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You have been on Neverland for a long time but you are not dating Pan or Felix and your brother's name is James. Also, all the younger boys think of you as a big sister! Also, this is when Pan and Henry switch bodies but instead you are in Storybrooke for like a month instead of the few days that it takes in the episodes. Enjoy!


I was walking through the woods in Neverland trying to find the camp AGAIN! When I got to camp all the lost boys were getting pushed towards the beach so I followed. Just as all the boys were getting I heard my brother James ask Felix where I was. Felix looked towards me so I came out of the woods so they could see me. "Wait for (Y/N)" one of the little boys said. Hook looked over at me then let me on the boat. I went and stood by the railing. "I thought girls weren't allowed on Neverland?" A voice said I looked over to see Regina and Emma. " You thought wrong then, and Emma I thought that you and I would have been on the same page seeing as how you are a lost girl yourself." I turned back to the railing before we went into a whirlpool. When we came out of the whirlpool we were by a town. "Alright let's go," Emma said to us. We all got off and Henry went with Emma. "That's Pan" Felix whispered to me. I nodded my head and went to go walk around the town. "(Y/N) you are going to live with Mr. Jefferson." I looked around to see a guy waving his hands around. "Alrighty then".

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 weeks later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I have been living with Mr.Jefferson and his daughter Grace ( I think that's her name). And I am loving it I have my own room and everything. I was walking down the street towards the library when Felix came up to me. " We are going to enact the curse tonight by the way." "Wait why this place is awesome why would you want to destroy it?" I ask. "Because we need to build a new Neverland." He said to me in a duh tone. "Fine but just remember Felix magic always comes with a price and one day that price is going to cost you a lot if not your life so don't come to me if you end up doing something stupid because I will tell you I said so!" And with that, I walked away.

Later that night the curse hit and I was sent back to the Enchanted Forest. "What is going on?" "We were sent back to the Enchanted Forest." Said, Hook. "No way I thought that this was Wonderland," I said with a sarcastic tone. "Well, we should probably find somewhere to go before it gets dark.That night we all found a place to sleep but just before I fell asleep I realized I didn't see my brother, Felix, Pan or Hatter! Where were they? When I woke up I was not in the tavern I was in a cell? Wait, what? "Well, Well its nice to see that you woke up" I looked up to see my Brother! "What are you doing James?!" " Well isn't obvious I helping take over the Enchanted Forest." "But why we were supposed to stick together and do everything together!" "Well, sometime things aren't always as they seem." And with that, he walked away leaving me to rot in the cell. 

AN: I had no idea where I was going with this but I needed to update so here it is please please please make a request the form is on the request page so yeah that's all I have to say.

~Piper (word count 639) 

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