A Familiar Friend

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Team 7 were on their way back to their home village, Konoha. Truth be told, they were glad to be going home. They all felt like they had learned something from this. Kagome couldn't wait to get home. She had a lot of things to tell Shikamaru. Even though he may not show that he's not interested to what she's talking about, but she knew that he was by his aura.


The sudden cry stopped them in their tracks.

"Kirara, follow the scent!" Kagome ordered. Kirara nodded her head and sniffed the air. She jumped off Kagome's shoulder and went into the bushes. Team 7 followed after her. When they got to the source of the cry, they were surprised to see a young man in a tree with a small pack of wolves at the bottom. The young man had black hair with thick bangs tied in a small ponytail on the back of his neck, dark purple eyes, and wore golden earrings on the sides of his ears. He wore purple monk clothes. There was some tall object wrapped in a bundle on his back. He clutching onto the tree while sitting on the branch.

"P-Please!!! Somebody help meeeee!!!" The man shouted with tears in the corner of his eyes. Then he looked down at the wolves who were growling at him. "T-Trust me I won't taste good at all! B-B-Believe m-me!"

"Kirara." Kagome whispered. Kirara nodded and jumped off Kagome's shoulder. She headed towards the wolves. They turned to her and began to approach. Then she was surrounded in flames. When they died out, she was in her large form and roared, which caused the wolves to turn and run. Team 7 walked up to the tree and saw the man sigh in relief.

"Thank you so much for getting rid of them." The man said.

"It's no problem." Kagome said.

"But I have one more thing that I need help with." The man said.

"What is it?" Sakura asked.

"Could you... help me get down?" The man asked nervously. Team 7 sweatdropped at this.

Kakashi helped the young man down from the tree and he sighed in relief once more. Kagome studied the young man as he stood in front of them. Kagome recognized him as Miroku, but the strange thing was that she didn't sense Miroku's aura in front of her. It was someone else's.

"My name is Miroku and I can't thank you enough for saving my life." 'Miroku' introduced.

"You're welcome, Miroku. It was a good thing that we were nearby." Kagome said, smiling. "By the way, I'm Kagome."

"I'm Sakura."


"And this is Sasuke."


"Pleasure to meet you all." Miroku said.

"How did you get caught up with those wolves?" Sakura asked. Miroku rubbed the back of his head nervously.

"I was simply walking down the road and I got a little bit hungry. So I sat down near the trees and began eating my rice balls. Suddenly, a wolf appeared and then another. I quickly got up and ran. More wolves joined the others. I climbed up into the tree and stayed up there until they would go away. But they didn't give up." Miroku explained. "If it weren't for you all, I would have been dead meat. Literally."

"Well Kirara did most of the scaring." Kagome stated, gazing at Kirara who gave a happy growl.

"By the way, how did you get so big so fast, Kirara?" Sakura asked, pointing at Kirara. She didn't answer and her body was encased in flames, which shocked them except Kagome. After the flames died down, she was in her small form again and ran over to Kagome to sit on her shoulder.

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