Mommy part 2

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“Does that answer your question?” I asked “I guess it does.” He said 

Many years later when Henry gets to the island. 

I was sitting in camp with Landon on my lap when Peter came back with Felix and the other boys, however they had one boy that I didn’t know with them. “Sit” I glared at Peter for using such a tone with the boy but he didn’t notice it. “Landon why don’t you go see if Felix wants to play?” I said hoping that he would go to Felix so I could talk to the newest boy. “Otay” Landon got up and ran over to Felix. “What does Pan want with you?” I looked at the new boy and smiled a little bit “He probably wants me to help cook dinner but, I don’t think that everything will go wrong if I don’t help tonight. The boys can handle it. Now what’s your name?” he looked at me and said''you didn’t answer my question.” I raised an eyebrow at him “You didn’t answer mine and I’m pretty sure that I did answer your question.” he rolled his eyes. “I ment why are you in Neverland don’t they have a no girls rule?” I laughed a bit before going to answer “Well-” “Mom! We need your help!” I rolled my eyes and turned around only to see that a few of the boys got their cloaks tied together. “If you take the cloaks off and bring them here I can untangle them!” I turned back to the boy only to see him looking at me in disbelief. “What?” “You're their MOTHER?!?!?” I laughed “Not by birth no.” “So that’s why your Pan needed someone to make the boys stay.” That statement caused my blood to boil. “Listen up and listen closely. I don’t know what Peter needs you for or why you're here, but don’t you DARE tell ME that I’m being FORCED to stay here or be here. I”m here cause I WANT to be here.” I said in a calm tone only putting emphasis on certain words. The boy gulped and nodded. “Now I’ll ask again what’s your name?” “Henry” ‘Well Henry you might want to get rid of the attitude, or else you’ll be in for a world of pain and I can only fix so many scraps and cuts.” I said before getting up to go and help the boys with their cloaks. 

When it was time for dinner all the boys got in line to get food except for Henry. So I grabbed a bowl for him and one for me. As I was walking over to the logs that he was sitting on Peter appeared next to me. “Love, what are you doing?” I looked at him “bringing Henry food I’m not going to let him starve.” Peter hummed and vanished. “I brought you food.” Henry looked up at me with a surprised look. “Why?” I laughed “Funny enough I don’t want you to die.” I handed him his meal and took a seat on a different log. “Why do it?” I looked at Henry and noticed that everyone including Peter was looking at him, almost waiting for him to say something wrong. “Do what?” I set my bowl down and looked at him. “Why stay? You said that you can leave this place whenever you want if that's the case why don’t you go back to your family?” I looked at all the boys then back at Henry. “This is my family, my ‘real’ family left me to die. All on my own when I was 5 and for years I had to steal and lie just to survive. They sent me to the orphanage at 14 and when I was 17 I found my way here with the shadow. When I got here I was like you, hoping someone anyone would come and get me and take me back. Until no one did, and I realized that they boys here may not show it but having a mom or even a mom figure is good for them. You think they are ruthless now you should have seen it when I got here. Everyone needs a mom Henry you of all people should understand that.” I went to go back to eating when he looked up again. “Choose your next question wisly boy.” I jumped a bit, not noticing Peter next to me. “Umm nevermind then.” I glared at Peter who was sitting next to me with his hand on my knee. “No ask, no one is going to hurt you for wanting to know the answer to a question.” Henry looked at me. “Your with Pan aren’t you?” I chuckled a little bit. “Well Henry every King needs a Queen.” Henrys face paled and he went silent. Peter laughed a bit “Out of everything he’s seen that’s what makes him quiet is that you're with me.” I nodded “It is quite odd.” As the night went on Henry didn’t stop looking at me with a questioning look. 

*Time jump to when they are at skull rock* (I’m going to change the story line A LOT so please go with it) 

Peter, Henry and I got to skull rock and Peter explained to Henry that he needed his heart in order to save neverland, that’s when I realized that Henry wasn’t going to survive this. Apparently we weren’t the only ones at the rock as Henry's family came rushing in to get him. “Henry don’t do this, you'll get yourself killed! Pan’s lying to you!” Peter rolled his eyes and looked at me drawing everyone's attention to me. “Who are you?!” I looked at the blonde “You must be Emma.” I said not answering her question. “Who ARE YOU?!” I laughed “(y/n), (y/n) Pan.” I made sure to do the little bow thing that Peter does and I made sure to use his last name just to make sure that they knew EXACTLY who I am. The one girl with dark hair glared at me “Oh hell no Henry let’s go NOW” I looked at Peter “Why?” Everyone stopped and looked at me. “Why peter?” Peter looked at me, “Love, you have to understand.” “understand what Peter that you just forgot to tell me that he won’t survive this? That it’s literally going to kill him! Peter that’s wrong and I can’t let you do that!” I paused and looked at Peter with slightly teary eyes. “Would you let someone do this to Harley?” I whispered knowing Peter would hear me. Peter came up to me and hugged me “No.” “Then why do that to someone else?” “Leave before I change my mind and take your heart.” Emma stepped forward with a man that looked like Bea. Emma went to Henry and the man stepped towards me, (Gold is there just for this story's sake.) “What happened to Harley?” I looked at the man “You don’t even know who he is, why would you care.?” I said whispering cause I knew if I said it any louder I would cry. “Mom. What happened to Harley?” I looked at the man and knew that he was at one point a lost boy. “Bea?” He nodded and I understood that he really did care. “He touched the roses and well he didn’t, he didn’t make it.” I said knowing that he would understand. “WHY did you call HER MOM?” I looked at the Dark one who had spoken. Bea looked at him and I understood why he asked. “This is your dad?” I asked knowing the answer. “Yes.” He turned back to the Dark one. “It’s a long story, but when I got into the main part of Neverland I was with the lost boys and they looked at me. They locked me in a cage and waited until nightfall to question me about who I was and where I was from. When they let me out of the cage I was dragged into camp and questioned. Half way through (y/n) stopped them and said that I couldn’t be questioned on an empty stomach. They agreed and I was given food and clothes for the weather, now one of the younger boys was named Harley. Harley is or was (y/n) and Pans kid, biologically. I don’t know how but Harley was able to age and grow until he was 16 I believe and then he’d stop growing. Anyway, after that night I was treated like all the other boys. Not a single boy was treated differently except for those that were under the age of 10 they had different tasks than all the other boys as they weren’t built for big tasks. When I left here Harley was at least 12 I think I don’t know he aged differently here. But everyone single one of us boys calls (y/n) mom as it’s nice to know that someone cares even if it’s not your real mom. (y/n) didn’t let us forget our moms ever cause it was something that all of us had been a mom at some point in time. Now that that said tale is over let's go.” Everyone went to leave but stopped right before the exit. “What are you going to do now?” I looked at Henry who was the one that asked. “We’ll think of something I’m sure.” He nodded and left with Hook. Emma turned around “If you try and take him again I’ll kill you, both of you got it?” I nodded “If you come back to neverland I’ll gut you all like a fish. Got it?” All of them nodded at my statement “Good now. GET. OFF. MY. ISLAND. NOW.” I waved my hand and they were all on a ship going back through a portal. “You know love I don’t have another way to keep everything how it is right?” I looked at Peter. “Burn the shadow and we won’t have to find a way for you to live forever.” Peter laughed “I forget that you do have a dark side love.” I chuckled and walked down the steps. “Yes well I don’t use it to often and sometimes I need to.” 

Thank you for the request for this one Poisonivyandtears sorry it took so long to post hope you like it.

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