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Kagome was still exhausted from yesterday's training. After her spat with Inari, Kagome trained all night to get stronger in order to stand a chance against Zabuza and the masked boy. But she had to try, no matter how long it takes. She opened her eyes as she sat up in her futon and noticed that it was morning. She blinked for a little bit until she finally realized that it was indeed morning and that she was suppose to be escorting Tazuna with her team. She leaped out out of the futon and quickly put on her clothes. She ran down the steps with Kirara behind her and when she got to the bottom, she saw Tsunami washing the dishes.

"Tsunami-san!" Kagome said.

"Ah, Kagome-chan, Kirara. Good morning." Tsunami smiled.

"Good morning." Kagome said. "How come no one woke me up?"

"Your sensei thought it would be best if you rested today since you were up all night training." Tsunami reasoned. Kagome sighed at this. So Kakashi-sensei knew that she would be totally exhausted the next morning.

"Oh, well, I guess I have no choice." Kagome admitted.

"How about some breakfast?" Tsunami asked.

"Sounds great." Kagome replied.


Kagome was sitting down at the table as she drank her tea while Kirara was drinking milk from a small bowl. Then she felt it. A disturbing nearby. An unsettling feeling in her body. She couldn't help but wonder what was coming straight here. She put her tea down and stood up.

"Tsunami-san, I'm going to go out for a bit. I'll be back in a few." Kagome announced before she and Kirara ran out the door. She jumped through the trees, hoping to find what was making her uneasy. Soon she came across something that made her blood freeze: a dead boar. Then she noticed medium sized scratches marks on the trees. She knew that it couldn't have come from the boar. To her point of view, it looked like a sword went through them. She realized that they were heading down to Tsunami's home.

'Tsunami-san!' Kagome thought with panic as she quickly jumped through the trees. She hoped that she would arrive in time.


Inari was in the bathroom when his mother called him down to help her with the laundry. Suddenly, he heard something break and his mother scream downstairs. He quickly rushed downstairs and saw his mother on the floor with her hands on her head in fright with two other men who had swords strapped to their waists in the room.

"Mother!" Inari yelled, his eyes widened. Tsunami's widened when she saw Inari.

"Inari, no! Don't come out here! Run away! Hurry!" Tsunami shouted. The two men towards Inari.

"Don't move." The man with the eye patch said and then he turned to the other man. "Should we grab this one too?"

"No, Gatō asked for just one hostage." The other man with the silver white said. Inari stiffened at the mention of Gatō wanting a hostage. He couldn't move at all as he grasped onto the door frame. The man with the eyepatch turned to Inari and held his sword out.

"Alright." He said with an evil glint in his remaining eye. "Then let's waste him!"

Inari froze as the man began to draw his sword out.

"Wait!" Tsunami shouted. The man stopped from unsheathing his sword. "Please don't hurt my son. I begging you. He's just a boy. I will do...anything." Tsunami stated as she glared at the two swordsmen. "Just please don't hurt him."

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