Pan x (Y/N) X Hades

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AN: You and Peter were dating before he died in season 3 and it took Emma and all them one year to get you guys back from Peter. This takes place in season 5 and also please don't be afraid to request from season 6 and 7 I'm running low on requests and ideas. Thanks!


Since Peter died I never truly forgave my family. I mean yeah he kidnapped me and Henry but I understood why. But no matter how much Peter and I tried to explain they didn't listen. So here we are in Hell looking for Hook. We were walking around the library when I got bored. "Hey, Regina?" I saw her smile falter for a second. "Yes (y/n)?" "Can I go check out the town for some clues?" "Umm sure take Henry with you." I mentally groaned "Ok, come on Henry." With that, we left while making small talk along the way. "Hey Henry lets go to the pawn shop, I want to see how different it is down here." I said before Henry laughed "Alright let's go." We ran to the pawn shop and walked in when someone came out of the back room. Henry gasped before whispering "I'll get mom don't let him leave." He turned and ran out of the pawn shop to go get Emma. I laughed at Henry for leaving us alone. "Love," was what snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yes, Peter?" I looked up from my feet, only to find that Peter was right in front of me. He put his hands on either side of my face. "What are you doing here?" "My family is trying to find Killian but I don't care," I said leaning into his hand. he chuckled "Well then since we don't have much time." He leaned in and pulled me into a VERY heated kiss. Before we could take it any further Hades appeared. "Well, well, well, Pan didn't think he was real." He said smirking Peter looked at me. "What to go on a trip love?" I nodded still slightly dazed from the kiss and the next thing I knew we were in Hades lair.



I was walking around Underbrooke as I call it when I saw Regina. "What are they doing back?" I asked myself confused. I quickly turned and went to Hades lair to tell my boyfriends. (Yes it's a polyamorous relationship deal with it) When I got to Hades lair Snow and Charming and everyone was there. Peter and Hades were sitting on their thrones

*The thrones are in order Hades, yours, Peters*

*The thrones are in order Hades, yours, Peters*

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(Hades throne)

(Hades throne)

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JUST THE CHAIR and that's peters

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JUST THE CHAIR and that's peters

I walked up to my 'family' before pushing my way through the group and made my way to Hades and Peter. Hades was the first to speak. "Hello, my little firefly." I blushed as he pulled me into a kiss when we parted I spoke. "Hello, my king." Hades smiled at that. I walked not more than 5 feet to my left and looked down at Peter who looked extremely bored. He looked up at me and smirked before pulling me into his lap so that my legs hung off the armrests. "Hello Kitten did you have fun today?" I nodded "How was yours my lordship." I said the last word laughing a bit knowing that he didn't like when I called him that. "Wonderful now that you're by our side." Regina scoffed COMPLETELY RUINING THE MOMENT. " You went from the adopted son of the Evil Queen and the son of the Savior. To play toy for Peter Pan and Hades? Pathetic." I looked down at my lap my self-confidence was never that high but she doesn't help in any way. Hades stood up glaring at her. "PLAY TOY?! That's what you think of him? You're the pathetic one." He turned to me. "Why don't you show them what you've been practicing little one. Prove them wrong." I nodded and stood up before standing next to Hades. They all watch em intensely I put my hand in front of me palm up. I looked at Peter to find him smirking. I turned back to the group and watched as their faces filled with fear as I lit myself on fire. "Bloody hell." Was all Killian whispered. As the blue flame distinguished a maid rushed in bowing to Peter, Hades, and I. "My kings and prince the hell hound is misbehaving again." I rolled my eyes. "Bring him here," I ordered before she went and got my dog. As she did that Emma was trying to tell me why I should go back with them. I, of course, wasn't listening. Just as Emma went to approached me the hellhound ran in. I chuckled. "Guess the maid can't control you," I said to myself although everyone heard me. "Cerberus! Here Now!" I yelled the hellhound stopped immediately and walked up to me. "Sit." He did, "Now why were you being a pain huh?" I said scratching his chin will chins. I turned to the group. "Why are you still here? Leave I'm happy, don't I deserve to be happy? I mean you all have your happy endings why can't I have mine?" They went to speak but they teleported back to Storybrooke before they could say anything. "Thank you, Peter," I said knowing he did that. Both my lovers came up to me Hades tilted my chin up to look at him. "That was very bold of you to do, you definitely showed that you're worthy of a happy ending." "But we already knew that you are very deserving of a happy ending," Peter added, I kissed them both and all three of us went to our thrones starting on the plans for the city. So despite my 'families' attempts I got my happy ending.

Hope that you enjoyed this if you want more like it let me know. Also, I'm almost done with a few requests so yay me. Vote, comment, share.


word count 1089

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