Rumplestiltskin x Odette

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Everyone knows the story of Odette the swan princess, getting turned into a swan by day and by night a human. Odette isn’t by any means unattractive, with her blue eyes, auburn hair, and fair skin she’s a very attractive person physically. However, her beauty is what causes her trouble. Knowing that only proof of a true love will save her Odette has to wait for her prince as she can’t leave the lakes enclosed area. A few weeks went by before her prince showed, Prince Derek found Odette on accident, not knowing where he was he choose to rest for the night in a grotto, a cave with a beautiful lake in the middle.

Odette’s POV 

‘A person?’ I watched as he tried finding a spot that was comfortable enough to sleep on but to no avail. “Odette go speak with him!” I looked at Lilah “He wouldn’t want to be with me Lilah, that’s the Prince, I’m a commoner.” I said trying to reason with her. She rolled her eyes at me. We went to find the others when my bad luck made an appearance. I stepped on a twig causing it to snap. “Show yourself!” I cursed mentally and stepped out into the moonlight. “Why is a lady out in the forest unaccompanied?” He asked himself but I heard it none-the-less I signed “I live here.” I said not wanting to give away the full truth. “Really?” I nodded “Well then let me accompany you.” Accepting his proposition we talked all night about whatever we thought about, just as the night was going to end I said that I needed to leave. “Tomorrow night will you meet me …. here?” “Of course.” He left leaving me and my friends alone. “Odette who was that?” I looked down at Leo. “Prince Derek.” “Do you think that he will help break the curse?”   “I don’t know Leo.” We all sat on the toadstools and watched the sun. 

A few weeks went by and almost every night Derek would visit the lake. Currently it’s morning and everyone is well rested because he didn’t visit last night. “Hello dearie.” I looked up at the main willow tree, “Hello?” A man jumped to the ground. “How interesting a talking swan, tell me were you cursed or …” He trailed off “Cured mister... ''''Skilskin, Rumplestilskin” He said laughing “You know dearie anytime that boy comes back you seem to get happier, why’s that?”  “Because I like him.” “But does he like you?” I thought for a second “I… where’d he go?” ‘Who just disappears like that?’ By nightfall I had been wondering where I knew that man from, a story maybe? Derek didn’t show up again so I had more time to “Hello dearie” ‘Nevermind’ “Hello again” I turned to where he was. “Human I see” I nodded “Your much taller than what I thought.” He hummed “Where’s your prince dear?” I looked at him and laughed “Not here, but the question is why are you here?” “Why not?” “Well why would you want to be out here don’t you have a family to get to?” I asked while sitting on a toadstool. “No, no family for me but, the question that I want to know is why were you turned into a swan?” “You may want to sit it’s a bit of a story.” He sat down and I told my story and surprisingly he told me his. “Well your story makes mine sound like a dream.” I said yawning at the end. “You should go to bed dear especially if that boy is going to be here tonight.” I nodded and went to find a spot to sleep. I turned around quickly “Thank you -he looked confused- for listening to my story.” 

That night Rumple didn’t show but Derek did, the cycle became somewhat predictable if Derek showed Rumple did not and vice versa. As the weeks went by the amount of time I had to break the spell became shorter and Rumple is the only one besides the others that are cursed. I officially had two days until I had to break the curse and tonight I was going to tell Derek about the curse and hopefully he would help break it. “Odette do you really think that Derek is the one that is for you?” I looked at Leo, “I … well ''''He can’t be the one Odette, he only ever talks about himself, we can all see it, he only wants you for the human you.” I thought it through maybe Leo was right. When night fell Derek came as I had hoped but he was talking to his horse as if they were having a conversation. “You know Max I’m only going to ask to marry her because of her beauty, a man that looks like me needs a bride with looks that are just under mine.” I had to stifle a gasp ‘Leo was right.’ I stepped out and looked at Derek. “You only talked to me because of my looks?!” he looked shocked to see me, “Odette, when did you get here?” I laughed “I live here Derek!” “Really?” “I told you that the first time that we met.” “Right, I remember how much of my personal conversation did you listen too, did your parents not tell you that it’s rude to listen to others conversations?” I rolled my eyes “ Didn’t your parents ever tell you that it’s rude to selfish?!” We argued all night “Odette the sun!” I looked at Leo and the others by the pond. “Why would the sun matter?” I rolled my eyes at Derek, not answering him I let the sun change me into a swan. “How disgusting your a swan? -I nodded - and to think that I was going to marry you.” He got on his horse and left, “It’s okay Odette being a swan isn’t so bad.” I looked at Lilah “I don’t want to be a swan though I want to be able to have a family, and a husband and all the things that normal people do.” I said trying not to cry, “I’m going to get some rest so that I can at least be awake for my last night of being human.” 

