An Unexpected Acquaintance

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A young man covered by a black cloak, stared up at the entrance to Konohagakure. He had finally made it to his destination. The reason why he was here was a personal one. Not a bad one though.

"Hey, who are you?" Izumo called out to the young man by the village gate.

"Sorry. I'm here to rest for a few days." The man answered as he walked over to the two shinobi.

"It's fine." Izumo said, "However, we need to see your traveling papers, please sir."

"Okay." The man said as he went into his bag and pulled out his papers. Then he handed them to Izumo.

"Thank you." Izumo said.

"Are you staying for the Chūnin exams?" Kotetsu asked.

"Of course," The man said, "But I'm actually meeting up with an old friend."

"A friend, huh?" Kotetsu asked.

"Is there something wrong?" The man questioned.

"Just a question." Kotetsu stated.

"Okay, it's been awhile since I had seen her. So I wanted to surprise her." The man said.

"Her?" Kotetsu asked.

"She's like a sister to me." The man said.

"Oh, I see." Kotetsu said.

"Your papers are all in order, sir." Izumo confirmed, handing them back to the man.

"Thanks." The man said as he retrieved his papers and put them away in his bag.

"Have a nice day in Konoha, sir." Kotetsu greeted.

"I will." The man greeted back as he entered the town.


Kagome was at her local grocery store, getting some more food for her and Hachi. She knew that she had to get more food for her summons as well. She was glad that they all got along with Hachi. Then she soon arrived at the store.

"Kagome-chan, welcome!" Minori greeted.

"Hello, Minori-san." Kagome smiled.

Minori then caught sight of Hachi who looked nervously up at her.

"And who is this?" Minori asked.

"Oh, this is Hachi, he's one of my new summonses." Kagome stated.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Hachi. I'm Minori." Minori greeted.

"It's a pleasure as well." Hachi greeted back.

"So the usual, Kagome-chan?" Minori asked.

"Yup!" Kagome replied.

Kagome and Hachi walked around the store to get the items they needed. Once they got them and purchased, they left the store. Hachi was amazed by all the things that they bought. He had never seen the kind of items.

"So what should I make for dinner tonight?" Kagome asked.

"Whatever you're making, it'll be delicious." Hachi replied.

"Okay, I'll make you something you probably haven't tried yet." Kagome said as she smiled at Hachi.

When she turned around, she bumped into someone and fell onto the ground. She looked up and saw a dissatisfied male villager. The man glared at her as she sat on the ground. Kagome had gotten use to those type of looks from the villagers. Some would just ignore her or just insult and shove her to the side.

"Watch it, demon." The man grunted. Then he turned around only to fall on his face.

"Whoops, didn't see you there." The cloaked man said, walking past the man on the ground.

"Kagome, you okay?" Hachi asked with his hand on her shoulder.

"I'm fine, Hachi." Kagome said, "Are the eggs okay?"

"Yup." Hachi answered, holding the bag that had the eggs in it.

"Need help?"

The two looked towards the male voice and saw a hand stretched out in front of them. Kagome grabbed a hold of the hand and the person pulled her up until she was steady on her feet.

"Thank you, sir." Kagome thanked the man, dusting her clothes off.

The aura the man had seemed familiar to Kagome. It belonged to someone from her past.

"Do I know you?" Kagome asked, looking up at the person who face was slightly hidden by the shade of the hood he was wearing.

"Of course you do. You just haven't seen me in over a hundred years." The man said before he flipped off his hood and Kagome and Hachi gasped. The man appeared to be in his late 20s. He had long brown auburn hair tied in a high ponytail and green eyes with slightly pointed ears. Kagome and Hachi knew who this man was.

"Ship-Shippo?" Kagome asked with wide eyes.

"It's been awhile, hasn't it, little sis?" Shippo asked with a grin.

"Indeed it has." Kagome stated with a soft smile.


I see myself as having three families: my birth family, the family that raised me, and my Cree family, who I was reunited with in my late teens, so I consider myself to be lucky.

- Buffy Sainte-Marie

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