~Meeting His Friends~

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Nathalia's P.O.V.

Today is a very boring day for me so, I decided to go somehwere and bug a special person in his office. And if you're thinking about Flint then you're definitely correct, he's been really busy in handling the compamy that he even forgot to visit me once in a while I been feeling really annoyed by this guesture, can't he spare me just a few minutes?

I walked inside his building acting very classy because I came here to confront the busy man in his office, Albert, his secretary saw me as he nods his head knowing that he shouldn't inform my arrival to his boss. I want to bother Flint in times when he doesn't expect me to, I walked inside his room but saw him holding some papers and staring in space. He totally zoned out. He doesn't even know that I had already entered his office even if I'm wearing heels.

"You seemed busy" I knocked on the door to hopefully catch his attention and I smirked when it worked, I turned around and saw some of Flint's people looking at me with questioning gaze. I think a rumor will start to spread any minute now, I closed the door as I faced Flint again.

"Oh, Nathalie, I didn't see you there" He proceeded to act normally but sorry to break in to him that I already saw what happened earlier, he was then signing some papers and pilled them together.

"What's wrong? You seemed to be deep in thought earlier" I crossed my arms over my chest as he motioned me to sit infront of his table, my heels keeps on making sounds which are very pleasant to my ears. I must be crazy because I love hearing those sounds when someone is wearing heels.

"Just a personal problem regarding friends" He answered soullessly which made me want to cheer him up even for a bit.

"Don't tell me you beat them up" I acted as if I'm judging him with my hand placed on my mouth, Flint shooked his head.

"I'm not that kind of guy" He uttered in which marks the end of our conversation, I suddenly feel really sad going to this place because I went here wanting to feel happy but Flint being suddenly distant doesn't clearly make me blooming.

"Your office seemed nice" I spoke again after a few minutes as I tried to create another conversation.

"Thanks but I'm still trying to familiarize myself in the new room, the walls kinda makes me suffocated" I rolled my eyes and looked at him as if he'd gone crazy, he can ask his father or hire a carpenter to change the walls. Or he can paint the walls himself for fun.

"Then ask your dad to paint the walls beige, white can really sufficate your mind especially when you're really really tired. White walls are used in assylums to suffocate a persons mind to study them more like animals"

"You sounded as if you really hate assylums" Flint chuckled as I smiled softly, atleast I was able to make him chuckle even for a bit...

"Who would want to stay there anyway? Even people with mental disorders should be treated properly and not that way" I always believe that people should be treated fairy, whether they're powerfull people or not, weak or strong, everyone should be treated the way they deserve to be.

"Well, I'm just going to go to the comfort room. Feel free to roam around the room" I nod my head with a bored look, I shouldn't have come here in the first place because I feel much worse than earlier. I might as well leave if Flint will keep on treating me like a real guest.

I read some papers Flint was signing earlier when his phone suddenly rings, I looked at the bathroom to look for Flint but then it's very awkward if I'll just barged inside and bother him just because of a call. But what if the call is an emergency? So without having a second thought, I answered the call and placed the phone on my ear... only to regret it a few minutes later...

"Flint?! Where the heck are you?! I thought you're going to bring Nathalia here?!" A familiar voice spoke to the other end as I placed the phone away from my ear because of how loud that person is. As far as I know Flint isn't deaf to the point that the caller on his phone needs to shout... that voice seemed familiar though... I think I've ...

"Youngkwang oppa?" I placed the phone against my ear again as I recalled the person's voice, then I looked at the caller ID and laughed at how dumb I am. I always forgot to look at the caller ID first before answering the call, and that's also a reason why Flint is getting mad at me.

"Nathalia? You're with Flint?" It is Youngkwang oppa, though why is he shouting ay Flint? And what about bringing me somewhere? Is this the reason why Flint seems a bit confused and troubled?

"Where are you now?" I asked as I stared at the still closed door of the bathroom, this is a very simple task to do but then he acts as if this is something very hard for him to accomplish.

"A cafe nearby Flint's office" Then I saw the doorknob being twisted, now I see. I can have my fun today after all.

"I'll call you back" I ended the call and looked at Flint with a smile who had just went from the bathroom, I raised his phone in the air as he looked at me in question.

"Nathalie?" I stood up from the couch and stood beside him, I placed the phone on his hand as I leveled my lips on his ear. Flint stiffen as I smile in glee.

"So, where should you take me now?"


"At last the couple is here!" Sejon oppa shouted when he saw Flint and me walking towards their table, everyone is present. Complete in attendance I might say.

"Be quiet" Flint uttered as he gave a glare at Sejon who immediately then gave him a bored look, Flint is the most silent and shy person in his circle of friends. I've already met his friends a few years ago as Flint was older than me for about 3 or 4 years.

"Why are you so late? Are you planning to ditch your friends?" Minho uttered as he pointed a finger at Flint, I sat down on the chair which Flint pulled back.

"I was but Nathlie was the one who answered you call" He added while sitting on the table beside me, there were iced coffee, beers and some bread placed infront of me as I decided to greet his friends first. Ir's been a while since I met them.

"If it wasn't for her, you wouldn't be here with us today huh?" Youngkwang oppa asked as I nod my head happily...

"Let's all cheers to Nathalia!" Everyone was shouting which made Flint and me a bit embrrassed especially when we're staying in a cafe and yet they're getting very noisy.

"Don't drink that, you still have to meet your grandma later right?" Minho uttered when Youngkwang oppa was about to drink some beer

"Ah, I forgot" I smiled as I finally saw them smiling again.

"Woobin oppa, how's Minah unnie?" I asked as I tried to create a topic to talk about, I know some of their girlfriends because I've been working with them too in modeling so we're still quite acquinted.

"She's really focused in her modeling career like me but we always give each other time so our relationship wouldn't that be crooked"

"How about Suzy unnie?" I then turned to Minho oppa who smiled very brightly today.

"Well she's still very busy in her career just like everyone in the fashion industry and as well as acting, she always visits me frequently when we're in a place near her house"


"Oh, it's already 3 in the afternoon, I have to leave for my photoshoot now" Woobin oppa uttered as we all looked at the time and almost forgot that we still have many things left to do.

"It's okay, we also need to leave also, my grandma for sure is already waiting for me" Youngkwang oppa said as I nod my head and smiled, everyone is really busy now.

"I had fun but I wish Xavier is here to share this wonderful day with us" Minho oppa uttered which brings a smile in my face Xavier is their other friend who came to the States, and hopefully one day, Flint and his friends can be complete in special gatherings like this.

"It's nice meeting you again Nathalia" In the end, everyone went home with a very happy face.

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