Henry x Male! Reader

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(M/N)= Male Name

Readers POV

I was walking down the street in Storybrooke when I saw Emma, Hook, Regina, Snow, Charming, Rumple and a lot of boys get off the Jolly Roger by the docks. "Hey Hen" I called out. He turned around and looked at me. I could have sworn that I saw a bit of confusion flash across his eyes but it was gone just as fast as it came. "Hey" he said turning to me. "How was Neverland?" I asked. "It was O.K I guess, I met these boys and they seemed pretty cool." He stated calmly. O.K that is not like Henry , he is normally really excited when he comes back from a different world/ place. "Hey mom can I stay at Regina's tonight?" Henry asked Emma." Uh, sure kid." Emma responded. Henry walked away with Regina so I walked up to Emma." Hey Emma?" "Yeah (M/N)?" "That's not Henry." I stated bluntly "What do you mean?" she asked. " Well he is always excited when he comes back from a magical world and he wants to spend the night at Regina's place." " Well he was just kidnapped so I can't blame him." Before I could say anything Gold came up to us. "We need to deal with Pan."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Skip to Town line part.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We let Pan out of the box but if I do say so he is cute. Oh did I forget mention that i'm gay well now I did. Pan looked around before he saw Emma. "Mom?" Emma looked at him. "Nice try Pan but i'm not your mom." Pan looked at me "(M/N) come on its me Henry!" I looked at him the at Gold. " He's trying to trick you (M/N)" Gold told me. I looked back to Pan. " tell me something that only Henry would know." I said he looked at the ground thinking before looking at me again. "When you wanted to come out and tell people you were gay you came to me, we went to Granny's and sat in the back corner and you said and I quote. "Henry I need to tell you something, so please don't laugh." you breathed in and said 'I'm gay.' So I told you that you being gay would not change our friendship. Then we had hot cocoa and cinnamon and some pancakes." he said finishing his story. Emma, Snow, Charming and Gold all looked at me before Emma said. "(M/N) ... your gay?" Pan/ Henry looked at me. "You didn't tell them did you?" he asked. I shook my head no at Henry looking at the ground."No I didn't tell them and yes Emma I have been for about 3 years and I told Henry about three months ago." I went to back away but I was engulfed in a hug but Pan/ Henry. "It's OK (M/N) i'm sorry that I told them." Pan/ Henry said. "That's OK" I said pulling away. "So now that we know that Henry is in Pan's body that means that Pan is in Henry's body so let's go," I said avoiding everyone. When we got to Regina's place Pan was already at the vault so we went to go stop him but he had already left with the curse. So we had Gold which Pan and Henry back into their normally bodies but before we could get to Pan he disappeared. So we all went to the town line which was the farthest spot from the curse. We had to say goodbye to Emma and Henry so that they could cross the line and have a happy life. Before Henry got in the car I ran up to him and engulfed him in a hug. "I'll miss you, Henry," I whispered to him. He hugged me back tighter. " I'll miss you to (M/N)."Before I could say anything else Emma told Henry that they had to go. As I watched them leave I looked at Regina and then at the ground. "I never got to tell him." "Tell him what?" she asked. "That I love him." And with that the curse engulfed us.

AN) I know, I know its cliche but it was a request so that's what I came up with so yeah also please remember to make a request!!!!!



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