Chapter 4

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He said the moment i closed the car door...

"Oh yeah?"

"we're gonna do challenges and after every challenge the one who wins is allowed to ask a question and the other one HAS to answer with honesty ,Deal?"


i shook his hand and let the Game get started.

"Okay look the first game is ,who can throw pebbles farther in the see?"

Oh god! i always fail in this game!!

"Oh okay! no problem."

"Are you sure? because your face does not tell the same!"

he said like if he can read my mind!

he started and he did it perfectly, i looked at him and he gave me that ego look...

"Try to do better than this!"
he said with a smirk.

now it's my turn, please Riley do it,just do it!
if i don't,then he's gonna ask me a question and i'll have to answer it!

please god...please...

and here we go...

yeah sure it didn't work.
i looked at him and he was trying to hide his laughter.

"I've never knew how to do it"
i said looking at him annoyed.

"I'll help you"
he said giving me that cute little of his.

i said full of joy just like a kid who received a nice gift on Christmas.

he came closer,puted his hands around me,took my hand where there's the rock,and he was talking i don't know what because i wasn't focus on that,i was focused on his baby face.

but stupid me,i kept staring at him like a weirdo ,when he noticed ,he said
"And what was i saying?"
with a little smile.

"Something about rocks?!"
i said trying to escape from this awful situation.

"Oh really?"


then suddenly the smile was removed from his face but it was still in his eyes i can see it.

"You have beautiful eyes you know?"


i blushed.

"Ohh you're blushing!"

so really? you're semi holding a girl,looking straight into her eyes and telling her how beautiful they are and you espect her not to bluch?!

but surely i kept my useless confident and said.

"No i'm not"

he laughed then said.

"i'm the one seeing your face not you"

again,i kept staring like a weirdo!
Seriously, What's wrong with me?!

"I was saying..."
he continued explaining the hand position to have it right and all...

and we tried it.

i started jumping from joy.

"It worked! It worked! "
i turned and hugged him.
yup...i hugged him.

"it's the first time i can do this,my dad tried teaching it to me a lot but it never worked, and now thanks to you i..."

i stoped...
i stoped talking when i noticed i mentioned my dad.

and he was looking at me with joy,
he didn't say anything about it!
i'm happy but it's weird no?

we continued walking on the beach,and we sat down on the sand.

"Even though i helped you but i'm the winner in this challenge"

"No it's a 1-1"

i said trying to escape from his question, i mean, i know he want to know everything about me.
i know he have plenty of questions in his head, and all of them are so private and i can't tell him!
not only i don't want to but i can't.

"No no! i have the question in my head,it was a deal! you won't escape from this!"

what can i say! he's insisting really badly!

"Did you ever had a boyfriend?"


"And why did you broke up?"

"i remember that it was a 1 question for every challenge deal! and these are two!"

"but they are related"

"I'm so sorry but gladly i cannot answer that"

"Oh come on! i already knew you had a boyfriend,you're gorgeous so it's impossible boys won't run after you!"

"Then you should have been more intelligent with your question"
i said winking and getting up.

"so...let's move on to our next challenge"

he said getting up.
and YES i escaped from the 1 question,this time he's gonna be much more careful with his question so there's no way i'm letting him win this time.

"And i think i found our new challenge..."



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