Battling Demons

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"Let's begin." Haku stated. The mirrors began to glow. Kagome knew that wasn't a good sign. She quickly summoned a barrier around herself as a rain of senbons attacked her from all around. She had to keep the barrier up for a while. But how long will this attack last?

"Interesting." Zabuza commented when he saw Kagome was in her barrier.

'The barrier from before.' Kakashi thought when he remembered the barrier that Kagome had used when the demon brothers attacked. He also remembered when the Sandaime told him that Kagome was the reincarnation of a powerful miko. He was surprised that Kagome was able to purify anything without hurting the Kyuubi sealed inside of her. It didn't make any sense to him.

'Unless Kagome and the Kyūbi are able to work together.' Kakashi thought. That would make sense.

"How about you focus on our battle, Kakashi?" Zabuza taunted.

Kakashi got into his fighting stance as he turned his gaze at Zabuza. He couldn't help Kagome now. She was on her own in her fight against Haku. He could only hope that she'll get out of it alive.


"How long are you going to keep your barrier up, little girl?" Haku questioned.

"For as long as I can." Kagome answered. She had to think of something else as she was caged in these mirrors. She knew that water or wind would have no effect since the ice was made from the two elements. The only she really had were fire, earth, and lightning. But fire wouldn't do much good for her. Lava would work if only she could master one though. She should have asked Asuma about it. She soon noticed that her barrier was starting to flicker. Once it was fully gone, Kagome was panting.

"You're wide open now." Haku said. Kagome quickly summoned her fighting staff. Then Haku threw the senbons in all different directions. Kagome spun her metal staff around, trying to deflect all of the senbons coming towards her. Suddenly, two senbons hit her hands, making her drop her staff. The senbon stopped as Kagome knelt down on one knee as she panted heavily.

"I'm surprised that you're still able to stand." Haku stated.

"Thanks. Let's just say that I have motivation." Kagome grinned as she slowly stood up and took the two senbon off her hand. "My dream is to become the first female Hokage that everyone in my village will acknowledge and start treating me like a somebody!"

"Motivation. Huh?" Haku questioned. Unexpectedly, Kagome leaped into the air and grabbed six kunais that had paper bombs wrapped around them. Then she threw them towards the mirrors and grabbed three more kunai. She threw them at the other kunai and they bounced off each other, hitting each mirror that surrounded her. The mirrors shattered into pieces around her as she landed on the ground. She stood up and glanced at her surroundings as she panted. For some strange reason, she didn't sense Haku.

"Missed one."

Kagome's eyes widened in shock when she heard a voice behind her. Before she could turned around, she felt something pierced into her back. Then she fell to her knees and looked up. She spotted the mirror above her and saw her with Haku behind her.

'Can't...believe...I missed...that.' Kagome thought as her head fell forward. She glanced at Sasuke, Kirara, Sakura, and Tazuna in the distance. Her eyes slowly closed and fell to the ground with a thud.




"KAGOME!!!!!!" Sasuke screamed with wide eyes as he gazed at Kagome's fallen figure. Haku walked over Kagome's body and calmly walked over to Sasuke and the others.

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