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Excuses any mistakes....

H.E.R  C H A P T E R 8

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"You look beautiful." I eyed her outfit. Even in her night clothes, she still looked beautiful.

She rolled her eyes."Please. I have on tights and a tank top. I look raggedy right now."

"No you don't. I don't get why girls think they got to have they face beat, and have on nice clothes to look cute. You look cute with just plain shit on." I told her honestly.

"Whatever." She waved me off.

"Oh. Ya nails looking nice." I grabbed her hand looking at her nails carefully. "You just got them done today? Cause the other day, they wasn't done."

"Thank you." She blushed. "I didn't even know you noticed."  She looked up at me surprised.

"I notice everything." I bit my lip.

"I'm sure you do." She grabbed my hand and started to play with my nails. "Why couldn't we go out, like you said?"

I sighed shrugging my shoulders. "We were going to go out, but I was hanging with my brother and lost track of time." I looked at her face seeing was she mad. She wasn't.

"I'll make it up to you, tomorrow."

She nodded looking up at me. "Where we gone go?"

"We can go to that carnival that just opened up. I heard they got some nice rides around there."

"Yeah. We can go there, I heard they make some good ass food." We both chuckled. "So when can we go?"

"Tomorrow night if you like. I ain't got shit to do." I shrugged looking at her.

"Shit. I can't. I have work tomorrow night." She rolled her eyes.

I scrunched up my face. "Are you serious right now. Your talking to the man in charge of the club, you can take off Babygirl." I smirked down at her.

"Thank you boss man." She smiled up at me.

"Your welcome." I nodded and looked out my window that was half rolled down. The environment she lived in was bad. Drug dealers out selling drugs, hookers on the corner trying to make money. Gangs on the corner. Shit was bad.

"Not trying to dog you or anything like that. But why you living in this environment?"

She shrugged looking out her window, even though she couldn't see nothing because my windows were tented jet black.

"This is what I can afford at the moment. I don't want to live here, I really don't. But I can't do nothing right now until I start making some more money."

"I understand where you coming from." I nodded. "It's hard out here."

"It really is." She chewed on her bottom lip.

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