Bonus: Merry Christmas

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"We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!" a chorus of young children belted from the small makeshift stage at the front of the room. As each little boy and girl attempted an awkward and semi choreographed bow, an eruption of applause fell from the audience.

Chanyeol's smile was gleaming from the response the children received. For the past few months the little starlet's had worked very hard on getting themselves stage ready for this year's Christmas pageant, and the joyous looks on their faces from the audience's reaction almost brought tears to his eyes. Leaving his post behind the large oak grand piano, Chanyeol excitedly jogged over to where his small husband; Baekhyun had been orchestrating the little ones. Grabbing his hand, the two made their way over to the small crowd of exuberant children on stage; guiding the smaller ones to link hands and take one final bow together as a team.

"Merry Christmas MinJi, we can't wait to see you in class next year!" Baekhyun cooed to the small four year old in her father's arms.

"Thank you Mr. Park, for taking good care of our daughter, she absolutely loves coming here." The older gentleman bowed in gratitude. Baekhyun accepted the gesture with a smile as he waved the small girl's family off. "Bye, Merry Christmas!"

After all of the children had reconnected with their guardians and well wishings were received all around, the Park couple hurried around their cozy space to shut it down.

"Hurry Yeol, it's already quarter after nine! We told Yoora we'd be home earlier." Baekhyun rushed the other as he ran to the master switch to turn all of the lights in the studio off.

"Yoora won't mind Baek, if anything she's probably happy she doesn't have to deal with your crazy antics." The giant chuckled out jokingly; receiving a punch to the kidney.

"Shut your mouth, Yoda. Your sister loves me more than she does you." The smaller male huffed out, Grabbing his wool peacoat and scarf from the coat rack.

Once the two were all dressed to leave, the door to the space was locked tight and the two quickly made their way out into the brisk December air.

Carefully stepping through the icy patches decorating the ground, Chanyeol linked his fingers between Baekhyun's, an extra precaution so the smaller male wouldn't fall from all of his rushing.

"A little impatient, are we?" Chanyeol chuckled at the frustrated sigh that fell from his husband's lips from the lack of speed in Chanyeol's steps.

"Of course I am! It's Christmas eve! Now hurry your ass up, Park." Baekhyun spoke assertively, trying to evoke some sort of authoritativeness.

All Chanyeol could do was continue to snicker at his little lover. "Is that supposed to motivate me?" The giant questioned.

"Maybe not," Baekhyun mentioned, closing the distance between the two. As he rose onto his toes trying to reach the giant's ear, the smaller's hand caressed dangerously high onto Chanyeol's thigh; earning itself an audible Gulp. "But, the things I'm going to do to you tonight should." Baekhyun whispered seductively; puffing a warm breath of air across the shell of Chanyeol's ear.

From the closeness between the two men, Baekhyun could tell that his message was well received. As if the younger had completely shifted gears, Baekhyun was being pulled quickly down the pathway. "What are you waiting for Baek Baby? We gotta go!" All Baekhyun could do was laugh at his lanky lover.

As the couple rounded the corner a few feet from their apartment, Baekhyun could feel small specks of cold flakes fall onto his cheeks. Slowing his pace, Baekhyun let his head fall back; admiring the sudden change of weather.

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