do that? OH yea just because I know what I want and I really care for the ones I love I will wait until you open your eyes and see better.
I'm sorry that I didn't fight for you the minute I had time but it was just too hardyou were just not yourself. I know this is my entire fault but hey I won't forgive myself. Do you want to know why? Because you will always be in my mind. Each and every cell in my body knows that you are the guy Ive been looking for  all along , the guy I trust, the guy I love, the guy I know. I know we sometimes fought but what I liked about "US" was we did not fight in front of people it was just not us.
Most of the times we were together we laughed, Hugged, kissed, smiling at each other and most of all we had fun.
Being with you was just a huge blessing.
The weekend we will spend together will be fun and the whole week will be awesome. Whenever I heard your name I would just smile, you made me happy dear you still dont get the message do you? Didnt think so I wish I could just bring you closer and explain how I feel. I wish I could just go back to the times we had good times together. Remind on what we did the most together. We used to love life TOGETHER!
OH GOSH! I almost forgot the day  I almost lost my heart you introduced me to your mother geez that was scary but fun at the same timeI really didnt think Ill ever meet her  because I was not good for you. Well I still think Im not good enough for you or being with you. Best day for my life though thanks to you by the way hey because we turned out to be close sisters, after all you did she was there for me. Who knows maybe you planned all this. But if you did I think u should stay like that so u can save more lives. Because you saved mine!     

I am Cindy and this is my story.

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