Hello, It's Me

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** Just to give a heads up. Things do get a little heavy in this chapter. If you're not up for text relating to the idea of suicide or self harm, do not read this chapter.**

Waking up was a task and a half.

Sehun's eyes were swollen shut from all the crying he managed to do. It was surprising; one would think the tear ducts would dry out at some point. Pulling the blanket over his head he laid still. Being surrounded with Chanyeol's scent ripped irreversible tears into his heart.. sometimes it physically did hurt him. But he bared it all. Maybe someday he would become oblivious to the pain; become desensitized and he could take the harsh beatings with a smile on his face.. But for now, the long moments of sorrow and self-hatred would have to suffice.


Baekhyun stirred around in his bedding, snuggling into the warmth he felt. He could smell his lover's sweet scent; oddly calming his senses and lulling him into a comfortable silence. Although his heart hurt profusely, being within this presence made the pain go away; eluding an aura of protection. He snuggled himself into the sensations greedily.

"Good morning Baek.." a tired voice rang deep into his ear; freezing him still while his eyes shot open.

He saw the disarray of red tufts falling over the giant's closed eyes. Exhaustion was clear on the taller's face. Baekhyun was tucked into the younger's side on the sofa, limbs intertwined and breathing in sync. Anxiety began creeping through the smaller boy; whom was beginning to find it hard to breathe. This wasn't how it worked.. You don't get both Chanyeol..

"Get away from me!" Baekhyun yowled at the giant, pushing him away. Chanyeol fell to the floor; eyes shooting wide in surprise. "...Baek?"

Chanyeol could see the small boy on the verge of hyperventilating. Baekhyun had a small anxiety problem that crept up at times, Chanyeol had witnessed only a few 'attacks', but was able to calm the boy down before anything ever became of them. Reaching his hand to grip the other boy's arm, he gently spoke reassurances to the boy.

"Baek, it's ok.. Just calm down and we can talk about-" Baekhyun pushed his arm away forcibly. Tears started to well in the smaller boy's eyes; his chest heaving from the lacking intake of oxygen.

"Baekhyun.." Chanyeol was concerned.

"No, Chanyeol. Get away from me," Baekhyun cried.

"Not until you calm down. You're going to make yourself pass out." The giant became more authoritative; slightly angered that the smaller boy wouldn't let him help .Standing up from his place on the floor, he took the vacant spot beside the irrational boy. Baekhyun's eye's grew wide and began backing himself into the corner of the sofa when Chanyeol took a seat. The smaller boy's breathing became labored and his sentences came out in wails.

"No no no, Chanyeol just go.. Please stop this, I don't want you here.."

"Baek stop-"

"Chanyeol don't talk to me, just go away. Leave, Please!"

Chanyeol lunged his upper body forward; forcibly claiming Baekhyun's lips with his own. The smaller boy ceased all movement. The giant didn't pull away, only claiming the other's lips over and over. He needed some way to distract Baekhyun, or they would soon have a problem on their hands. Chanyeol could feel the smaller's breath regulate, finally. Slightly, Baekhyun began reciprocating Chanyeol's kisses; bringing his shaking arms up to cradle the younger boy's neck. Chanyeol could taste the new tears that seeped into the corner of his mouth, and felt Baekhyun's lips quivering as the other pulled away; resting his forehead against the red head's. His voice came out wavering and cracked; practically a whisper,

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