Henry x Male! Reader Part 2

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 Yes I am still alive and yes I know this was like requested a long time ago but like here it is so like yeah sorry about that but you know what who cares right now I updated so here we go.

(M/N)= Male Name


 "I never got to tell him." "Tell him what?" she asked. "That I love him." And with that the curse engulfed us. 

When the smoke around us lifted we were in the enchanted forest. Regina turned to me. "You like Henry?" she asked I nodded. "That's why I came out to him I was planning on telling him but then the thing with Pan happened and now it's not late to say anything," I said. She hugged me and told me it was going to be alright.

 ~One year later~ 

 Hook and I are going to New York to get Emma and Henry so that they both can come back with us to Storybrooke. When Hook and I got to New York and let me tell you it's weird to be back in the real world. When we got up to Emma and Henry's apartment Hook had me stay on the staircase just in case. (IDK what happens next so it's not going to follow the story line at all sorry) When he came back he had a busted up nose and I laughed at him. "Here let me try," I said I walked up to the room that was Emma's and I knocked "I swear if you try and kiss me again." I heard she opened up the door and looked at me. "Oh hi can I help you?" I nodded "Yeah I was wondering if I could ask Henry about something." I said she looked at me like I was crazy. "What do you need to ask him?" "It's about the homework for school." I lied. "Oh uh," she turned "Hey Henry one of your classmates has a question on the homework." Henry came over. "Yeah?" he asked Emma "Umm why don't you and " she looked at me. "Oh uh I'm (M/N)" "right why don't you and (M/N) go up to the roof and you can help him with the homework it's a nice day out anyway." "Yeah sure mom," Henry said. We both went up to the roof. "So what do you need help on?" He asked "Well actually I don't have a question I don't even go to school. But before you say anything please hear me out." I said and he nodded. "So I am from Storybrooke and so are you and don't try and say your not. So before you started living in New York you were cursed and I got sent to the Enchanted Forest." I said he looked at me. "You're crazy!" He shouted. "Please Henry you have to remember please," I said I couldn't believe this was happening I was losing my best friend and my crush. "I don't want to believe you because you're crazy." He said before going down to the apartment. I can't believe it I lost Henry. I sat on the edge of the roof and started to cry I don't know how long I was sitting there before the door opened. I felt two people stand behind me. I looked and it was Emma and Hook. "(M/N) I know that Henry doesn't remember but I do Hook gave me the potion." (AN I know this is not part of the show but this isn't following that now.) I nodded my head " Okay now let's go I don't need to sit here and keep crying over a stupid crush." I said and got up and went downstairs. 

 *Time skip to Storybrooke and 3 weeks also Henry is still cursed*

 Hen is still cursed and it's been 3 weeks. I can't take it anymore I had to start back at square one with Henry and it's not the same. Regina is trying to find out how to break the curse on Henry but we can't find anything so far so I just have to deal with it. I'm currently at Granny's waiting for Henry so we can go and hang out. The bell went off so I looked and what I saw broke my heart it was Henry holding hands with some girl. They came in and sat down in a booth so I started to listen to what they were saying. "Thanks for taking me out on this date Henry." She said, "yeah no problem Leah." He said so I got up and walked out. I started walking away from them and towards the town line, I don't even care if I might die it's better than being stuck here. On the way there Emma, Hook, Regina, Snow, and Rumple all asked where I was going and when I didn't answer they would follow me. When the town line came into my line of sight I heard Henry yell my name. "(M/N)!" I turned around. "Where are you going?" he asked, "Across the town line." "Wait WHY YOU KNOW THAT COULD KILL YOU RIGHT I SAW SOMEONE CROSS AND THEY TURNED INTO A FLYING MONKEY!" (AN Not sure if this is even the right season so please just roll with it) "I'm okay with that I can't stand this place any longer." I said, "But why what has anyone done to you that made you want to kill yourself." I rolled my eyes and just let loose. " YOU KNOW WHAT FINE ILL TELL YOU SO I LIKE YOU HENRY OK IM IN LOVE WITH YOU AND IT HURTS ME THAT YOU DON'T REMEMBER ME AT ALL WE USED TO BE BEST FRIENDS AND NOW YOU DON'T REMEMBER ANYTHING AT ALL OK AND IT'S KILLING ME TO WATCH YOU GO AND FALL FOR SOMEONE ELSE!" I screamed just as he was about to speak Regina cracked a tube over Henry. "What was that?" he asked "Who am I" "where's (M/N) I never got to tell him something " I was just about to step over the line when Henry grabbed me. And Kissed me. "Now I don't know about you but I really do like you (M/N) so would you please not cross the line cuz like I really like and but never got the chance to say it." He said when he broke the kiss. I nodded and we got a bunch of awes from the adults but that didn't matter right now what matters is I lost my friend just to gain a boyfriend.   

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Word count 1107 

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