I glance around the restaurant expecting to see people sneaking looks at our table, Raj's surveillance team, but there seems to be nobody here expect us. I'm surprised. This is the first time I've been out and I had expected Raj not to trust me.
"Stop you look dodgy," Raj mutters never taking his eyes off his menu. He looks quite handsome tonight in a black suite with a black bow tie, his hair gelled back. I wish he'd smile again so I could see those dimples. They soften his look.
"Where did you get these clothes from?" I ask staring straight at him wondering where he managed to get clothes in my size. I suspect he's got a sister and there's where he got the clothing from but it would be a hell of a coincidence if she was exactly the same size as me.
"Bought them," Raj replies closing his menu placing it on the table next to him before summoning a waiter who scurries over to our table a look of pure fear in his eyes. I find myself panicking. I haven't even looked at the menu I was too busy trying to work out whether we were being followed.
"I'll have the steak rare please no sauce with chips and a side of onion rings," Raj says confidently taking his eyes from the waiter, who's scribbling furiously into his notepad, staring at me expectantly. I feel my eyes subconsciously widen out of confusion and panic. I quickly scan down the menu waiting for something to pop out at me.
"Um... Just the Cajun chicken burger please," I mumble as the waiter nods. I close my menu and hand it to him before he walks away. Raj is still staring at me and it's making me feel uncomfortable.
"I have a sister but there not her clothes. God, you are too easy to read. I bought them for you," Raj states like it is fact. I don't know what he means by me being easy to read. It sort of freaks me out but I quite like it in some weird way.
I hadn't meant to ask her to dinner. I definitely didn't expect to take her out alone. I just trust her. She seems nice enough and well she's seen me blow some guys brains out so she's definitely not going to try something.
"You want more freedom?" I repeat the question she had asked hours earlier. If she thinks I'm giving her more freedom she is kidding herself. I have to protect her from... No I have to stop Amaan from getting her so I can use her as leverage. This meal is very risky. If Amaan spots us there is no way he is letting his sister slip through his fingers again, and I don't have any back-up today.
"I promise I won't go to the police. I'll just go home and forget that any of this happened," Leyla falls into her pleading ways. She has no backbone, probably used to getting things first time with her parents. She needs to demand these things and slowly let tiny bits of begging into her tone not start off on her knees.
"Your parents?" I almost snigger but stop myself. This girl. Right now all the guilt I felt over her is being kept at bay by her stupid requests and her silly line of thought. She thinks she's just gonna swan back into her parent's home and act like nothing happened? She's sadly mistaken.
"Haan. They are looking for me," she mumbles placing her right hand on the table, creeping it over to her glass of water before letting her fingers grasp around it. She brings it up to her lips shaking and avoiding eye contact all the time.
"You've been watching the TV. You seen any reports on the fact you're 'missing'? You seen your parents begging for any information on your whereabouts, pleading for you to return home?" I smirk at her enjoying watching her squirm. Her parents don't give two fucks about her. She's been missing for over a month and her phone hasn't even rung, the police haven't even been called, nobody is looking for her... Apart from Amaan. It's funny really, that she has managed to convince herself that her parents actually care.

RomanceLeyla is kidnapped by Raj, a leader of a notorious gang, who wants information on a man Leyla 'knows'... But Leyla insists she knows nothing. When circumstances change things become complicated. How can Leyla and Raj cope with these certain changes?