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Making his way into the class room he spotted the giant speaking intently to the Klein model in the corner, the latter not noticing him even enter the room. The other boys were in different assortments around the room working on various projects. One of the boys Baekhyun has grown quite fond of noticed the arrival of the other and waved Baekhyun down.

"Baek, over here!" Jongdae called out, motioning to the empty seat beside his station. It was then that Chanyeol's eyes flickered over to Baekhyun's; making immediate contact. The latter held his gaze in a deadlock, which made Baekhyun feel nauseous. He could tell the younger wanted to speak with him, but he wasn't at all ready for that. Shifting his eyes away he quickly made way over to Jongdae. The bright smile that always graced the boy's face slightly fell; a concerned expression remolding his former.

"Baek, are you ok? You don't look to well.."

Baekhyun rambled out some lame excuse about how he was just getting over a bug in his system, which reassured the other boy; smile returning back to his face.

He could feel the giants stare boring into his back, but he shrugged it off; paying full attention to his seat partner.

After class had ended Baekhyun hovered around to continue his conversation with Jongdae. The entire class the boys talked animatedly about the latest gossip in the music industry. It was enjoyable having friends.

"Hey, text me this weekend, We'll meet up and catch that new movie! I'll pay this time" The smiling boy called to Baekhyun before grabbing his bag and hurrying out the door.

Baekhyun was the only one left in the studio; taking his time packing up all of his sheet music and other belongings. He was more relaxed at this point, humming to himself intently. Then, he heard a soft click behind him as the studio door closed. He froze.

Well it was nice while it lasted.

Before he even turned around he could feel his heart rate quicken, he knew who it was.. and it was oddly terrifying. Slowly, he took in a deep calming breath; the air resonating deep in his lungs. He kept chanting inwardly to himself to keep his cool. This was no big deal, just two heterosexual males clearing up a slight misunderstanding, completely normal. And with his newly installed motivation he turned to face his tall dark stranger.

The pit in his stomach knotted as he took in the expression on Chanyeol's face. He looked hurt, confused ..sad.. so similar to the evening where they... NO Baekhyun, keep your thoughts in check GOD DAMN IT..

"Baek.." Chanyeol said in a hushed tone. He swallowed the sadness in his voice, Baekhyun's gaze being drawn to the bobbing Adam's apple. This was beginning to get really hard for the older boy.. or he was beginning to get really hard for the younger boy... Jeez Baekhyun you're doing it again! Think Heterosexual thoughts..

"Yeol, what's up?" Baekhyun threw out, trying to sound as casual as one could when their heart was on the verge of going into cardiac arrest. He turned back to his bag and continued to organize his things.

"... are you angry with me? You wouldn't speak with me for the past few days.. You wouldn't even look at me today.." The taller prodded on, dancing around the obvious reason of the whole conversation. Baekhyun had to defuse the situation while he had an emotional upper hand. If Chanyeol began veering the conversation down the path Baekhyun was greatly trying to avoid, he could not guarantee that he would not have a mental breakdown.

"Chan, you're just overreacting. I was just really busy the past few days; I've had so much on my agenda. I'm not mad at you, we're friends.. really good friends." Baekhyun stressed the last few words a little obviously, but he direly needed to get his point across. The other was silent for a period of time and Baekhyun assumed the younger boy caught on to what he was saying. He felt relief in the thought.

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