I Need You Tonight

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Baekhyun found himself at a small locally owned bar a few blocks away. It was his usual bar, the one he usually was unable to visit. Tzuyu hated drinking for some reason... or maybe it was only when Baekhyun drank.. None the less the act was taboo in their house hold. Baekhyun didn't drink solely to try and keep peace with the girl, but sometimes he needed it. His family would eventually turn him into an alcoholic, he thought.. You just wait.

Sipping slowly on his fourth or so drink he let his head fall back, the sweet taste of the concoction being all too surreal. He could feel his worries slowly dissolving; the vodka flowing over the wounds and numbing the pain. Baekhyun glanced around the bar. He saw small groups laughing and carrying on, he saw small couples basking in their own personal enjoyment.. It was a slap to his face. Perfect relationships.. ideal love.. what a hoax. He laughed into his drink, bubbling the rum in the glass before shooting it down.

His phone rang. Fumbling through his jacket pocket he searched for the device. Baekhyun laughed once he read the caller screen; well this was going to be rich. Leaning the weight of his head onto his left hand he placed his phone to his ear with the other. Silence.

"Hello? Are you even there?" The girl questioned irritated. Tzuyu waited impatiently for an answer; deciding to continue after yet another prolonged silence. "You have some nerve standing up and leaving in the middle of a meal your parents had invited you to. Do you realize how long I had to beg for you to be forgiven.. You really need to gain a brain Byun, you're going to ruin everything for the both of us... HELLO?! Are you even listening?!" The girl pressed on. The sheer sound of her voice made Baekhyun want to punch himself in the face; this really wasn't helping his mood in this current situation. He sighed.

"If you were gonna call just to yell at me you could have saved yourself the hassle." Baekhyun slurred his words into the receiver, a faint *hic* escaping through his lips. It was now Baekhyun that was impatient. "Hellooo, did you run out of things to call me already... come on Zhou; you can do better than *hic* that.." The intoxicated boy laid his throbbing head down onto the cold granite surface of the bar. He was greeted with more silence.

After a few moments he heard Tzuyu again. "You're drunk again aren't you?" Her voice seemed to sound an octave lower. It didn't terrify Baekhyun like it should. He just laughed into the receiver.

"You know I despise when you drink, Baekhyun," She was pretty much screaming into the receiver at this point. Baekhyun held the phone away from his ear, wincing in pain at his newfound lost eardrum. She continued to scold him without taking a breath in between.

"You're quite the fiancé; asshole... You know what? Don't even bother coming home. I really don't want to see the likes of you in my bed tonight." And with that she hung up before Baekhyun could even think of a retort. Well, what was he to do now, he shrugged.

Dragging himself off of the bar stool he motioned to the Bar keep, buying two more bottles of Soju before stumbling out of the bar. He made his way down the street with no exact destination in mind, he just wanted to walk. It was dark outside now, the lights and signs vibrantly glowed against the almost pitch black background. Opening one of the bottles of Soju he continued he way down the oncoming block. This was what his life entailed.. try to live life by unexceed-able expectations, fail miserably, be disowned by family, drink problems away, rinse, and repeat. It was like clock work.

As Baekhyun made his way bumbling down the sidewalk he heard someone call out his name. He stopped and looked around; literally seeing nothing because like he mentioned earlier, it was pitch black outside.. a figure started becoming more visible as it came closer, Baekhyun had to squint his eyes and physically lean forward to see who the dark stranger was. His heart immediately dropped.. of freaking course he would see me at my lowest. God, Baekhyun wanted to die.

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