Hyde x Reginas Daughter! Reader! Request

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(Y/N) Pov 

Jekel and Hyde most people know the story but me, I'm dealing with the characters. My mom Regina warned me and my stepbrother Henry about both Jekel and Hyde. However Henry and I being the rebellious teenagers that we are we didn't listen, well at first we did. It was as normal as a day in Storybrooke could get, Henry and I were walking home from Grannies when I got distracted by something in the woods. "(Y/N) come on we have to go!" I kept staring at the woods trying to figure out who or what was in the woods. I shook my head and looked back at Henry "Sorry thought that I saw something." Henry laughed "Well I don't see anything but seriously we have to get back you know how Regina gets about curfew or at least curfew before our homework is done." He said before walking to the house with me following suit. And yes I take part in the torcher known as school and today was a school day. (Off topic but did anyone else notice that around like season 3 or 4 Henry stopped going to school like dude wtf, Sorry please continue) (Also you're in college cause like yeah just go with it please) When we got back to the house I finished my homework and then went to find Regina. "Hey, mom can I go and sit at the dock?" She nodded telling me to be careful and then returned to her work. As  I was walking to the docks I started thinking about just life in general and how life was before Emma got here. How I to am adopted, I ended up in the woods and during my thought process I ended up bumping into someone.  When I looked up I saw it was Hyde who I had bumped into. "Sorry" was all I said before walking away, or at least I tried but I was pulled back by Hyde. "What are you doing out here in the woods all by yourself?" He asked sounding genuinely concerned not knowing how to answer I just shrugged. He chucked lightly removing his hand from my arm. "Thinking?" I nodded "Penny for your thought's?" He asked I don't know what compelled me to but I agreed to share. By the time I finished my tale it was almost dark and Hyde and I were both caught up in sharing our stories that I didn't notice Henery eavesdropping on us. When my phone went off it was Henry telling me to head home for dinner. I said goodbye to Hyde and started on my way home. When I got home Regina was in her office and Henry called me up to his room. When I got to his room he had my food which was (F/F) on the table and a smirk that I knew all too well. I closed the door and sat at the table. After a moment of silence, Henry spoke. "So you and Hyde huh?" I dropped my fork (Or whatever other utensils you're using) before whispering "How'd you find out?" He laughed "I won't tell mom I just went to find you and found you talking with him, so you like him?" I blushed "Why?" Henry asked eating his (Y/F/F) "Well he's really nice and he listens, we both have a problem fitting in, we both want more in life, and well he ... you see... I don't know I just feel... relaxed around him, but none of that matters I won't ever see him again cause you know mom kinda hates him. So what's the point in setting myself up for heartbreak?" I said ranting a bit Henry stopped eating and grabbed my hand. "(Y/N) look at me, I know you don't want to let yourself get hurt after Jackson (FAKE EX BTW) but that doesn't mean that you have to shut down everyone you like, and I know if you just talk to mom -" "And what?" I cut him off "Get grounded forever? Be excluded from the family? You saw how everyone treated Emma and Killian when they got together! I don't want that Henry, SO YES I'M GOING TO SHIT THIS DOWN TOO!" I said well more like yelled. Henry nodded "I'm sorry." I looked at him "It's not your fault you're just trying to help." We continued eating in silence unaware of our mom listening to us on the other side of the door. 

Regina's POV

After listening to (Y/N) basically, say she'd rather suffer than talk to me I  decided to pay a visit it Hyde. Leaving a note on the counter saying I was going out for a bit I appeared at Hyde's hideout. After getting in I went up to Hyde. He stood up from the chair he was in "Regina" I stopped about five feet from Hyde. "So a little birdy told me that you and my daughter had a little chat." He looked at me confused "(Y/N)?" I nodded "Well in that case we did." "Well, Hyde are you aware that my daughter doesn't normally talk to anyone? Especially guys simply because she's had her heart broken one too many times?" he nodded "She mentioned something like that." I nodded "Well Hyde let me ... extend a let us call it a truce. You don't take over Storybrooke and I won't step in." He blinked "Your diving me permission to be with (Y/N)." He asked to see if I was bluffing. "Yes don't mess it up or hurt her or I will hurt you. Tomorrow noon same spot in the woods don't be late." I teleported to Henry's room. Only to find (Y/N) asleep on his bed and him leaning back in his chair expectingly "So mom how much did you hear?" He said I chuckled "Noon tomorrow, the woods, same spot don't make her late." I went to my room rolling my eyes at Henry. "Don't disappoint me, Hyde."

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