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After the test was over, Kagome and Sasuke went to train for a few hours. After that, the two went their separate ways home. Then Kagome went shopping for ingredients for her dinner tonight. When Kagome got all of the ingredients, she headed towards her apartment. On the way, she noticed Shikamaru walking along the road.

"Shikamaru!" Kagome shouted. Shikamaru stopped in his tracks and looked over his shoulder to see Kagome waving at him.

"Kagome." Shikamaru said as she ran up to him.

"Where are you headed?" Kagome asked when she stood in front of him.

"I was just leaving the hill where I cloud watch. So now I'm bored and decided to walk around." Shikamaru said.

"I see." Kagome said, "Hey, would you like to have dinner with me?"

"Uh...sure." Shikamaru said nervously while pink dusted his cheeks.

"Great! Follow me then." Kagome said as she walked past him while grabbing his hand. Shikamaru started to blush even harder as Kagome held his hand. For some strange reason, he felt warm inside as she held his hand.

Her hands are warm...and soft. Shikamaru thought.


Kagome entered the apartment with Shikamaru behind her. This wouldn't be the first time that Shikamaru has been to her apartment. He often came here when he was bored or if he was in the neighborhood. She placed the groceries on the table and instantly began to work on preparing. She took out a pot and boiled the water. Then she placed the spaghetti into the water, letting it cook for five minutes. After that was done, she reserved in ¾ cup of the pasta water and drained it. While at the same time, she heated oil on medium heat and added the pieces of bacon on it.

"Do you want help, Kagome?" Shikamaru asked.

"No, it's okay. I'll be done in less than ten minutes." Kagome said.

"Alright." Shikamaru said. He was always amazed that Kagome knew how to cook such great tasting meals. He wondered who she learned it from. It was probably one of the civilians she was friends with or possibly his mom. He heard a 'meow' sound at his feet and saw Kirara sitting on the floor in front of him. She jumped up and sat on his shoulder and rubbed her cheek against his. He had always liked Kirara's company. He scratched behind her ears which made her purr loudly.

"Actually, could you get the plates and utensils out for me?" Kagome asked.

"Sure." Shikamaru said. He walked over to the cabinets and took out the plates and then the drawers where the utensils were. By the time he set the table, Kagome was finished making the meal. She got out a hot pad for the pot.

"So what did you make, Kagome?" Shikamaru asked, curious.

"Tomato Bacon Pasta." Kagome said.

"Sounds good." Shikamaru said with a small smile. Kirara jumped off from his shoulder as he noticed that Kagome had put a certain portion of the food on their plates. Then they sat down across from each other. They put their hands in prayer form.

"Thanks for the meal."

The meal was partly quiet between the two. Well, there was three of them which included Kirara was eating the same thing as them while sitting at the end of the table. Shikamaru liked the quietness, but he wanted to hear Kagome's voice. Somehow, he liked listening to Kagome's voice. It was kind and soothing. But only when she's angry it can sound boiling and hot. It can be cold and dark as well. Sometimes Kagome was worse that his mom.

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