Chapter 7

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It's lunch know,the time where all friends group at one table, talk,laugh,eat,have fun...everything...

for me it's the worst time in the whole day.
i sit alone on that table watching everyone passing by, looking at me awkwardly.

and like everyday i was sitting on my usual place eating my food ,when i feel shadows on the table and then i see Troy,Max,Chloe the cheerleader and one other girl that i see a lot cause she's always in trouble.
when i saw them sitting in front of me at the same table, i knew there's something weird.
i feel one hand on my shoulder,i look up to see those beautiful brown eyes of Jay's meeting mines.
He sits next to me.

"Princess,why are you sitting alone?"

i look at them scared, seeing the hate looks in there eyes then at Jay's who's giving me a soft look.

i sit there staring at him not knowing what to say,until Troy says

"She's lame, why would anyone wants to sit with her,and really i don't understand why we are sitting with her! that's ridiculous!"

when i hear him saying that,i can't take it...a tear slipped down my cheek,
i stand up getting ready to go

"I really need to go!"

just when i was leaving the table.

"Why are you so mysterious! Why don't you just be honest! Why do you sit alone?"

"Because i have NO FRIENDS"

i stoped to say theses words, but i said them not having the ability of looking at him right in the face, and when i felt all the students gathering stopped talking to look at me, i ran away.

i went out of the high school and went to a park.
i sat under a tree looking at the green ground, lost in my safe place...
dreaming about that day when everything was perfect...
Why do things change?
Why do people leave?

"I'm sorry"
i hear coming from behind me.
i didn't dare to turn around to see,maybe because i wasn't ready to be surprised...

"i was a jerk"

i'm still looking at the ground in front of me, and the voice is getting closer.

"i'm Sorry"
this time i turned around because it wasn't Jay's voice was Troys.

behind me there was Jay and Troy followed by Max and the 2 girls.

"i am really sorry for being rude"
Troy said giving me that guilty look.

"and i'm sorry for putting you in this weird situation."
said Jay sitting on the ground next to me.

i still not talking just looking at them.
"Guys could you leave us alone please."

we watched them left and we started looking at each other.
"come on"

i raised my eyes not getting what he's saying.
he took my hand and helped me get up.
He started walking holding my hand,but i stoped.
"Where are we going?!"

"i'm taking you somewhere to relax"
he said winking at me.

"What about the school?!"

"Forget that"

we went to an old building.
we went inside and it's an whole new world!
there's colors everywhere and colorful lights,a million room!

"What is this place!"
i said checking the place out.

"You like it"

"i love it"

we went to a room there's a piano and a guitar,drums and lots of instruments and a mic,he took the guitar and got closer to the mic.
"I'm gonna show you the real me"

i was going to laugh of the idea of him singing.
but when he started...its...beautiful!
his voice is soft and strong at the same time.

i immediately started dancing,the music is so good that makes you dance without even thinking about it!

the music stoped,and i stoped.
i was standing there in front of the miror ,my eyes are closed, breathing so hard.
when i felt hands removing eyes from my face.

i opened my eyes to see Jay smilling at me...i smiled back.

"nice dancing"

"nice music"

"i didn't know you can dance like that!"

"i didn't know you can sing"

"That's because i've never told anyone!"

"Same here,i dance since i was 5 but i've never danced infront of anyone,"

"i started taking music and vocal lessons since i was 3 and i used to do musicals in school...but since i was 10 i've never sang infront of anyone, i've never told anyone about this place,even when i didn't live here i used to come here a lot..."

"You're special for me..."
we said at the same exact time, and then we started laughing so hard...

we went home...luckily no one was at home,i went directly to my room.

i set on my bed for 10 mins thinking about's the first time ever since my dad's accident that i dance in front of anyone because i only used to dance in front of my parents but after the accident my life changed...i have no confidence in no one...not even my self...especially My self...

i went to the bathroom, took a shower, when i was brushing my hair i saw my phone vibrating.

-Hello princess
-it's you again
-yeah...i am,dress up and meet me at the door after 10 mins.
-What now?!
-umm, yeah, i know you're sick of seeing me but i'm not so com'on baby girl.
-Haha noo what are you saying of course i'm not sick of you! you idiot!
-good,i know that princess.
-i'll see you soon?
-yeah later! "

i hang up and hurried to my closet.
i got dressed a white dress with some pink and white adidas-superstars.
i tighted my hair a half bun,i did my very natural make up and Ding-dong he's here.


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