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Today, Baekhyun awoke bitter and petulant; pre dispositioning his mood for the day's entirety.

His rest was repeatedly interrupted with the constant buzzing of his phone, notification after notification coming in. Completely consumed with agitation at this point, there was no room left to be tired. Reaching for the devil object charging beside him on the bed, Baekhyun pressed the concaved home button. The light from the small screen illuminated the entire room a deep blue. Baekhyun needed time to adjust his eyes, an almost film covering his retinas. Swiping his thumb in an upward motion he quickly scrolled through the –what seemed like a million- notifications. Other than the single Candy crush notification here and there, every other belonged to Instagram; a small strip of technicolor illuminating the left side of his screen as he scrolled with great speed.

Did I become Insta famous over night?

Maybe the constant food porn and aegyo selfies had finally paid off and Baekhyun was over-night'dly deemed the next Kim K of Instagram. Unlocking his phone and swiping to the second screen of apps, he opened the colorful square bubble. 100+ likes, 30 Comments. 14 Tagged photo's. Baekhyun's heart leapt in his chest, this was it.. the gateway to his new life of Korea's top models. Move over Kang Seung-hyun, I always knew this ass would get me places.

Tapping the bottom of the screen he read through the list of account activity, his breath becoming caught in his throat. One after the other, all he saw was two reoccurring names. @OohSehun and @Real__Pcy.

A whole story line of the other boy's late night events was displayed in front of Baekhyun. Well, now I can see why Chanyeol was so late.. Scanning through the many pictures that the two had either taken or had been tagged in, the angered boy began piecing the evening together.

The earliest pictures were of Sehun primping himself to perfection; caption stating 'Night out with the boy.' Who's fucking boy are you calling 'Boy', you little fuck.. Proceeding to pictures taken of both Sehun and Chanyeol at the concert hall. Every one of the photo's was dark and distorted looking, but Baekhyun could see the brightest smile on Chanyeol's face. Even as he clicked to view the 30th post in the row Chanyeol's exuberant aura never faltered. He watched the group admiringly, drank his liquor inconsequently, and held a smiling Sehun to his side ever so naturally..

Baekhyun knew he should stop going through the other boys' pictures, but he couldn't bring himself to close the app. He needed to know what went on last night, knowing Chanyeol was with Sehun drove him deranged. The picture time line continued. Chanyeol, Sehun and a group of unrecognizable people had stumbled out of the venue to a local bar; continuing to inhale liquor drinks throughout their make shift after party. Sehun sat on Chanyeol's lap as Chanyeol lazily slung his arm over the Klein model's shoulder, both sharing a glass of tinged yellow bubbly liquid. Comments littered the posted photo's, different renditions of 'Get the D' and 'You two look absolutely adorable together'. The comments made Baekhyun uncomfortable, a queasy feeling erupting in his stomach. Now was the time to stop prying Baekhyun.. After they all parted ways there were still shot's of the two drunken boys making their way home. In one shot Sehun clung to the giant's side, nuzzling his head into the crook of Chanyeol's neck as he smiled wide for his camera. Another photo had Sehun now on Chanyeol's back as the giant piggybacked him, laughing at whatever the stupid blonde had said to him in that moment.

Nearing the top of the photo stream had Baekhyun feeling relieved. But of course, he spoke too soon. That is when he saw his own name; @Baekhyunee_exo. With immediate caution, Baekhyun went through the 14 tagged photo's. It seemed that the two had found their way inside to an unfamiliar setting. It was a small and cliché studio apartment; exposed beams and Edison lightbulbs hanging everywhere.. it must be Sehun's place. Both boys had managed to find a comfortable surface to pass out on.. but the unrelenting image of Sehun's bed haunted Baekhyun deeply. Chanyeol wasn't supposed to be in Sehun's bed, he was supposed to be in his own where he belonged.. In their drunken stupor both Chanyeol and Sehun seemed to lose articles of their clothing. Chanyeol was now bare chested lying on his back and Sehun had only a t-shirt and boxers on. The last picture threw Baekhyun emotionally over the edge. Sehun was drowsily cuddled into Chanyeol's side as the other had his arms slung around Sehun's waist. Chanyeol had already passed out, but Sehun was awake enough to post this last image for only Baekhyun. It was a direct message.

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