Photographs of You

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Days passed and nothing had changed.

Sehun would stow away in the giant's room every night while Baekhyun was put on the sofa. Evenings grew long and sleep deprivation set in. Baekhyun had a difficult time sleeping when:

A. Park Chanyeol was within 10 feet of his person. And,

B. Oh Sehun was cuddled up next to Chanyeol every god damn evening..

Chanyeol noticed by day two that Baekhyun was literally dead on his feet; falling asleep at the table and passing out in the bath tub. He had allowed the older boy his bed in the mornings when he and Sehun woke for the day. Baekhyun was grateful. The bed was much more comforting, as soon as his back hit the mattress he would wrap himself into the sheets; breathing in his favourite scent. It didn't take long for him to fall fast asleep once he cocooned himself, but the bed always felt empty.. This brought him to another reoccurring issue.

Communication between Baekhyun and the giant had changed dramatically. The younger boy ceased any playful nature. There was no touching. There was no joking. And there certainly wasn't any of the.. other things. It felt as if Baekhyun had been forced back to square one.

That morning Baekhyun woke to a hand written note on the bedside table. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, he read out the message on the small yellow post it.

Sehun and I left early this morning,

Won't be back until late.

I left a key on the table for you to lock

the door when you leave,

Don't wait up.


Baekhyun crumbled the note into his palm and threw it at the wall forcedly.

Where the hell did those two go? They didn't have the decency of letting me know in person.. what If something happens? Who will bail you out when Sehun fucks something up!

Realizing there was no way he would be returning to a peaceful slumber anytime soon, Baekhyun dragged himself from the confines of Chanyeol's bed. Making his way out into the main living space he was greeted with absolute silence.

What am I going to do today then?

Today was Saturday. There was literally nothing to do on Saturday's.. Baekhyun would usually spend the weekends lounging around on his bed watching re-runs of the reality show 'Roommate'. He couldn't do that here, Chanyeol's television only reached to channel 40. Who the hell knew t.v's could cap off at a certain amount of channels?

After aimlessly wandering around the small apartment he decided he would tidy the place up. Chanyeol was kind enough to let him stay here; he could at least return the favour.

Starting in the living room he made his way through the entire house. He would find little things of Sehun's and contemplate setting them on fire, but he figured Chanyeol would be slightly unimpressed. While dusting the mantle off he perused through the mass of framed photograph's adorning the ledge.

Chanyeol must be a very sentimental guy.

He saw pictures of a man and woman happily carrying a little boy on their shoulders. That must have been his parent's and Chanyeol from many years ago. He came to the conclusion when he noticed how large the child's ears were. A smile broke out on his face, the pictures were endearing. He never had family memories like these. His were more-so cookie cutter images taken to showcase over his parents fire place. He himself had no photos of friends or family in his apartment. Continuing on he saw some more of the man and wife, and more of the little boy as he aged; all the way up to Chanyeol now.

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