Chapter 12

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"Riley!" i heard someone calling from behind my back.
i turned around to see the gang as we can call them,Troy, Max,Chloe and the cheerleader.

"What's up girl?!"
said Troy looking at me,was he  looking at me?
"You're talking to me ?"
i said confused,i mean he had never talked to me before!
why me? why now? this SO weird

"Where's Jay?" asked Chloe ignoring my question because i guess it was silly.

"i don't know!"

"What! YOU DON'T KNOW!"said the cheerleader shocked.

"Why should i know where he is!?"

"because he's your...your're..say something Thea"

"Make a sentence Chloe"
FINALLY Thea talked.this girl is just unbelievable,she have the ability to not talk or laugh or do reactions or anything ,her mood is like 0,like you don't know if she's happy or sad or mad or anything.
also she's that kind of black black and only black.

the total opposite of Chloe;Chloe is just always happy and excited,wears colorful clothes (if she wasn't wearing her cheerleader costume),she talks A LOT and wants to know everything.

"You and him are something aren't you!"

"No we're not"


i left my locker when all there faces were like 'Oh'.
but before i go into my class,Max said
"You can sit with us at lunch"

"Thank you"

i don't know what got into them,they're suddenly my friends,and now they like me,what is this...
during the school hours i didn't focus on anything,everything i could think about was and still 'Jay'.
i thought it wouldn't mean anything to me but loosing him is hard.

just when i was going out of class Mr.Martines called.
"How's toodering?"

"i'm sorry?"

"Miss,you're supposed to be toodering that new guy"

and suddenly i remember that me and Jay agreed once to go to his house to help him with his missed studies.

"Oh yeah is great, Jayson's a good student,we are doing a progress"

"and i believe you're a great tooder,you won't let me down"

"i'll do my best"

"good,have a good day"

"have a good day"

seriously?where did this toodering matter come out from now!
i don't want to go to Jay's but i also don't want to let Mr.Martines down.
i think i have to choose now.

on my way home,i was thinking and thinking.

"No Riley you ain't going to his place no matter what it takes,you ain't gonna apologize,i mean he's wrong too isn't he!" i said to my self.

after a long walk,i found my self on his front door.
i was so scared to ring the doorbell,i was so scared of his reaction of seeing me.But I finally found my courage to do it.

Ding-dong someone opens the door,it was him, i stood there watching his baby-cute face.


"i know you're not expecting to see me,but i came here to ask you if you're ready for the lesson"

"What lesson?"

"we agreed with Mr.Martines that i'll tooder you,and actually i forgot about it,and i guess you did too,and today he talk to me about it,and i'm ready to give up on everything but not letting him down"

"so by toodering me,you're giving up on everything."

"We're not gonna fight now,Jay,i'm not here for this,can you just answer me,are you free now for the lesson?"

"let me see...yeah,come in"

i came in to the living room,the TV was on,he was watching The voice i guess.
he came and sat next to me on the couch.

"So...we're starting with biology"

"Before that"he said putting his hand on mine,shotting the biology book on the table,"i think we should set things straight between us" he added.

"i don't think there's anything to talk about"

"there is! i miss you,and i don't want us to be like this"

"we tried relationship and it didn't work,what can we do more?"

"Try an other way" he suggest.

"What other way?"

"We can be more like friends"

"Friends you say"


"Good then from now on,let's be friends,nothing more nothing less"

i don't feel comfortable about this,like how your ex-boyfriend is gonna be your friend,even though we started as friends and we didn't last so long i mean one day,WHAT RELATIONSHIP IS THAT!
but maybe being friends is best for the both of us.
Maybe after everything that happened to me i'm not ready yet for relationships and dating and all that.

we spend an hour studying.
"Can we take a  break i'm seriously tired"

"yeah me too,you have serious understanding problems"

"What can i say,you're a real nerd!"

"i'm no nerd,i'm just intelligent and i study, a lot"

"Whatever you say princess"

Princess i so missed that word coming out of his mouth.

his phone started ringing,
"hey,i'm gonna take this and i'll be back"

"Take your time"

he went to his room,at this time i really wanted to go to the bathroom,i went upstairs to find it,passing by his room i heard him say.

"that's okay everything will be back like before,it's just a matter of time....yeah believe me...i'll call her and i'll explain her everything."

i couldn't wanna stop listening but really had to go to the bathroom,on my way back he was still talking,this time he was saying.

"C believe me it's just a game! of course i don't..."

i wanted to hear more but i unexpectedly steped on t-shirt on the floor,i tried to get help with the door but in stand it opened and i went down on the floor.oops!

stupid me.

"What are you doing here?are you eavesdropping on me?!i can't believe you Riley!"

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