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(Y/N) POV 7 years old                                                                                                                                                             (Pan is still alive and rumple and Belle are still together and had a girl not a boy)

I hate my Dad Rumpelstiltskin he wants me to be able to run the shop but I don't like the shop. Tonight was like any other night. Mom and Dad were at it again downstairs while, I was in my room. I heard my Mom shout at dad "She's not even eight years old yet and you already want her to be able to run the shop but guess what she won't because she doesn't want to!" "You know what Belle I'm sick and tired of you sticking up for her, so now she has to wash everything in the shop because you had to say your 2 cents!" Dad yelled. I crawled to my bed and cried myself to sleep hoping that I could be anywhere other than here.


When I opened my eyes I was blinded by the sunlight. I sat up and shielded my eyes, when my eyes adjusted I could see that I was on a beach with a bright blue ocean. I stood up and turned around to face a jungle I started walking through the jungle. After, a little bit I stopped to climb a tree so that I could see more and because it's super fun. I got about halfway up when I saw a boy and went up behind him. "Found you!" I yelled. He almost fell from the tree but I grabbed a hold of his hood. He looked at me and I could see that he had blond hair and a scar across his face. Before he could say anything I spoke up "Now you find me and NO peaking." with that I ran off.

*Felix's POV*

Me and 2 other lost boys were up in the trees watching the new arrival when they disappeared. That was when I heard what sounded like a little girl "Found you!"the voice came from behind me. I jumped and almost fell out of the tree but something was keeping me in place. I looked at the owner of the voice it was a little girl she had (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) and a smile that was as bright as stars."Now you find me and NO peaking"she said and then climbed down the tree and ran off. "Great now I have to find her before Pan does." I looked all day and all night and still could not find her. It's been a whole day since I saw her. I'm not one to have feelings but I'm worried right now. Just as I was walking back to camp I heard something in the bushes. I moved the bush back and there was the little girl. "You found me!" she exclaimed. "Where were you?" I asked with a little concern in my voice. "I fell asleep and woke up at home" she said. "You scared me" I said and sat down on my knees. She hugged me and said " I'm sorry I'm (Y/N) by the way" I stood up and carried her to camp. When we got there I set her down. "Felix," Pan was calling me I turned to (Y/N) "stay here and don't talk to anybody unless you absolutely have to OK?" "I promise". I walked over to Pan."Yes?" I asked. "Why do you have a little girl with you?" he asked while eyeing (Y/N)." I found her and she was alone" I stated. "Get rid of her," he said with a smirk. It's almost as if he wants me to say something that will embarrass myself. "No I won't" I said. "Well either get rid of her or admit that you have gone soft when she is around and that she could be your potential weakness" He said. Why did I not see this coming. "Fine Pan I have a very strong urge to protect her". I snapped "Why?" he asked with so much curiosity in his voice. "You might have that urge to but you would have to get to know your granddaughter in order to actually have any feelings towards her!!!!" I walked away leaving him shocked. (Y/N) then came up to me "Who is my grandpa?" she asked "Pan is" "But I never told you that" she said "Well when you found me in the tree the only other person that can do that is Pan and the Dark One. And the Dark One's daughter's name is (Y/N) so it makes sense." I said. "makes sense to me" she said. From that day on me and (Y/N) would spend hours hanging out and playing Hide and Seek.

New record for words I'm at 833 words thanks for reading.                                                                ~Piper

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