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Your ears above (they are always out) 


' Lost, again just great!'  I have been walking through the woods for about an hour and a half now, and I managed to get lost every time I go into the woods I get lost. Normally I would call someone to get me but my phone just happened to die on me so that's out of the question.  "Hey!" I turned around to see a girl about my age standing on a rock. " Are you lost? " I nodded my head she looked me up and down. Not like she had much to look at just a 24-year-old girl in an (F/C) hoodie, blue jeans, and sneakers. " What's under your hood? " she called out. Before she got off her rock and walked towards me. "Um, nothing." I said " yeah right can I see? " She said stopping in front of me. " Well um, I mean sure I guess. " 'Here goes nothing she's probably just going to scream and run away just like everyone else.'   I pulled off the hood and braced myself for her to scream. However, it never came instead she stared at my ears. " Can I touch them? " She said " Sure," I said she reached up and started to pet my ears. "They are so soft," She said when she was done I looked around before looking at her. " I'm (Y/N) by the way." She nodded her head " I'm Ruby." "You wouldn't happen to know how to get out of here would you? " I asked. She laughed a bit "Yeah follow me." She turned around and started walking so I followed her. " So (Y/N) not to be rude or anything but how come you have fox ears?" She asked once I was next to her. " Well, my dads a human and my mom is a fox shifter. So when they had me they didn't think that I was going to have any fox-like qualities." I explained. "Alright, do you live here in Storybrooke or no?" She asked I shook my head no "I live just outside of Storybrooke." As we walked we talked about anything from our favorite book, to why I have ears and a tail, and before I knew it we were at my house. "(Y/N) would you like to meet up by the storybrooke sign tomorrow like to hang out?" Ruby asked I nodded " I'd like that." I said before I walked up to the door. " Meet me at the sign at noon." "Alright, well goodnight Ruby and please get home safe wouldn't want you to get eaten by wolves now would we?" I said we both laughed at that I looked at her. "But seriously though get home safe." She saluted at me "Yes ma'am." I laughed "Bye Ruby." "Bye (Y/N)" and with that, I went inside. 

*2 weeks later* 

Ruby and I have been meeting up at the sign and other spots in and around Storybrooke for about 2 weeks now and saying that I like Ruby would be an understatement. Every time that we meet up I always want to just hold her hand or cuddle with her. Right now I'm at the docks waiting for Ruby. " Hey, you." I turned around to see the one and only Ruby. "I was starting to think that you wouldn't show up," I said and honestly, I wasn't kidding it's 12:30 and we were supposed to meet up here at noon. She looked around something she does when she's embarrassed. "Well how about I make it up to you?" I raised my eyebrow before giving her a smile. "Ruby it's fine I was joking well a little bit but still you don't have to do anything." I said "No I want to make it up to you, how about we go to lunch? I mean unless you already ate." She said I shook my head 'no' "I was going to ask you if you wanted to go out to eat actually." She laughed well how about we go to Grannies. It's a small dinner that we have here unless you want to go somewhere else." She said sounding nervous all of a sudden. " I would love to go to Grannies Ruby." I said, "Sweet alright well let's go." She said holding out her hand. Taking her hand we walked down to Grannies. When we got there it looked home like on the outside and  I could smell the food from out here. "MMMm smells amazing." She laughed " Having a fox sense of smell must be awesome." "Sometimes but trust me the gym smells horrible like I can't stand it," I said laughing we both went inside and took a seat. After ordering and eating a little bit of food I looked at Ruby. " Ruby? Are we like a thing or " I stopped she finished chewing what was in her mouth. "I was going to ask you the same thing actually. Because (Y/N) the last like what month has been the most amazing time of my life, everything about it is amazing, however, the best part is that I was spending it with you. The most amazing, sweetest, kindest, funniest, fabulous girl in the world, you. So (Y/N) I would like it very much if you would be mine. So (Y/N) from one shifter to another would you honor me in being my girlfriend?" She asked I grabbed her hands in mine "Ruby, the last few weeks have been something out of a fairy tale, from the first time that I met you I felt a connection not just because we are both shifters but because I like you. So yes I would love to be your girlfriend." I responded. "Thank god I thought that you wouldn't say yes." She said before leaning over the table and kissing me. I kissed back when we pulled away we heard an "aww" from most of the people in the dinner. I blushed, "I love you (Y/N)." "I love you too Ruby." With that, we kissed again and everything was perfect at that moment. 

I hope you liked it sorry that it's short, late, and maybe not very one point with Ruby's personality. So comment, vote, share! 


word count 1083

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