CJ x Felix request!

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Okay so before we start I just want to say that the shadow will be a little different than normal so this one can talk, Pans not dieing and on top of that the shadow will have a solid or human form. 

CJ's Pov 

I was walking home with my "friend" (more like an enemy) when she stopped suddenly "Do you ever wonder why kids go missing?" I started walking again going to the place I call 'home'. In all reality that place is a living hell, neither of my parents pay attention to me and that also means that I have to find my own food and basically do everything myself. By the time I got home, it was almost dark. Climbing onto the roof from a tree (House is in the enchanted forest and the curse hasn't hit yet) In order to avoid my parents, I went into my room through the hole in the roof. 

After waiting about half an hour I crept downstairs only to come face to face with my so-called mother. "Where have you been young lady?!" I rolled my eyes and went to the storage space that we keep the meat and vegetables. "Out." Was my simple answer "Well if you don't start to bring home meat that's not deer your going to get the worst beating of your life." "Whatever" I walked outside and grabbed my knife and started walking around not really paying attention to where I was going. When I started looking around to see where I was I realized that I didn't know where I was. I started walking back the way I came after about 3 hands ( 3 hours) I accepted that I am lost. "Child."  I looked around trying to find whoever it was that spoke to me. "Hello?" I started looking behind trees. 


My shadow was talking to a GIRL "Shadow what are you doing!" I was fuming but my shadow doesn't just talk to kids unless they are lost. "Hello?" She called out looking behind some "Child are you lost? Where are you going?"  She looked very confused "Show your self and then I'll answer your questions. 'Looks like she might just end up like Wendy a lost cause.' I walked out of my hut and went to look for Felix. When I found him he was yelling at one of the smaller kids. "Felix let the kid be," I said before turning to the kid "However, you do need to learn how to tie your shoes I get it your like 6 but come on," I said before waving the kid away. "You can't be so mean to them Felix I understand it's infuriating but they just got here on top of that prepare a new cage my shadow seems to be bringing a girl here and in order to make sure that she wants to leave we have to put her through the same thing that Wendy was supposed to go through, a simple game of hiding and seek." He laughed "Any weapons?"  I shook my head no "Not this time around but she will have a weapon and hopefully, she'll give up or go home or stupidly talk to the mermaids." I said before walking away to tell the boys of the arrival that is about to take place. 


A shadow floated out of a tree "I have shown you my self now it's time to give your end of the deal." I looked at the shadow. "I know what I said and yes I am lost I have no clue where I'm going considering that I don't know where I am," I said not wanting to lie to this weird floating person. "I am I making you uncomfortable young one?" It asked I nodded my head suddenly the shadow was surrounded by blue light and was a person, not a normal person but a person 

"Is this a better child?" I nodded "Now why aren't you going to your home?" I laughed at his ridicules question. "Because the place that is my 'home' is anything but a home. " I said. "Let me take you to a place that you don't have to worry about her anymore." The shadow kid said I looked at him "Okay let's go." I said stopping he looked surprised before he smirked and then changed back into his shadow form "Grab my hand child and let us get going." 

Time skip to Neverland

When we landed we where on an island I looked to where the shadow was but he wasn't there " Great now I'm lost again." I said turning to face the forest, not having any other option I walked into the woods. After around maybe an hour of walking I came across a camp or what looked like a camp. Upon further inspection, I noticed a piece of paper with a note on it. 

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