Chapter 19

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Back in headquarters, Seth alerted Master Xenon about what Violeta had said. In the meantime, Violeta gave orders to those on the mission with her to do double the work, secure the area and carry out the tasks necessary. She herself returned to the ship and returned to headquarters.

"What do you mean she is missing, Seth?!" asked Master, trying to contain his anger.

"Violeta said that she heard a scream and then her SCT lost contact with Sofía."

"How is it that everyone is so good at losing Sofía or leaving her to her own devices? Why, can for once, orders not be followed."

"Master, no one here is perfect, and we all apologize for not being as good as we can or should be, in advance. Nevertheless, I can assure you, Sir, that we all have the final mission clearly embedded in us and that we are doing everything in our power to serve you and carry out your orders as quickly and as efficiently as we can."

Master paced up and down the room a few times, sighing, before saying, "I know Seth. I know. I understand as well. But there are things I do not understand at the same time." He looked over at the stairs leading down into the laboratories.

"You worry about Diega, Master?"

"I just do not understand. When I started to understand, everything changed. I was left to doubt. I had no choice....I didn't want to."

"Does Sofía know?"

Turning to face Seth, "No." Master replied.

Seth was taken aback by this reply. "But, how-"

"I lied to her. I told her Diega was dead."

"Wait!? Master, you don't mean to say-"

"Diega is not dead!"


"I will NOT discuss this further; UNDERSTOOD?!"

"Yes, Master. My apologies."

At that moment, Violeta entered the room, running to where Seth and Master were standing.

"Explain yourself."

"We were on the mission and I called her to check if she found any useful leads-I noticed that she was being located on my map in an area she wasn't allocated to, nor was anyone meant to be there. The small conversation we had, I could tell that she hadn't been working on what I'd given her to do. I..I started to berate her but then I heard a yell that became muffled. I assume that was hers. I tried contacting her again but the SCT wouldn't connect."

"Why did you leave her to her own devices for Pete's Sake!! You couldn't have taken her with you?"

"Master, we had to work fast. Splitting up was the only way the group you sent could work through the terrain quickly and efficiently. As you know the traps must be set by dusk tomorrow. This doesn't leave much time!"

The way Violeta spoke, with such determination yet no cowardly fear of him or the situation, reminded Master Xenon of Diega. That memory was so powerful, it hit him as if it were a blade through the ribs. Literally, he felt pain. Turning away so that neither Seth nor Violeta could see, he commanded "Leave me. I will call you when I have agreed upon a plan."

Hearing the footsteps disappear he saw by his peripheral vision that they had gone. But he also managed to notice a figure hiding in the shadows in the room. Whether or not the figure realized he or she had been caught, Master prepared for an attack. He readied his sword and waited as the presence he felt came closer and closer. Turning around, he swiftly changed the path of the sword as the cloaked figure put down their hood.

"Did you miss me, Master?"

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