Catching Up

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Team 7 and Hachi had finally arrived at Konoha. Hachi was amazed by all of the people in the village. However, he didn't like the stares he was receiving as he and team 7 were walking towards the Hokage Tower. Most of them were curious and another were ones he wasn't familiar with. But he noticed a few glares that were directed at Kagome. Hachi was confused on why Kagome was being glared at. To his point of view, Kagome was a kind and strong girl who cared about her loved ones.

They soon entered the Hokage's office. Sarutobi and Iruka were curious at the tanuki who stood by Kagome. Their brows arched once they noticed him.

"So who is that?" Iruka pointed at Hachi who hid behind Kagome's legs. He felt really uncomfortable with the two men's stares.

"This is Hachi. He's a lost summon." Kagome explained as she placed her hand on his head. Hachi peaked from the side of her legs and gave a small wave of his paw.

"What happened to your previous summoner, Hachi?" Iruka asked.

"My summoner was killed along with my kind. Somehow I was the only survivor." Hachi added with his head down.

"Hm." Sarutobi said as he stroke his goatee.

"What were you planning to do with Hachi, Kagome-chan?" Iruka questioned.

"I was planning on letting Hachi stay with me. He has nowhere else to go." Kagome stated.

"You already have your ninnekos and ninkens summons, Kagome-chan. Those are two different summons. It's impossible to have three in fact." Sarutobi informed.

"Actually, they're one contract." Kagome said.

"Pardon?" Sarutobi asked, brow arched.

"My ninnekos and ninkins are one contract because they all get along equally. So it makes it easier to obtain a second contract." Kagome said.

"Interesting." Sarutobi commented.

"I've never heard of two species getting along with one another." Iruka added.

"Well...they were living in the same street corner." Kagome said, "So they had to get along somehow," Kagome said, "Anyway, I would like Hachi to stay with me. Even though Hachi has no fighting skill. But I think he might get along with all of my summons."

"I see," Sarutobi said, "Are you willingly to take care of him?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Kagome said.

"Very well," Sarutobi agreed, "Hachi will remain in your care, Kagome."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama." Kagome bowed towards Sarutobi.


After the meeting with the Hokage, Kagome, Kirara, and Hachi were on their way to Kagome's apartment. It was silent as they walked towards their destination. As soon as Kagome closed the door to the apartment, she turned to Hachi with a soft smile on her face.

"It's been a while, hasn't Hachi?" Kagome asked.

"Indeed it has," Hachi said, "For a second I thought you didn't recognize me."

"I recognize you anywhere, Hachi." Kagome smiled.

"Well I glad that you did." Hachi returned the gesture.

"How about some tea?" Kagome asked.

"Tea would be great." Hachi said.

Kagome nodded her head and walked over to the cupboard and took out a package of tea and two cups. She placed the cups on the table and went over to the sink. She broke the package of tea and poured it the kettle. Then she put the water in and placed the kettle on the burner.

"So what happened after I died?" Kagome asked as Hachi sat down.

"As I said before, the demon lords banished Inuyasha... everyone else grieved heavily on your death. Shippo, Miroku, and Sango especially." Hachi explained.

"What about the others? Are they in this dimension as well?" Kagome asked as she took out a cat bowl and put cold water into it.

"I believe so. But I'm not entirely sure since I haven't seen anyone else when I first came here." Hachi replied.

"I see." Kagome stated, "How long have I been dead in the other dimension, Hachi?"

"120 years to be precise." Hachi answered.

"What were Miroku and Sango's last words?" Kagome asked.

"They wanted all of us to find you and stay by your side." Hachi stated.

"Let's just hope they come soon." Kagome said as she placed the water bowl on the counter. Kirara jumped off her shoulder and began drinking. Then the kettle was boiling. Kagome turned the stove off and took the kettle off the burner. She began pouring the tea into Hachi's cup. Kagome went over to her seat and poured tea into her cup.

"So what happened after you were reborn?" Hachi asked.

"Well, I've been training as a kunoichi since I was little. I just finished my first mission outside of the village." Kagome replied.

"Sounds exciting. You always seemed to be the adventurous type of girl, Kagome-chan." Hachi said, taking a sip of the tea.

"Thank you, Hachi." Kagome said.

"But why do the villagers glare at you?" Hachi questioned. A silence moment entered the room. Kagome knew why the villagers hated her and it never left a good feeling inside of her when some wouldn't take a chance to get to know her.

"On the day I was born, a giant creature known as the Kyūbi no Yōko attacked the village. Half of the shinobi tried to keep it at bay. The only one who was able to defeat the creature was the Yondaime Hokage." Kagome began.

"Defeat? How was he able to defeat such a creature?" Hachi questioned.

"He sealed the creature inside of infant which cost him his life." Kagome finished.

"And that infant was you, right?" Hachi asked.

"Hai." Kagome answered, saddened.

"They shouldn't treat you like that, Kagome-chan."

"Hachi, the Kyūbi destroyed half of the village and killed a lot of people." Kagome reasoned, "To the villagers, I'm just a humanized version of the creature. One that they wouldn't mind trying to kill."

"Have they?" Hachi asked.

"They nearly did once. Luckily one of the ANBU guards stopped the mob before anything worse happened to me." Kagome replied, "They beat me up real bad once. If Iruka-sensei hadn't found me, then I probably would've ended up dead."

"I'm glad that he was able to help you." Hachi thanked as Kagome took a sip of her tea and put the cup back down.

"Well, he's like a father to me. Not to mention that Sandaime-sama is like a grandfather to me as well." Kagome smiled, "I've met a few others that I consider as friends."

"It's good to know that you have friends here, Kagome-chan. Everyone was worried that you didn't." Hachi said.

"I wasn't entirely alone." Kagome stated. Kirara mewed at that.

For the rest of the day, Kagome and Hachi talked about what else had happened while they were apart. What they didn't know was that there was someone coming to Konoha. Someone that they didn't expect to appear.

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