Sweet Dreams

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With an overstuffed pillow being hurdled at his face, Baekhyun lost balance and fell backwards onto the leather couch.

"You can sleep here, I'll grab you some water so you can sober up." Chanyeol stated blandly before retreating into the kitchen. Gazing around, Baekhyun took in all his surroundings. It looked very similar but there were a few things different that had caught his eye. More clutter on the shelving, smaller sized clothing strewn over a chair in the corner, as well as an additional jacket hung beside Chanyeol's on the wall. Baekhyun became slightly confused.

"Is there someone else that lives here?" Baekhyun uneasily called out from his place on the couch. He heard the patter of steps as Chanyeol returned to the living room with a tall glass of water in hand.

"Sehun crashes here every once and a while; he doesn't exactly know how to clean out when he leaves. But then again, he probably lives here more than his actual place." Chanyeol answered as he handed the glass over to the smaller boy.

Baekhyun's heart dropped to his stomach. Sehun stays with Chanyeol regularly? Sehun practically lives here? What the fuck? Stupid Oh Sehun.. With his model features.. and lithe body frame. Why couldn't he stay the fuck in his own lane? He was literally nicknamed 'The Ultimate Playboy,' he could have anyone he wanted; why in bloody hell did he have to go after Chanyeol!

"Uh.. Baek?"

Baekhyun snapped out of his hatred induced trance when the giant called out to him, realizing he had yet to accept the glass held out in front of him. With immediate flush being welcomed on his cheek bones he silently reached out for the water; shirking back onto the couch, sipping the liquid. He heard a slight huff from the younger boy.

"Try sobering up; I think it's affecting your brain." The giant called over his shoulder as he retreated into his own bedroom, slight exasperation in his words. "Goodnight.."

And he shut the door.

Chanyeol rubbed his tired eyes as he stood in the middle of the wooden floor. He certainly didn't expect this when he went out tonight. He and Baekhyun hadn't said as much as four words to each other in like an entire month, and now the boy was sleeping on his couch.

I couldn't just leave him there.. I'm helping because I was raised a good person! And stupid Baekhyun needs stupid guidance.. stupid drunkard.

Chanyeol lazily shed the clothing that currently adorned his body and pulled on a pair of dark gray sweat pants that hung on the edge of his foot board. Flopping down onto the large bed he curled himself around his blankets; the bottom half of his legs peeping out because he was too long for the fabric. He finally closed his eyes, welcoming sleep.

He could hear a faint creaking throughout the room, but ignored it because he had no intentions of opening his eyes. It was an old place; even the creaks had creaks. He snuggled back into his pillow; breathing in deeply. His mind didn't actually become fully aware until he felt the mattress dip down slightly behind him.

Chanyeol shot up in surprise, only to be greeted by Baekhyun's barely lit face. He grabbed at his chest while trying to regulate his heart rate. Was he trying to give me a damn heart attack?

"What the hell are you doing?" The younger boy hissed. Baekhyun could only make out the bottom half of the giants frowning face from the singular street light pouring through the window.

Baekhyun groaned in protest, "Its cold out there, I couldn't get to sleep."

"You could have just asked for a blanket, you know.." he retorted; staring down at the small boy.

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