I didn’t get any sleep, at least not enough to call it sleep more like a nap. “Hello Dearie, oh no what happened?” it wasn’t night so I was still human but the sun was going to be going down soon enough. “Hello Rumple and nothing I just found out that Derek was u-using me f-for my looks and y-yeah.” “So the curse is still there?” I nodded ‘Why couldn’t I have seen it from the start?’ “What’s going on in the pretty little head of your’s, “ Why was I so stupid Rumple? I should have known that that’s what was going to happen.” He picked me up (Still in swan form ) and set me on his lap and the base of the willow tree. “Not everything is easy to see, it’s part of life.” I nodded. We sat in comfortable silence for a little bit and even when the sun went down and I became human I didn’t move from Rumples lap instead I curled into him, sleep catching up with me but I didn’t want to go to bed. ‘I wish I would have fallen for Rumple instead but he wouldn’t want that, he’s told me before that having a family wasn’t something that he wanted.’ I don’t know how long we sat like that just sitting together and enjoying each other's company, it’s something about Rumple that I’ve grown to love he didn’t need to talk to enjoy time spent with me.’ 

3rd person 

While Rumplestiltskin and Odette sat under the willow tree Odette was wondering if she truly had fallen for the Dark One. As much as she tried to say that she liked Derek everyone could see that Rumplestiltskin was the one that she truly loved. The same applied to the Dark One, the others in the forest could see that he truly did care about the girl, but he didn’t think that he was worthy of her love. The irony of it all was funny yet sad for everyone that watched the two. Now with only a few hours remaining the only hope that everyone had was if the two realized that they did love each other. Leo was the first to make a plan and put into action. “You know Odette people that truly love you, the real you stay with you no matter how you look, I know that I love you your the best big sister I’ve had and I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Leo hugged Odette who was still laying in the Dark One's lap. “I love you too Leo.”  Everyone went and said that they loved each other until just Odette and Rumplestiltskin where left. “I guess it’s my turn huh?” Rumple laughed slightly “ Well I love how all of you aren’t afraid of me but instead welcome me into the grotto everytime I visit, and how you work as a family to help one another.” -The sun was about to come up and Rumple knew it might me the only time that he would find someone like Odette- “Odette I love you, your strong, brave and very intelligent and I know that you might not love me in the same way. -All the others left giving the two time to hopefully realize their love for one another.- But I do love you I only wish for you to not push me away for it.” Odette was shocked for the last few hours she was going through all the reasons that he wouldn’t love her but instead he did. However, Rumple was starting to take her silence as rejection and not shock. He went to stand up but was stopped by Odette hugging him. “I love you too Rumple.” The others watched as they kissed as the sun came up only instead of turning into animals again they stayed human. Odette and Rumple didn’t live happily ever after as they did have some bumps in their relationship but they didn’t leave each other over the things that upset them instead they worked thought it. And that is why their love is true. 

Thank you @IrisCyber for the request also thank you for being patient with me and if you have made a request and it's not up i haven't forgotten about it life is just crazy and junior year is harder than I thought. Love you all <3.


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