Chapter 14

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It's midnight,i'm in my bed ,watching the ceiling,and thinking.
thinking about that girl that he never mentioned to me before,i guess our friendship then our relationship weren't that honest as i thought they were,from my side and his side,both of us.

Courtney is one of those girls who's in love with Jay's look,she was his girlfriend and she doesn't even know his favorite songs!

she was looking at him in a different way then i do,she looks at him like she wants something for him,i look at him and imagine my life with him,or when i look at him i see the good thing in him,I see what a great person he is.

while i was thinking of this and that,something comes to my head.
when i was listening un-purposly to Jay's conversation on the phone,he said something about a game,he said 'it's just a game...' something like that.and then when i was half-talking with Max on the phone he also saod something about a game,and Jay took the phone from my hand really quick as if he don't want me to hear things.
They're hiding something,and i'm gonna know what is it.i think.

i couldn't sleep that day,i wanted ro talk Jay but i thought it isn't cool because we're only friends.
i went to open the window and i saw Jay's room's lights are on.

As i was watching the night sky,the stars.i got a texte,it was from Jay.

'Hey,are you awake?'

'Hey,no i don't think so'

'Oh really?'

'Why are you awake?'

'that's probably because i can't sleep'

'And the question is why can't you sleep'

'can i come over'

i thought about it for a minute and then,why not,no one will come to my room at midnight right!

'yeah...why not'

he opened his window,jumped on the tree and came to my room.

"Hey" he said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Hey,um let's go to the balcony" i said.

in my room,there's the window that shows Jay's room,and on the other side there's a balcony that shows the garden and the back door of the house.

"this is my favorite part of the house.i always come here to watch the stars when i feel alone.You know,my dad used to say that every one of us have his own star in the sky,even when you're dead,your star will rest in the sky to watch the people you love nd take good care of them,that's why when i feel alone i come here because i feel like i'm connected to my father,like i can tell him what's wrong and he'll help me just like before..."

i stopped talking when i noticed that he was staring at me.

i cleared my throat
"i talk too much don't i!"

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