Tears in the Snow

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Kagome stood frozen at the sight. She couldn't believe it. Haku had sacrificed himself for Zabuza. The one person who took him in when no one else would. Suddenly Zabuza began to laugh.

"I guess you were wrong, Kakashi." Zabuza said, smirking underneath his bandages, "Well done, Haku."

"This boy sacrificed his life for your pathetic one." Kakashi said, narrowing his uncovered eye at Zabuza. Unexpectedly, Zabuza lifted up his Kubikiribōchō and was ready to strike Kakashi, who hand was still latched onto by Haku. His uncovered eye widened at the sudden attack.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Kagome and Sakura shouted. Kakashi quickly grabbed Haku and jumped out of the way of the attack. He glanced to the side and saw that Kagome and Sasuke were about to head towards him.

"Stay out of this!" Kakashi commanded them. The two genin stopped in their tracks as they watched Kakashi carefully lay Haku down. He placed his hand over Haku's eyes and slowly shut them. Kakashi stood up and glared at Zabuza with disgust in his eyes.

"Let's finish this." Kakashi said.

"You took the words right out of my mouth." Zabuza said as he lift his blade in front of him. Kakashi took out his kunai and went straight towards Zabuza. Kagome wished that she could help her sensei, but he had told them to stay out of it.

The two shinobi clashed with both their blades: kunai vs. giant sword. It was quite hard to tell which would win the fight. But to Kagome's point of view, Kakashi seemed to winning. The reason would be because Zabuza has the heavier weapon which took a lot more strength to lift. Meaning that Zabuza had somewhat slower reflexes. Zabuza swung his blade down once more. Kakashi disappeared from his view, denting a crater into the ground. Zabuza's eyes widened when he felt something pressing against the back of his neck. Kakashi was behind him, holding Zabuza's neck in a vice grip with his fingers.

"Look at yourself...falling apart. I knew you wouldn't be able to handle the long haul. You don't know what the true meaning of strength is." Kakashi scolded Zabuza with fury and disappointment in his voice. Suddenly, Kakashi stabbed two kunai knives into Zabuza's arms, rendering them useless. Then Kakashi took out two more kunai out of his bag and started twirling them.

"You lose." Kakashi declared as he brought down his two kunais. Then Zabuza twisted his body around and swung his blade. But Kakashi was able to stab the two kunai into Zabuza's other arm before he was able to dodge the upcoming swing. Zabuza's blade fell from his grip and skid a few feet away from his reach.

"What will you do now, Zabuza? Both of your arms are useless, so you can't even make hand signs." Kakashi taunted.

Then they heard the sound of someone tapping a cane on the sidelines. Everyone looked towards the direction of where the newcomer is: Gatō. He had puffy brown hair. He wore a small pair of black sunglasses and a business suit with a yellow shirt underneath and a purple tie. He had a bandaged left arm with a cane in his right. A hundred other rebels and thieves were behind him.

"He did quite a job on you, Zabuza. You look like yesterday's sashimi." Gatō ridiculed in a humorous tone.

"What is this about, Gatō? Who the hell are they?" Zabuza asked, narrowing his brown eyes at Gatō who was smirking as the men behind him were snickering. Gatō chuckled.

"There's been a slight change in plans, Zabuza. According to the new plan, you're going to die right here on this bridge." Gatō smirked.

"What?!" Zabuza exclaimed, eyes widened.

"You're too expensive to hire. So I'm cutting off our deal. These thugs here are worth more something than you, Zabuza." Gatō chuckled again.

"Just look at you, Zabuza, Demon of the Mist. You look as demonic as a wet kitten." Gatō bellowed, which brought a roar of laughter and taunting jeers in Zabuza's direction.

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