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Excuse any mistakes....

H.E.R C H A P T E R 41


"Whatchu think I should say tho mom? Like what if she say no?" Jordan stressed rubbing his hands down his fresh cut.

"You're overthinking it. She loves you, she wouldn't say no baby. Trust me." She walked over to him. She never seen her son this stressed over a girl before.

"This girl really mean a lot to you huh?" She already knew the answer, she just wants to tease him.

"Yeah man. That's my world." He sighed. "I just don't want her to say no, like I put a lot of thought and time into this ring." He looked down at the 13 carat ring that he picked out for her. It was almost 10 thousand dollars.

No one knew this, but he been saving up money for the ring after they 5 month of dating. It was just something about her that he liked. He knew they would be something special; one day.

"She's not going to say no. If she's on the same page as you, why would she say no? Stop stressing and calm down." She rubbed his shoulder. "Calm down."

"I'm trying. Are you sure you going to have the baby shower ready mom? Cause I don't wanna' drag her there for a supr-

"It's going to be ready trust me. By the time y'all come there, everything is gonna' be done." She assured him going over to the stove turning off the cabbage.

"Is all the food done? Who helping you cook all the other food?" He don't believe him mom can have everything ready by 9.

It was so much stuff to do, they had some of the decorations done. But not all. They still had to pick up the cake and drop all the food off. He didn't know if they could do it or not.

"Sapphire, Lauren and a couple of friends of mine. Now would you get out, and trust me."

He sighed. "Alright. Mom I'm trusting you on this, please, please, please, have this ready by 9 or before?"

"You have my word." She was tired of Jordan nagging her, she knew what she was doing. She thought.

"Alright. I love you and thank you." He quickly kissed her cheek and exited the house. He had to go home, change into something nice and then pick up Christina.

Christina didn't know Jordan was taking her out to propose. All she know is Jordan is taking her out just for a date.

Within 25 minutes Jordan was a few blocks away from Christina shop.

"Jordan where are you? My feet is killing me." Christina sighed sitting down at her desk.

"I'm on my way now fat momma, and that's ya fault. You know damn well you don't supposed to be wearing heels at 8 months anyway." He fussed.

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